View Full Version : Shower Or Bath?

04-10-2005, 06:44 PM
Which one?
I like to have bathes when there are loads of bubbles and its really deep.
But most of the time i have a shower coz you can just nip in and out and its so convenient.

04-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Is there two threads on this now?
shower ;]

04-10-2005, 07:04 PM
Ah damn i must have doubled the thread when i added a poll.
MOD close this one down.

04-10-2005, 09:42 PM
shower lolol.
I dont like baths :p

05-10-2005, 12:42 AM
Shower ;) .. Bathe gets me itchy for some reason :(

05-10-2005, 12:46 AM
Shower, the dirt falls right into the drain..
In the bath, it stays with you.

05-10-2005, 01:11 AM
Both i have a bath then have a shower :d

05-10-2005, 02:35 AM
baths when I have time to relax... otherwise I take a shower. But I prefer baths.

05-10-2005, 02:51 AM
Showers all the way :D Taking a bath wastes too much water

05-10-2005, 03:05 AM
Shower, baths are too... well I don't think its suitable to take a bath where also my dog bathes, I just prefer to shower.

05-10-2005, 03:08 AM
Shower, baths are too... well I don't think its suitable to take a bath where also my dog bathes, I just prefer to shower.

I bathe with my dog. :eusa_eh:

05-10-2005, 03:19 AM
Never tried that Kaut...

05-10-2005, 03:31 AM
I don't recommend it if your dog likes to splash :P

05-10-2005, 03:33 AM
My dog splashes, and swims in my bathtub in circles...

05-10-2005, 03:39 AM
mine just chews on the rubber duckie I got him for Christmas and licks my feet.

05-10-2005, 05:02 PM
I prefer a bath because i love when you fill it up with loads of bubbles when you put in bubble bath that smells really nice it's lush. Also i like when you make it really warm so it's just nice to get into. I do like showers sometimes though mainly because of quickness and when you have a shower on a morning i think it really wakes you up.

05-10-2005, 05:52 PM
Showers baths are yuck cleaning in your own filth not very hygenic

05-10-2005, 05:53 PM
Showers baths are yuck cleaning in your own filth not very hygenic

That gives me a lot of thought, though I have anti-bacterial soap so...
Yes im a germophobe.

05-10-2005, 05:55 PM
The Shower, as ours is broken, and I hardly ever have the privelege of using one. I always have to use the boring old bath. :\

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