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View Full Version : Confronting Parents..

04-10-2005, 09:05 PM

I have decided to bring up the ''Letting parents know your sexuality'' topic..

Just recently, I confronted my parent's about my sexuality. The only family members who knew my sexuality was my, Granny and Cousin (Jason) -- Because Jason is gay also.

You're probably saying inside, how does this person have the bravery and guts to confront his parents about his sexuality, well when you think hard and sore about the situation, You need to let them know one day.

Perhaps, Your parents have asked you questions such as; why have you not had a girlfriend? Or.. Do you find males attractive? Same with girls.

They are obviously going to have that feeling inside, saying to themselves, what sexuality is my son/daughter.
Inside, I know my parents don't care about my sexuality, they just want the best for me.

I confronted my granny first, and she told me what to do.

Now, You don't HAVE to confront your parents about your sexuality, only if you feel comfortable about it. I feel alot more comfortable now that I have told them.

Here is my parents response to me sitting down with them and saying, Mum.. dad, I need to tell you both something, well.. I have been having urges for males and I think I may be gay.
Mum: That's perfectly fine Colin, because it could be a phase, most boys go through this.
Colin: Then if it's a phase i've had it for a few years.
Dad: Don't worry, we only want whats best for you.

I won't tell you the rest, too disturbing, LOL.
But it's that easy to confront your parents, I don't know all of your parents and how you feel about them.
But this topic is for those who feel they want to or wish to confront their parents about their sexuality. Also, please post if you already have confronted parents about your sexuality, and what did they respond with?


04-10-2005, 09:08 PM
Wow, Good to know, (Im not gay or bi...) but it is very helpful :D + Rep

04-10-2005, 09:51 PM
I guess I had it easy. The Mothers not at all homophobic and her brother is gay so with me having a gay uncle it kinda eased my mind a bit, because she accepted him. Anyway, I sat her down and told her that I had feelings for guys, and she gave me a big hug, the amount of comfort you feel is unbelievable. I just felt so happy that someone finally knew. Shes proud of who I am so it's all great really.

04-10-2005, 10:21 PM
My parents wouldnt be ashamed or anything, but it would give them a shock. Im not sure about my reletives though, some are catholic.
Anyway, how old are you? Im not saying you cant know when you are young, Im just saying, there are many people who go through phases like that.

05-10-2005, 12:16 AM
I won't even tell my parents that I DJ on the internet lmao.

Good job col, although I'm straight, I suppose this thread would be useful if I was the only gay in the Canadian Village eh?

05-10-2005, 06:15 AM
Aaah, My cousin is a man now, he still hasnt told the family he is gay. Most of my family are homaphobic idiots. Thing is, half my homaphobe cousins have seen me kiss girls (I am straight im just experimental) and thought it was hillarious. But if my cousin was to tell them he was gay they would kick him in completely. Rude i no but you cant help the familys your born into </3

05-10-2005, 04:27 PM
That's very good Kairo, +rep for that.

I'm straight, well right now I am. So nothing to worry about. But I'd prefer to tell my parents no matter how hard it may seem, to tell them as soon as I find out. After experiments etc.

05-10-2005, 04:58 PM
Sorry, I'm not ready to tell yet.

Considering I have 4 brothers and a sister.
My family is big, I'll wait.

But good thread. <3

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