View Full Version : Hey, How?

16-10-2004, 05:53 PM
How did you guys Get So Rich , Did you spend loads on Cred? Cos i dont wanna?

16-10-2004, 06:00 PM
well after i got hackd alot of friends donated like yukkas or holodice witch i sold for hc sofas then with those hc sofas i ripd people off to get other norms or rares and after i had enough profit i traded for more hc sofas

16-10-2004, 06:41 PM
Spend credits is my way. Keep getting HC and all your rares you get trade for HC sofas. Thats my plan!

16-10-2004, 07:07 PM
well i wouldn't call myself rich (i have bout 32 hcs worth), but a few months ago i didnt even have a duck so its not that bad. what i did was collect donations (ducks) and traded them gradually for holodices. then traded the holodices for an hc sofa. then i sold the hc sofa for more then traded the stuff i got from that for more stuff and so on. but the main way i got as much as i have was by buying the speakers corner when it first came out. i sold each for 4 hcs and then traded 2 hc for a speaker..then traded the speaker for 3 or 4 hcs so i made about 8 hcs from speaker corner trading. after that i've bought things for cheap and sold for more..sometimes making upto 1 or 2 hcs profit each time (if im lucky). also, when you're richer you make even more profit from trading because if you're REALLY rich you can buy a red birdbath for example for 24 thrones, then sell for 27 thrones so you make about 3 throne profit (50 hcs). the richer you are the easier it is to get richer. its the starting bit thats the hardest ;)

17-10-2004, 09:02 AM
Wow, That's a pretty good strategy :P. Basicly what i did, is wait for some of my friends to quit and they just gave me there furni, my irl friends :D. They were rich, but now, I Have it :'). Not all tho , Some other friends got it to :P.

But, That was how i got my furni ^_^

17-10-2004, 06:35 PM
ya david but before everytime u got a g/f u gave them ur furni like Kate lol

19-10-2004, 01:02 AM
haha, Well, I got it aLLL back now ;). So im loaded again. wootzers :D. I even got her furni now. She quit :(. She shall be missed tho :'(

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