View Full Version : What Tv do you have?

08-10-2005, 01:51 PM
Well people do, what car do you own or what mobile do you have threads so i don't see why you can't have a; What Tv do you have thread x]

Anyhoo when i say what Tv you have i mean in your Living room.

Use to have a black boxy tv in my living room lol eugh x[

Then we got this uber cool Tv the make is; Loewe its a german brand and its amazing picture quality.


Special Features;
-Press a button and the tv screen swivels around to suit which ever position your sitting in xD
-When you put the tv on standby the screen goes off like black curtains lol
-Amazing Picture Quality
-Amazing Sound

We also got the surround sound system with it (not the one shown on the image) and a subwoofer, and in the little cabinets it holds; DVD's, DVD player, Freeview player, Video player, Amplifier x]

Hows about you?

08-10-2005, 01:54 PM
Flashy^ ;)

I've got a LG Flat screen 32" T.V Its really good for movies and Footie

08-10-2005, 02:34 PM
Awesome :P yeh i love watching movies with surround sound makes you feel like your in the movie, it rocks, i love movies xD <3

08-10-2005, 02:39 PM
in front room a 42" toshiba. but my dad has ordered a new one, a 42" panasonic or something its proper cool but its taking ages to come because there is a shortage of them in the world cause they are so popular and good. i just dont see the point we dont need a new one but my dad likes his electronics.

08-10-2005, 02:40 PM
A big one on the wall. I'll take a pic when I can be bothered. Get's too much glare in the day though

08-10-2005, 02:43 PM
we have a huge 67" plasma on our wall and in my room i have 4 t'vs built into the wall and they all show whats on t.v at the same time

08-10-2005, 02:44 PM
Lol cool, and lol same here steph, dads and there toys xD eh lol

08-10-2005, 02:46 PM
we have a huge 67" plasma on our wall and in my room i have 4 t'vs built into the wall and they all show whats on t.v at the same time
:o cool!
we were gonna get the 50" cause its better to upgrade but it was too big and it would look too big for the room.
ano Chloe its soo annoying though lol cause it's like I could buy loadsa clothes with that amount of money.

08-10-2005, 03:15 PM
32" Goodmans i think. And i have a little rubbishy TV in my room bit it'll do.

08-10-2005, 03:52 PM
Freeview rawks!!!!!!!1111

08-10-2005, 05:14 PM
Haha, we just got a plasma HD TV last week:eusa_danc We dont have the HD cable for it yet, but its comming soon. Took a picture of it in our den (Where our good TV always goes):


43 inches (109.22 cm):D :eusa_danc. One problem is I cant hook my gamecube up to it because if it freezes it does something to the TV, but I can hook it up on special occasions or when people are over.

08-10-2005, 10:41 PM
Haha, the TV in my room is bigger than the downstairs one. Mine was an Xmas present. It's a 38" JVC TV. The downstairs is a 32" SONY TV. :)

08-10-2005, 10:49 PM
Woah, nice tv stratocas :o -Glares

08-10-2005, 10:53 PM
My dad is thinking about getting a wide flat screen plasma tv from PC World which comes with a PC thingy from Advent which holds memory. Basically a TV with a Computer.

08-10-2005, 10:57 PM
My dad is thinking about getting a wide flat screen plasma tv from PC World which comes with a PC thingy from Advent which holds memory. Basically a TV with a Computer.

Don't plasma's break after a while? I've heard that after 4 years they break or problems occur with them?
Maybe just a rumour but I've heard about this many times, correct me if I'm wrong :)

08-10-2005, 11:08 PM
Don't plasma's break after a while? I've heard that after 4 years they break or problems occur with them?
Maybe just a rumour but I've heard about this many times, correct me if I'm wrong :)
Probably is true. Perhaps I should hint flat screen?

08-10-2005, 11:13 PM
Probably is true. Perhaps I should hint flat screen?

Maybe, Flat Screens basically have the same picture quallity as a plasma. I think Plasmas are more for Style, there thin which everyone loves these days.

My T.V is quite chunky but the sound and picture quality is very good.

With only the Nicam speakers on, it makes alot of noise.

08-10-2005, 11:58 PM
Don't plasma's break after a while? I've heard that after 4 years they break or problems occur with them?
Maybe just a rumour but I've heard about this many times, correct me if I'm wrong :)

Well, what sometimes used to happen with them, is if a picture is frozen on the screen, the picture burns in. So you know how some channels put a little logo in the bottom corner? If you have that station on a lot, the logo would burn into the screen and would stay there no matter what channel you have it on. They are much better about it now though, they say it takes a very very long time on the same channel without turning it off for it to happen.

09-10-2005, 12:21 AM
Oh yeh i've heard of that, if i leave a channel on for too long or something my dad is like, put the tv on standby or turn it off plz cause it burns the lazer or something lol :S

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