View Full Version : Story-He beat up my mum then started on me..

09-10-2005, 11:16 AM
This is not a true story but for some,it is Tell me what you think of this story,it happens to people in real life who are too scared to talk about it!

My parents split up when I was ten and for a while me it was just me, my sister Kelly, and my mum. Then she met Gary...

It was weird thinking of mum having a boyfriend but I was happy for her. Gary seemed really romantic, always buying flowers and chocolates and things. I got used to having him around and after about six months he moved in with us and they got married. Life was pretty normal really.

Then when I was 14 things changed. Gary lost his job and hung around the house every day. He started drinking staying out all hours and sometimes not coming home at all. I could tell that Mum was worried, shed often have a go at him when he got in drunk.

It seemed like they were always arguing, keeping my sister and me awake at night. I didn’t realise it was about to get a lot worse.
One night when I was getting ready for bed mum came into my room. She had a strange mark on her cheek. "I hit it on the wardrobe door," she told me, "Silly me."

After that mum seemed to become a lot more clumsy, always having little accidents. She had bruises all over her arms and often on her face.

Part Two!
One night when we were eating dinner, Mum asked Gary if he'd been to the job office and he just flipped. "Why can't you just leave it?" he yelled. They both started screaming at each other. Then suddenly he smacked my mum round the face and stormed out, pushing me to the floor as he went.

He had split her lip and there was a lot of blood. We did our best to clean mum up. She was really quiet. "Don't tell anyone," she told me, "He's having a hard time at the moment, it won't happen again." It was hard, but I love my mum so I kept quiet.

I started to hate Gary. He was ruining my life. I wasn’t getting much sleep cos I could hear him and mum fighting downstairs and this was affecting my concentration at school. I felt really frustrated.

"I started taking it out on other kids at school, getting into fights and being mouthy in class..."
Me and Kelly tried to be really good at home to avoid fights, but the least thing could set Gary off and he often threatened to hurt me. I felt guilty because I couldn't protect my mum and sister. The violence got worse and I started to hate him more and more.

Gary put my mum in hospital for the first time on Christmas Eve. It was awful. She wasn’t allowed home until Boxing Day so we didn’t have a proper Christmas.

I thought this would be the last straw and mum would leave Gary, but he kept saying he was sorry and that it would never happen again. Just like he always said. For some reason she always believed him.

Final Part!

The next time it happened, the police came round. I heard my step dad talking to them at the door. The police told him that if it happened again he could be charged.

Then one day I got a text from my mum when I was at school saying to get kelly and come home right away. When we got back the house was a state and my mum looked terrible. She said we had to pack up and leave before my step dad came back. It was really frightening.

"We took everything we could carry and went to a refuge..."
It was like a normal house, but it was run by workers and there was another woman and her son there who had been through the same thing as us.

We lived there for three months.Gary kept phoning my mum, beging her to come back and then threatening her. But she'd had enough. She told the police about the phone calls and he was charged for making threats.

Eventually things went a bit quieter. We moved to a new house, and I started at a new school. Gary can’t come near us because there's a Court Order against him.

I still worry that he'll come back into our lives and mess everything up. But now I talk to my mum and we've agreed: no ones ever going to hurt our family again.

Okay, Just tell me what you think of it
i find this story touching.. :)

09-10-2005, 11:18 AM
It was good, but you wrote:

"Dave seemed really romantic, always buying flowers and chocolates and things. "

I think you meant to write Gary.

09-10-2005, 11:21 AM
It was good, but you wrote:

"Dave seemed really romantic, always buying flowers and chocolates and things. "

I think you meant to write Gary.
Lol thanx for that :P

09-10-2005, 11:26 AM
Wow that was a good story, well done :) +rep

09-10-2005, 11:29 AM
Wow that was good..
Really touching it takes someone really talented to write about a subject like that and do it beautifully <3

09-10-2005, 12:49 PM
Great story, really life like. +Rep.

09-10-2005, 12:53 PM
Thanks everyone! for your comments im glad you like it :)

09-10-2005, 01:12 PM
Good story but the pink writing kinda hurt my eyes :p

09-10-2005, 01:25 PM
Lmao Aww sorry ill know next time :p !

09-10-2005, 01:43 PM
Yeah i thought it was a bit hard to read?

09-10-2005, 02:16 PM
Yeh same here, i had to highlight it to read it lol..

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