View Full Version : habbos.co.uk taking images from habbos.se

10-10-2005, 04:29 PM
When i first saw this i couldn't belive this! I never take i picture that marskatta (befor a gold hobba) has made!

Look at there news "Habboween" and look at the dancing girl.

Look at the Marsdans there. I never thought a english fansajt would copy from a swedish fansajt!

Marskatta that have made the pic has post it in a other forum. I will post link later.

(i hope this is right place to post this theard, and sorry for the bad english :()

If you go down little u can see it. And there it was post in 01-09-2005.

And the habbos.co.uk news in Monday, October 10th 2005 – 05:32.

10-10-2005, 04:32 PM
Habbos is offical and displays the offical fan-site disclamer meaning they can take images from any habbo hotel website

10-10-2005, 04:33 PM
What he said =]

10-10-2005, 04:35 PM
Habbos is offical and displays the offical fan-site disclamer meaning they can take images from any habbo hotel website

Exactly :D

10-10-2005, 04:35 PM
Omg the picture is not from habbohotel!! it is from habbos.se -.-

and im the owner of habbos.se and i have never give them rights to copy our pics

10-10-2005, 04:52 PM
The Habboween is from Habbohotel.

10-10-2005, 04:53 PM
Habbos is offical and displays the offical fan-site disclamer meaning they can take images from any habbo hotel website

Habbos.se is a fansite. And i belive that you´re not aloud to copy pictures from other fansites, or am I wrong?

10-10-2005, 04:54 PM
Is habbos.se apart of the Habbos network?

10-10-2005, 04:59 PM
I have done that animation my self,
it is not from habbohotels page
and i dont want ppl to steal:(

10-10-2005, 05:05 PM
Is habbos.se apart of the Habbos network?


lol i wrote wrong up there

habbos.co.uk took a image fom habbos.se
that's it.

and the image is not from habbohotel it s from habbos.se by maskatta

and habbos.co.uk and habbos.se is not the same "network"

10-10-2005, 05:10 PM
Sorry i reffrerded to it as a network as sites sometimes do international versions.

Just email the site webmaster and ask them to take it off

10-10-2005, 05:11 PM
Habbos is offical and displays the offical fan-site disclamer meaning they can take images from any habbo hotel website
I am confused now. No they can't, not from what I know. All they are is Official, not meaning they can steal other thing. I for one know that Habbos.co.uk stole a few things from the GIHabbo Text Converter and shuved it on their Goodies page. All they got was aload of moaning from me but apparently someone submitted them.

Being official means you're site is linked to Habbo UK, you get responsibilities and should be generally good.

12-10-2005, 06:46 PM

Here more images by marskatta! Gahh, this is ridiculous.

Look at that, the last word is *bites* but in Swedish. They have everything against them. >_>

12-10-2005, 06:50 PM

Here more images by marskatta! Gahh, this is ridiculous.

Look at that, the last word is *bites* but in Swedish. They have everything against them. >_>
Not to mention he stole my Tutorial from GIHabbo and some images :rolleyes:

12-10-2005, 06:55 PM
Not to mention he stole my Tutorial from GIHabbo and some images :rolleyes:
:@ Gahh... They are breaking against the law.

I gonna report them to sulake/habbohote.co.uk (so they dont is a offeciell fansajt anymore). And we have email but they dont delet the images.

12-10-2005, 07:00 PM
:@ Gahh... They are breaking against the law.

I gonna report them to sulake/habbohote.co.uk (so they dont is a offeciell fansajt anymore). And we have email but they dont delet the images.

you better should ,they are breaking the fansite way,Im shure it says some where 'All Your content has to be your own' and that isnt 'their own'.

12-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Do not report Habbos, report Leko or whatever the hell his name is.

12-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Do not report Habbos, report Leko or whatever the hell his name is.

yeah get him fired and make his repetuation worse than ummm dunno some one bad :P

12-10-2005, 07:09 PM
Seems lik everyone steals from gihabbo, i used your layout but i am willing to bet you stole it from them, why would an offical fansite steal something from a rubbish cheap one like gihabbo who cant make their own layout but have to use habbos, but modify it.

12-10-2005, 07:53 PM
Seems lik everyone steals from gihabbo, i used your layout but i am willing to bet you stole it from them, why would an offical fansite steal something from a rubbish cheap one like gihabbo who cant make their own layout but have to use habbos, but modify it.
You just contradicted yourself by admitting to being an idiot. You stole GIHabbos layouts and never removed it making you a webby n00b, lazy and pathtic and now you have admitted to being an idiot from stealing from a site you think is for idiots when your worthless site isnt worthy of Habbo "/

You are an even bigger idiot for not pointing out the obvious, when they posted the Tutorial it was posted recently. It has been on GIHabbo since Easter, dimwit. Go steal a layout from somewhere "

yeah get him fired and make his repetuation worse than ummm dunno some one bad :P
I think the above idiot is him, seems stupid enough "/

12-10-2005, 11:18 PM
You just contradicted yourself by admitting to being an idiot. You stole GIHabbos layouts and never removed it making you a webby n00b, lazy and pathtic and now you have admitted to being an idiot from stealing from a site you think is for idiots when your worthless site isnt worthy of Habbo "/

You are an even bigger idiot for not pointing out the obvious, when they posted the Tutorial it was posted recently. It has been on GIHabbo since Easter, dimwit. Go steal a layout from somewhere "

I think the above idiot is him, seems stupid enough "/


13-10-2005, 02:00 PM
You just contradicted yourself by admitting to being an idiot. You stole GIHabbos layouts and never removed it making you a webby n00b, lazy and pathtic and now you have admitted to being an idiot from stealing from a site you think is for idiots when your worthless site isnt worthy of Habbo "/

You are an even bigger idiot for not pointing out the obvious, when they posted the Tutorial it was posted recently. It has been on GIHabbo since Easter, dimwit. Go steal a layout from somewhere "

Well that just shows how stupid you are, we removed that layout 2days before you even posted that so yes we did remove it, and yours is rubbish compared to our new one.

Edit: Also, why is my site not worthy of habbo, what makes my site not worthy and GIHabbo worthy?

13-10-2005, 04:26 PM
Well that just shows how stupid you are, we removed that layout 2days before you even posted that so yes we did remove it, and yours is rubbish compared to our new one.

Edit: Also, why is my site not worthy of habbo, what makes my site not worthy and GIHabbo worthy?
Your layout is better than GIHabbos? It isnt even your layout! It is a free one which has the background editted and isn't even Habbo Related other than the background which you probably stole from GIHabbo, as with the Badges because they are named exactly as I named them when I found them "/ DO you own research and not steal others.

The navigators CSS needs updating.

You steal things for your own gain.

You're the stupid one here, you can't make your own layout! You either steal or get a free one from http://www.darkbow.dk/ which shows you are far to lazy to make your own layout, so you steal or get a free one.

Your use a free domain name.
You don't have your own proper host, you are with Habbox Hosting that has problems with Customer and Complaint issues.

13-10-2005, 04:30 PM
The CSS on the navigator worked fine when i designed it, but there was a problem when uploading it etc.. it is being fixed and as for free, we pay more than you, we pay for the hosting and for the radio. You proberly pay £15 a year where as i pay £44. I will also be purchasing a .co.uk or .net domain very soon but there have been complications and i was not willing to purchase one unless i needed to. Also technically you did not deisgn your layout, you used habbos aand also my website has loads of habbo content so yes it is habbo worhty, just coz the layout. You are pathetic and are not worth arguing with.

also, come near my website again i will ban you from it ALL

13-10-2005, 04:31 PM
So does GIHabbo, for a real host and a domain "/

13-10-2005, 04:33 PM
What, and i edited the post so you may wish to read it ( i editted as you were posting).

13-10-2005, 04:42 PM
You're still more pathetic for stealing a layout because you are too dumb to code and make your own. GIHabbos is not the same as Habbo Hotels, it has been coded to stretch while HabboHotels hasn't, it merely gets destroyed any pages that have been stretched. So technically we did, we just used the famous Habbo Hotel images for the basic look, everything was designed except the look. We had to cut the images used in the layout to add to the GIHabbo layout. Notice www.cineme.gihabbo.co.uk which is basically a recoloured version of GIHabbo that is Theatredrome orientated.

The host GIHabbo is on pays over £100 because GIHabbo is a side site off another site.

Your site has no content, all it is is Cutenews and stuff about Staff. Goodies is the only interesting page which have badges stolen from GIHabbo because whoever created that page was too lazy to do some research. So who is pathetic now? GIHabbo doesn't steal, we do our own research on Habbo to get things e.g. Catalogue Rares in Rare Watch, The UK Badges in Habbo Fact and so on.

You don't even have those sorts of pages.

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I also have reason to believe you only called me pathetic because I have more arguements against you than you have against me "/

13-10-2005, 04:48 PM
Cinema.gihabbo.co.uk is ok, but there is not cntent, add some and also, end of this arguement, i am not repared to agrue with you anymore, you are PATHETIC and how on earth did you become a moderator here with your atitude you should be fired, in fact i may report you myself.

13-10-2005, 04:49 PM
Cinema.gihabbo.co.uk is ok, but there is not cntent, add some and also, end of this arguement, i am not repared to agrue with you anymore, you are PATHETIC and how on earth did you become a moderator here with your atitude you should be fired, in fact i may report you myself.
Fine go ahead if you really must, I don't care. You call me pathetic while I have more evidence of you being pathetic. Why am I pathetic? Because I pointed out your patheticness or was it because I upset you? I am also not being rude, just trying to get into your mind how lame you are :rolleyes:

Also, you are a site owner. Why did you use the F word when I was pointing out on your forum to all your users that you can't make layouts so therefore get freebies or steal?

Hatake Kakashi
13-10-2005, 06:58 PM
have more evidence of you being pathetic. Why am I pathetic? Because I pointed out your patheticness or was it because I upset you?

Lmao. Gomme always getting into arguements :P

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