View Full Version : French - Parts of the Body

11-10-2005, 05:30 PM
French -
Ok, Im going to write down the basic parts of the body for you too learn and things you might want to say in a hospital in France or understand . I'll try and make other threads about other stuff too, Thanks for reading and hope it helps =)

Les parties du corps - Parts of the body

Le corps - Body
La tete - Head
L'oiell / Les yeux - Eye/eyes
L'oreille - ear
Le nez - nose
La bouche - mouth
Les dents - teeth
Le bra - arm
Le dos - back
La main - hand
Le ventre - stomach
La jambe - leg
Le pied - foot

Touchez . . . ne touchez pas . . touch/don't touch
Pliez! - fold!
Tournez! - turn!
Levez! - raise!
Baissez! - Lower!

Des maladies/Des problemes - Illnesses/problems

J'ai mal au nez/bras - my nose/arm hurts
J'ai mal au ventre - I have a stomach ache
J'ai mal a la tete/gorge - I have a headache/sore throat
J'ai mal au dos/genous/pied - my back/knee/foot hurts
J'ai mal a la jambe - my leg hurts
J'ai mal a l'oreille - I have a earache
J'ai mal a l'epaule - my shoulder hurts
J'ai mal aux yeux/pieds - my eyes/feet hurt
J'ai mal aux dents - I have a toothache
J'ai chaud - I'm hot
J'ai froid - I'm cold
J'ai faim - Im hungry
Je suis fatigue - I'm tired
J'ai soif - I'm thirsty
J'ai peur - I'm afriad
Je suis malade I'm ill

When i have a bit more time I will add to this and put in illnesses/problems, remedies and eating/drinking
Thanks again ;)

11-10-2005, 05:35 PM
Cool ^^ Mm.. haha I'll never remember them but yeah :P THanks XD

11-10-2005, 05:39 PM
Iv'e added a bit more so hope it helps =) Thanks

11-10-2005, 06:42 PM
cool ill print that learn them for when i cant be bothered to d owork and say 1 of dem as an excuse in french to get out of lesson :)

11-10-2005, 06:45 PM
cool ill print that learn them for when i cant be bothered to d owork and say 1 of dem as an excuse in french to get out of lesson :)
Lol! Thats a good idea :P

16-10-2005, 06:54 PM
J'ai mal aux yeux ;P

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