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12-10-2005, 03:16 PM
-.- In Art today we were doing mono prints and the classroom was sooo hot so i wiped ma forehead and when i got out the class (it was break and the corridors were soo crowded) these donuts from my art class were like "You got paint on you" i was like "o.O No i dont -.-" then a teacher was in front of me and was like "Yeah you do right on your forehead here" i was like :O and i ran to the toilets and i had some fat black line across ma head :@ and to top it all off i got a new jacket that cost £64 and 'cause my table is right by the sinks the ****'s in my class got black paint on the sleeves :@:@i was sooo stressed i shouted out ":@RIGHT WHICH ONE OF YOU ****ERS HAS PUT PAINT ON MY COAT?!?!?!:@" Everyone was suprised because i dont usually shout in class then i found all these paint dribbles that lead from the sink to the table behind me so i knew it was the donuts that did it. So they got a detention haha

12-10-2005, 03:31 PM
Do you go Sundon Park? Because at Ashcroft the students are much better =]

12-10-2005, 03:35 PM
What are mono prints? i aint that clever

12-10-2005, 03:44 PM
Do you go Sundon Park? Because at Ashcroft the students are much better =]

No'z i go Lealands but i live in Sundon Park i use to go Sundon Park Junior's though ;)

Mono prints are a blob of black paint and you roll it out to make it even then you put a piece of paper down and you draw on top of that then when you peel it off it looks v. good and it looks kinda old looking 'cause were doing architecture. ill try and scan mine when i get my sketch book back

12-10-2005, 03:47 PM
ok kool lol all my mates are standing on my feet cos i got some new converse and i am odd and want to keep them clean

12-10-2005, 04:03 PM
ok kool lol all my mates are standing on my feet cos i got some new converse and i am odd and want to keep them clean


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