View Full Version : [Building] [HCRC] Habbo Christian Resource Center

08-07-2004, 10:11 PM
My Friend Bread77 and I have decided to stop making game rooms, and start telling people about Jesus on habbo! Our new habbo christian ministry named [HCRC] Habbo Christian Resource Center will be offering a wide range of services and activities. So far you can:

Learn about Jesus, God, and Christianity.
Get Advice or Counseling
Participate in promotion contests
Participate in Scheduled Bible Studies (for already christians only)
Become a staff
Donate to the ministry

If you do not feel comfortable donating to us, please do not. ALL of our donations will go toward contest prizes, or will be given away to DESERVING habbos. We will have a question screening, and will give only to habbos who truly need it. Such as, if a habbo comes and accepts Jesus as their personal savior, we may give them a piece of furniture if they have none, and we feel they truly deserve some. We aren't going to be stingy with giving away furniting either tho. If you feel led to donate to our ministry please drop off any furniture in the [HCRC] Donations Room by searching TheDude7474. I assure you, these donations will go to good use and help spread the word of Jesus Christ on habbo.

If you are interested in this room, please drop by and give us a look. To become a [HCRC] Staff please email me at to get teh application form. You will have to share your testimony (how you came to know Christ as your savior) and you must be a strong christian, who knows the bible well, and you must attend a church regularly. We need the following staff: 1) Website designer. A website is needed to make the [HCRC] more user friendly. 2) Staff to help keep the room up and give advice or counseling. 3) Staff to run contests 3) Staff to spread the word about our room 4) Bible Study Leaders.

To participate in our scheduled bible study (for christians only) becuase you want to learn more about the bible, please email to sign up. If you attend regularly, and you are interested, you may get an opportunity to lead a study. Schedule for the bible study can be found on the sticky in the [HCRC] room. Dates and Times will be in Eastern Standard time in the USA.

If you do not know who Jesus Christ is, and you would like to lean more about him or the christian religion, please drop by the room and we will help you out in any way we can. If there is noone in the room for a long period of time (due to not enough staff) please email and i will do my best to answer your questions or set up a counseling time.

Our contests are not at a particular time, and are to promote the ministry and get word out about it only, and to keep interest up in our room.

Please drop by the room for any further questions or email

IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS OR IDEA FOR THE ROOM PLEASE TELL US! We want to make the [HCRC] as effective as possible!



EDITED BY Jack20012002: never give out your email addresss!

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