View Full Version : [Building] Rate My Room

08-07-2004, 11:09 PM
Hello Everyone,

I've just pretty much finished designing my room. So I was wondering if anyone could perhaps drop by it and take a look then come back here and rate it.

I am also looking for suggestions. Any and every suggestion and ideas are welcome. From furni placement or what furni I should get to the room's name and what I should write on the sticky. So anything you have to say about my room please do so.

Room Name: Shim's Nightclub
Room Owner: Shimanocono

08-07-2004, 11:54 PM
if its a nightclub then u should prob put sum tiles in the middle for a dancefloor, and maybe put another flag on that one bare wall place to the right of the door. Besides that, its pretty good, i like the colour scheme with candles walls and pods, it musta taken along time to get all those pods

09-07-2004, 12:03 AM
if its a nightclub then u should prob put sum tiles in the middle for a dancefloor, and maybe put another flag on that one bare wall place to the right of the door. Besides that, its pretty good, i like the colour scheme with candles walls and pods, it musta taken along time to get all those pods

Thanks ShadowSam19! What colour do you suggest for tiles? I put a fox poster where you suggested a flag but not sure if I like that poster there. What do you think? What would be a good poster or flag for that spot?

09-07-2004, 12:09 AM
Yes you need tiles and any type of poster would be good, but not the same as another poster already in room

09-07-2004, 12:17 AM
Yes you need tiles and any type of poster would be good, but not the same as another poster already in room

Thanks for your comment. I will look for tiles sometime tomorow probably. Suggestions on colour of tiles? Also I have added more posters. Is it overloaded with them now?

09-07-2004, 12:37 AM
umm, i dunno wat color tiles, maybe pink cause ur room is red and it is sorta goes with the colour scheme...adn i think u should either put the welshflag or butterfly poster where the butterfly is, or move the shiva on over and put the welsh/butterfly next to it, the lfag over the mode minibar makes it look a little cramped

09-07-2004, 01:09 AM
umm, i dunno wat color tiles, maybe pink cause ur room is red and it is sorta goes with the colour scheme...adn i think u should either put the welshflag or butterfly poster where the butterfly is, or move the shiva on over and put the welsh/butterfly next to it, the lfag over the mode minibar makes it look a little cramped

Please go look now and tell me what you think. Think I should change the name of the room? And what would be some good stuff to put on the sticky?

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