View Full Version : This is wat i call a n00b!

13-10-2005, 11:25 AM
Ok so i met a girl and i sed: wats ur fave rare?
she sed "icm"
so i sed how much wud ya trade 4 1?
She sed evrythin i gt.
so i went 2 her room, and she had a hc a smoke machine and a dragon, so i said "all this?"
so she traded me a hc smoke machine and a dragon 4 an icm! omg!

13-10-2005, 12:34 PM
Ok so i met a girl and i sed: wats ur fave rare?
she sed "icm"
so i sed how much wud ya trade 4 1?
She sed evrythin i gt.
so i went 2 her room, and she had a hc a smoke machine and a dragon, so i said "all this?"
so she traded me a hc smoke machine and a dragon 4 an icm! omg!

Count yourself lucky. Obviously she doesn't know the values.

13-10-2005, 12:35 PM
You shud take advantage tho

13-10-2005, 01:34 PM
Doesn't make her a noob .. :l

13-10-2005, 02:36 PM
Just because she doesn't know rare values, doesn't make her a noob. Btw, what is an icm?

13-10-2005, 02:37 PM
ICM = Ice Cream Machine

13-10-2005, 02:38 PM
YEah u shouldnt take advantage
Wud you like it if that happened 2 you

13-10-2005, 02:53 PM
She isnt a noob because she doesn't know the values, alot of people who don't trade dont know the value, so yeah count yourself lucky :rolleyes:

15-10-2005, 05:31 PM
My mate got a holoboy for a bouncy ball once. It happens but i think its sad as the girl could have worked really hard. I usually say ur losing a lot to the person and tell them to check habbox

15-10-2005, 05:33 PM
YEah u shouldnt take advantage
Wud you like it if that happened 2 you


You shud take advantage tho


Just because she doesn't know the values doesn't mean she's a n00b.

And how kind of you take advantage of her. Pathetic.

15-10-2005, 05:33 PM
i no u shouldn't take advantage but when u see something like tht u often can't resist
i mean just the other day i got a smoke machine for my hc plasto set

15-10-2005, 05:34 PM
Ok so i met a girl and i sed: wats ur fave rare?
she sed "icm"
so i sed how much wud ya trade 4 1?
She sed evrythin i gt.
so i went 2 her room, and she had a hc a smoke machine and a dragon, so i said "all this?"
so she traded me a hc smoke machine and a dragon 4 an icm! omg!
Oh and how honest are you.. When she finds out how much profit you made I don't think she will be happy..
Your not a very nice person, I would of just given her the ICM

15-10-2005, 05:35 PM
I Had a throne back in 03
and traded it for 5 hc's

15-10-2005, 05:38 PM
Maybe she just doesn't use the values ? Not everybody does!? How would they change if everyone stuck like glue to them?

15-10-2005, 05:38 PM
I left habbo for a while and I had 2 petals, traded them for 2Hc they were worth a throne... I was really upset when I found out, and juiceydude you can't call anyone a noob, have you seen the way you type, your rooms and mission.. What's her name I want to give her something

15-10-2005, 07:22 PM
Ok so i met a girl and i sed: wats ur fave rare?
she sed "icm"
so i sed how much wud ya trade 4 1?
She sed evrythin i gt.
so i went 2 her room, and she had a hc a smoke machine and a dragon, so i said "all this?"
so she traded me a hc smoke machine and a dragon 4 an icm! omg!

Yh just think u didnt know the values at one stage and neither did i'

15-10-2005, 07:23 PM
I left habbo for a while and I had 2 petals, traded them for 2Hc they were worth a throne... I was really upset when I found out, and juiceydude you can't call anyone a noob, have you seen the way you type, your rooms and mission.. What's her name I want to give her something

ure so kind :p

15-10-2005, 08:03 PM
Jesus She Didnt get ripped off realy Just because Habbox says it is, She can trade anything she wants for it Ok Ptffff Someone gave me a majestic for a dragon and hc, And i Didnt Take advantage Just because habbox values say there fore i did and ripped him off, Habbox are a guide

16-10-2005, 10:19 PM
Wow thats mean ... honestly if u were the girl, ad she was u, and u traded then found out the true value, How mad would you be? honestly. i'd be flippin :rolleyes:

16-10-2005, 11:26 PM
lol. .

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