View Full Version : What a lunch break!

14-10-2005, 03:21 PM
Ok, I live in area A of my city which has a school. But because of the school being rubbish, I travel to area B to go to school. Anyway, People from my school had an inset day last Thursday and two people went to the school at area A to pick up their girlfriends from school. You with me so far?
Anyway, today at school there was a rumour going round that the school from area A were coming to start on our school because of us "tresspassing" so we had this huge WHOLE-SCHOOL frenzy with most of my year running up the drive to meet the chavs from the other school.
There were loads of stories about the day such as my headteacher being:

hit with a glass bottle
having his glasses broken
being punched
being kicked in the head
being stabbed
being in intensive care
being killedAll of which were untrue. But the amount of uproar it cause in the rest of the school was psychotic!
The nearest thing I can remember to this was the chav/mosher war of '04, but we teamed up against the people from area A. It was like a gang war! Do you have any experience of them?

14-10-2005, 03:24 PM
Thanks for that ;)

14-10-2005, 04:15 PM
Umm you dont get many gangwars wher ei live! Lol, just chavs terrorising old people.

14-10-2005, 04:41 PM
wow, :O:O:O

14-10-2005, 04:43 PM
We had one today! There was a Police van at the gates :o!

14-10-2005, 04:44 PM
We had a massive fight today at school, thats about it though.

14-10-2005, 05:04 PM
haha i love it when the chavs get shown they are not so big ;]

14-10-2005, 05:07 PM
This chav in year 11 set off a firework in the school yard, and managed to get himself expelled.

14-10-2005, 05:09 PM
This chav in year 11 set off a firework in the school yard, and managed to get himself expelled.

In the yard? People set off bangers in our school and don't get caught :D

And a fight like that couldn't happen where I live.. dunno why.

14-10-2005, 08:00 PM
We had one today! There was a Police van at the gates :o!

What city do you live in?

14-10-2005, 08:59 PM
This chav in year 11 set off a firework in the school yard, and managed to get himself expelled.

Clever boy. We have these strips, and you run your key along them, and it makes a bang noise, explodes into sparks and flames, and produces some rainbow smoke. Very stylish.

Ziploc Bag
14-10-2005, 11:51 PM
wow.. thats all im gonna say..

15-10-2005, 01:08 AM
We don't have gang wars ;[

Used to in primary school

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