View Full Version : Canada Laws: Men/Boys Abusing Womens/Girls[Canadian Recommended]

18-10-2005, 06:38 AM
I have alway wondering is it a law that Girls could hit Boys but boys cant hit girls? I google this but couldnt find any infomation and im not talking about sexually abusing.

18-10-2005, 06:54 AM
No, I think the same law applys to girls/women as it does to boys/me. Imagine if someone went up to a random guy and slapped him infront of a policemen. But get to the point yes it does i think.

18-10-2005, 07:16 AM
It is asualt aint it

18-10-2005, 07:33 AM
yes still asult..

Lord Zero
18-10-2005, 08:37 AM
Yeah I think it's assault both ways, but hitting girls is "immoral". Women go on and on about wanting the same treatment as men, so they should have the same beatment as men. Get it? Aha.

NOTE: I've never hit a girl. I've never had a reason to hit a girl. I would if it meant saving myself, or someone else. I would only if there was a valid reason.

18-10-2005, 08:41 AM
Well there is a difference between morals and Law.

A man hitting a woman I doubt would be considered socially acceptable, nor would it be the moral thing to do, however, although a women hitting a man is still assault, it's not considered as bad socially/morally -- Even though some women are bigger than men. :o

18-10-2005, 09:01 AM
Well I've been hit by a boy before, but I didn't do anything to them. :s
I accept men are naturally stronger, but I think the whole point is having respect for women, being a 'gentlemen' :d.

I'm pretty sure I couldn't go up to a random guy, punch him and get away with it, it's still classed as assault, perhaps it means women are free to punch someone when they feel threatened? :s

Plus, it's mostly the shemales that hit guys.

18-10-2005, 04:05 PM
Plus, it's mostly the shemales that hit guys.


18-10-2005, 06:44 PM
actaly assult is when someones threteing you, not when they actaly attack, plus law doesnt sound real, since its kinda rediculs, esply with some of the moral ideas held in canida (equal rights etc) personaly i dont think its right to hit anybody regardless, but if i had due motive and reason, i would, gender woulnt realy come in to the equasion "/

18-10-2005, 06:52 PM
Yeah I think it's assault both ways, but hitting girls is "immoral". Women go on and on about wanting the same treatment as men, so they should have the same beatment as men. Get it? Aha.

NOTE: I've never hit a girl. I've never had a reason to hit a girl. I would if it meant saving myself, or someone else. I would only if there was a valid reason.

I've always wondered why boys were never supposed to hit girls. I still don't know why though.

19-10-2005, 04:01 AM
I've always wondered why boys were never supposed to hit girls. I still don't know why though.

Guys are meant to have respect for women.

19-10-2005, 11:26 AM
Ok! Here's what I know:

Males that hit a female in spite of rage, can be charged for assault (The female will have to file charges for assault)
Females that hit males in such ways of slapping (to a point) won't be charged for assault. It would be assault if there is no sign of the male having control of the situation. However, if the female has no connection with the male and she decides to hit him the male can file charges right away.

There are also age restrictions for these laws. I believe that until the people are 10 they are allowed to hit each other without charges. This doesn't apply if the person was attempting to kill the victim.

Weapons is a whole different story (I'm pretty sure you all know this, but hey) Any assault with a weapon that could cause severe harm will be usually noted, where the police get majorly involed.

19-10-2005, 05:35 PM
Guys are meant to have respect for women.
I would class respect as treating people equaly, that would mean there would be nothing in that wich ment not hitting girls. As to not hit girls would mean you would need to see them as being inferior, and that aint what i would call respect "/

21-10-2005, 01:31 AM
I would class respect as treating people equaly, that would mean there would be nothing in that wich ment not hitting girls. As to not hit girls would mean you would need to see them as being inferior, and that aint what i would call respect "/

I don't know how to describe it..but, women are more delicate :D, than men, it's not often that you see a women having a punch up with a man, it's just not a done thing, unless you're lacking 'lady-likeness'.
Most decent people have respect for everyone, I see you do, I just mean, some men see women as less important to themselves, or simply don't have respect for anyone.

Lord Zero
21-10-2005, 01:44 PM
I don't know how to describe it..but, women are more delicate :D, than men, it's not often that you see a women having a punch up with a man, it's just not a done thing, unless you're lacking 'lady-likeness'.
Most decent people have respect for everyone, I see you do, I just mean, some men see women as less important to themselves, or simply don't have respect for anyone.

Bring it on, fool. I'll show you what for.


21-10-2005, 04:57 PM
I don't know how to describe it..but, women are more delicate :D, than men, it's not often that you see a women having a punch up with a man, it's just not a done thing, unless you're lacking 'lady-likeness'.

Are they? or is that just socal condioning, Go back before world wars, people like u would have belived women could only do house work "/ Im pretty sure most people dont think that anymore ion the majoty of the wordl, why? its no longer socaly imprinted, the whole woman weekness is also for the most part imprinted "/

Most decent people have respect for everyone, I see you do, I just mean, some men see women as less important to themselves, or simply don't have respect for anyone.
Some women would see and belive the revice, your steriotypeing again.

Lord Zero
21-10-2005, 05:03 PM
I can't believe anyone would ever call you stupid because of your dyslexia, Mentor. Full respect for you man. Whenever you comment in a thread, I never need to because I'd just say what you do.

21-10-2005, 05:24 PM
The law is very valnerable to WOMEN, its more of a *** thing... Men are stronger and women are weaker.

22-10-2005, 03:12 PM
Are they? or is that just socal condioning, Go back before world wars, people like u would have belived women could only do house work "/ Im pretty sure most people dont think that anymore ion the majoty of the wordl, why? its no longer socaly imprinted, the whole woman weekness is also for the most part imprinted "/

Some women would see and belive the revice, your steriotypeing again.

I'm not stereotyping, you've read too far into what I said, plus I did not use the word weak, I said delicate, which probably wasn't the correct word to use so I will try again..
I agree that most people probably don't live in a male dominated world in a more, apart from some unfortunate countries, but I believe a teeny bit of male domination still lives on, hence the phrase 'man of the house', the man is the protector of his family/partner, which I really don't think is a bad thing.

And there is no way in hell I would have believed women could only do housework, you hardly know me, nor of my aspirations, so you can't know I'd think that.
Also, why is it that when I speak about something generally, I'm critizied of stereotyping?

22-10-2005, 03:16 PM
i always hit my guy friends. :). there was a law a while ago i think that if a girl hit a guy at least 3 times in a row then he could hit her back..

me and my friends still go by that x]

[yes im canadian]

22-10-2005, 03:48 PM
I hate it At school Girls Thin kthey have a right to Hit Boys Nothing gets Done about it IF you Bug them They Kick You Slap You Name It there allowed to do it i was getting attacked and the fat teacher didnt do anything to stop her :l

22-10-2005, 04:07 PM
I'm not stereotyping, you've read too far into what I said, plus I did not use the word weak, I said delicate, which probably wasn't the correct word to use so I will try again..
Delicate is just a nice way of saying weak, in the context u have used it.

I agree that most people probably don't live in a male dominated world in a more, apart from some unfortunate countries, but I believe a teeny bit of male domination still lives on, hence the phrase 'man of the house', the man is the protector of his family/partner, which I really don't think is a bad thing.

Exsctly socal conditioning, nothing actaly based in realty, yoru the one saying your inferior as your the one saying that males should be more imporatnt, aka domant, hence forth meaing you do not belive you are equal or that you should even be equal? I dont know if thats what you belive but it is what youve said.

And there is no way in hell I would have believed women could only do housework, you hardly know me, nor of my aspirations, so you can't know I'd think that.

Lmao, maybe you want to reread since youve just conclusivly proved the point i made. Youre previos statment, was what you just gave as exsample, exspet u think the old one is propostrus. Even thogh you currant one is equalt as bad

Also, why is it that when I speak about something generally, I'm critizied of stereotyping?
Becuse u said some men, not some people, hence implying only men are like that, aka useing a sterio type.

23-10-2005, 12:10 AM
Delicate is just a nice way of saying weak, in the context u have used it.
I already stated it was probably not the correct word to use.

Exsctly socal conditioning, nothing actaly based in realty, yoru the one saying your inferior as your the one saying that males should be more imporatnt, aka domant, hence forth meaing you do not belive you are equal or that you should even be equal? I dont know if thats what you belive but it is what youve said.

I don't think males are more important, being protective does not mean being more important..? Meh, it doesn't to me anyway.
I do think I am equal to men, I believe I can do almost everything a male can do as a female, I just know that in my family, my father 'runs' it, if you like.
Social conditioning? These are my opinions, it's the way I live at home, I can almost certainly bet that if a burglar broke into our house my dad would be the one to get up and attempt to protect us.

Lmao, maybe you want to reread since youve just conclusivly proved the point i made. Youre previos statment, was what you just gave as exsample, exspet u think the old one is propostrus. Even thogh you currant one is equalt as bad

I really don't see how, I stated ages back in this thread that girls don't fight with boys because the males should be a 'gentlemen', although it's an oldies term, but I can't think of another way to describe it.
It's ashame some girls abuse respect from men, my uncle told me when he was at school, he got beaten up by a girl and never hit her back once, because it's simply just frowned upon to hit a girl.

Becuse u said some men, not some people, hence implying only men are like that, aka useing a sterio type.

Hmm right, just because I was referring to that *** at the time doesn't mean I'm implying only men are like that..

23-10-2005, 12:31 AM
It's illegal for anyone to hit anyone.
Guys hit girls, it's illegal.
Girlls hit guys, it's illegal.

23-10-2005, 12:51 AM
I don't think males are more important, being protective does not mean being more important..? Meh, it doesn't to me anyway.
I do think I am equal to men, I believe I can do almost everything a male can do as a female, I just know that in my family, my father 'runs' it, if you like.
Social conditioning? These are my opinions, it's the way I live at home, I can almost certainly bet that if a burglar broke into our house my dad would be the one to get up and attempt to protect us.
Socal condition is basicly how your broaght up, and how humans get most there belifes, its why diffent cultures operate so diffenly due to the socal conditiong, people for the most part will follow in how there broght up and thats the primary mechism for there values.
I also have no doubt your dad would, but then again, id exspect ether parent, to take that role in proetcing there family, it being how the generic family unit is supposed to operate.
So in your family the dad would be the first call, but if he were not there, or were incapsitaed, would the mother not do the also be try to proetect your family equaly?
And keep in mind there have been cultures were the woman would be the first call, of the family unit. You only have it that way becuse thats what socal conditing has taught you and is hence forth how you think it should be.
Also read what youve said, "You can do Almost anything a man can" wich kinda undermaines your stament that you belive your complety equal, i wonder was it an unconuse reflex to your own socal conditiong? or was it put purposly for full litral sence.

I really don't see how,
you gave a pefect exsample to the socal shift, someone later on it time may quite likly have an equal reaction to your socal belifes.

I stated ages back in this thread that girls don't fight with boys because the males should be a 'gentlemen', although it's an oldies term, but I can't think of another way to describe it.
Im kinda confused here. Woman dont fight with men, infers its a personal choise of theres, becuse men should be "gentle men" wich inplys the males behavior?
And some women do fight with men, some women can kick the **** out of men. And vice versa. Your still complty going by your socal condition values, rather than by anything that exists in actaulty.

And What do you define a gentlemen as, as the term actaly have no perseific meaning non contexted to me "/

It's ashame some girls abuse respect from men, my uncle told me when he was at school, he got beaten up by a girl and never hit her back once, because it's simply just frowned upon to hit a girl.
A socaly condition value, wich was condition on a premis wich by the event itself was proved to be flawed, "/
If a girl hit me, im just as likly to hit em back as if its a guy, the only thing that would actaly effect it would be how hard they hit me "/
If women are truly weeker, my responce would be demised, and equal, if there not, then my responce would match again, wich woulnt matter as there equal to start with.
Luckly the majoty of people i know, dont just randomly hit people to start with regardless of gender, to the exstent i cant even rember the last time i actaly hit anyone at all properly "/
Hiting anyone isnt a good thing IMO, but i will deffend myself and someones gender realy isnt a factor "/

Hmm right, just because I was referring to that *** at the time doesn't mean I'm implying only men are like that..
Contextualy it does "/

It's illegal for anyone to hit anyone.
Guys hit girls, it's illegal.
Girlls hit guys, it's illegal.

Techicaly thats true, but then again you do have the right to deffend yourself, wich over rules that as long as your not the instagor and thats its an equal responce.

23-10-2005, 01:21 AM
Anyone else like to answer the points shown in this thread? No? Ok, it looks like Mentor has summed this one up, right close the thread :p

In my opinion, if a girl were to start hitting me then I would defend my self at first, for example: not hitting her, easing her away from me by just simply pushing her away.
If she carried on assaulting me then I'd have to take action and do something to calm the scenario down.

I don't think I could literally hit a girl/women, like Mentor has pointed out Socal condition is basicly how your broaght up and thats the way I've been brought up. I would take action and push her away from me or ask for assistance for example there friends or my friends. Or maybe if she had to take it over the top, I think I'll forget my social condition and I maybe would have to jab her on the end of her nose, just to bedazzle her, then run as she throws her stilletos it me "Aaarrgghh" :rolleyes:

I think if you were getting beaten up to a certain extent by a girl, your mood would change, like I just said, you'll forget your own social condition for just 1 minute and take matters into your own hands.

23-10-2005, 01:25 AM
I think if you were getting beaten up to a certain extent by a girl, your mood would change, like I just said, you'll forget your own social condition for just 1 minute and take matters into your own hands.

Yep, dispite the bull **** pumped in to your brain, if your consly not going to deffened yourself, your body will just take over, (aka the blind rage sort of thing, where your body will iuncosly deffned itself) as the body is built to survive.

23-10-2005, 01:25 AM
Anyone else like to answer the points shown in this thread? No? Ok, it looks like Mentor has summed this one up, right close the thread :p

In my opinion, if a girl were to start hitting me then I would defend my self at first, for example: not hitting her, easing her away from me by just simply pushing her away.
If she carried on assaulting me then I'd have to take action and do something to calm the scenario down.

I don't think I could literally hit a girl/women, like Mentor has pointed out Socal condition is basicly how your broaght up and thats the way I've been brought up. I would take action and push her away from me or ask for assistance for example there friends or my friends. Or maybe if she had to take it over the top, I think I'll forget my social condition and I maybe would have to jab her on the end of her nose, just to bedazzle her, then run as she throws her stilletos it me "Aaarrgghh" :rolleyes:

I think if you were getting beaten up to a certain extent by a girl, your mood would change, like I just said, you'll forget your own social condition for just 1 minute and take matters into your own hands.
Yep, it really is just down to how you were brought up. This girl at school started to go crazy when she was talking to this boy trying to hit him and everything. As soon as he tried to simply keep her from hitting, she was claiming that he shouldn't be able to push her. "/

Sorry, that was probably very off topic.. I really should read it. Mentor really has summed it all up though, for a summary just read his posts. ^^

24-10-2005, 09:34 AM
Socal condition is basicly how your broaght up, and how humans get most there belifes, its why diffent cultures operate so diffenly due to the socal conditiong, people for the most part will follow in how there broght up and thats the primary mechism for there values.

Well don't we all have to learn about life somehow?
We might aswell stop 'debating', everyone lives life differently, and it's obviously going to make us have different views on life.

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