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    Join Date
    Sep 2019

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    Default [RV] New Attributes on Rare Value items

    Today we're excited to announce an amazing feature to the Rare Values section of Habbox!
    ~ Attributes ~
    Thank you @lawrawrrr for working tirelessly on this feature

    With Ultra Rares in particular, entering a single value for the item on our site doesn't always do the item justice.
    Really scarce and/or seldomly traded Ultra Rares (as often is the case) can experience quite major swings in price from sale-to-sale,
    and hence it's important to learn more about the Ultra Rare in question before deciding to either sell or purchase that item!

    To help you get a better insight into the Ultra Rare in question, we will now provide additional information about Ultra Rares;
    Such as the Volatility, Margin & Trade Volume of the item.
    (look further down for explanation of these)

    There's a maximum of 3 attributes that can be shown on an item:

    Measurement for the degree of variation in sales-price.

    A High volatility means that the item in question has been observed to sell for rather drastically different prices.
    While a Low volatility means that sales prices haven't deviated very far from each other.

    The Difference between the highest and lowest expected sales-price.

    A High margin means that there's a larger expected range at which an item can be bought and sold.
    A larger price-range at which an item is commonly sold implies that it's less feasible to provide a single accurate price, you should take more caution in this case.

    Trade Volume
    Indicates how frequently an item gets traded.

    A High trade volume means more points of reference when setting the price, resulting in a generally more accurate price (compared to low/no trade volume).
    A Low trade volume on the other hand results in less points of reference and more of an uncertain price.

    The new attributes feature is live and viewable here.
    For more information on Ultra Rares, such as ownership tracking & history; visit our wiki!
    Thanks for reading, Enjoy!

    Last edited by Malva; 06-01-2021 at 09:32 PM.

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