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Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Latest Awards:

    Default Competitions Staff Stories! ~Ends September 9th

    Hello everyone! Happy September. I hope you all had a great HxSS.

    A few months ago, I had created a competition where you had to include certain Habbox Competitions staff members in a story. I gave you a list of people and you had to create as funny of a story as you could.

    Well… we will be doing this competition again. However, this time, I will include additional words that need to be added into your story. Stories will only be counted as an entry if all of the words in the spoiler below are included. Please be sure that your stories are appropriate, as we will be posting them below for all to enjoy. Good luck!

    Prize for this competition is 5 coins to one random entrant.
    All accepted entries will also receive 150 forum tokens.

    Your List of Words
    Last edited by tbl; 02-09-2021 at 03:46 PM.
    Like Cadigyna Liked
    Love ErickSloth Loved

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    United States of America

    Latest Awards:


    This comp is now open, good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Leeds, England UK

    Latest Awards:


    Once upon a time in the wonderful world of the Habbox Competitions Department,LucyFaye was busy pumping out a years worth of Competitions in the space of a few days since she had absolutely nothing better to do.
    Then __tbl, getting sick of the forum spam, invited her to meet in the Welcome Lounge for a brief chat.

    She told her the Rainbow Boa was coming out the next week so her time would probably be better spent playing games or finding things to sell to get enough credits to buy one.
    So she took to the Games Rooms list to find some exciting ways to earn more credits, but realised that the only game being hosted was Heaven or Hell... her "favourite"

    So she decided to sell some stuff instead, but she soon realised that she didn't have enough spare furni that she wanted to sell, so found a few things IRL to sell so she could buy enough credits for the Rainbow Boa and HxSS events.
    Lucy loves HxSS, perhaps a little too much... she's somewhat of a points addict, so when it finally arrived she was over the moon!

    One night Nic01e, after a long hard day working at Tesco, came home to host a game of Bank Game.
    Lucy was flying ahead when suddenly out of nowhere, her fellow Green Team Leader ,jamiexo landed on her to P2K.
    Next to her, Cadigyna from the Red Team was chuckling away "Hahaha, another Green out!"
    "I'm so sorry!" Jamie cried. "Your sorry means nothing you absolute traitor!" Lucy replied while she scurried away howling.

    Then in the end, everyone met up at the awards ceremony and had a wonderful time.


    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
    Be kind, always!

    Like Cadigyna Liked
    Love jamiexo Loved

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Latest Awards:


    After HxSS, and without my leaders ,jamiexo and LucyFaye, my habbo life had no more meaning. I wandered all over habbo looking for a new purpose, first i tried to work at the Welcome Lounge but i failed cause no one showed up, then i went to a Heaven or Hell but went straight to hell and rage quitted, no more points for me. I also checked the Competitions Departments tasks but i couldn't understand the new ABC game so i quitted too. No idea what Tesco is but i know that after the Rainbow Boa ltd, all ltds will be bought with diamonds . Congrats to cadigyna to entering habbox staff, ask Nic01e her bot races game so i can win some coins and tell __tbl she's the best ever.
    Like Cadigyna Liked
    Love jamiexo, LucyFaye Loved

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    United Kingdom

    Latest Awards:


    This is a 100% true and accurate story in the form of an autobiography about the day in the life of Triz, please enjoy.

    I don't play Habbo a lot, however I decided this year; for the first time ever, to get involved with HxSS. However during the first few days of HxSS I was unable to type on Habbo, so wasn't really able to play games and enjoy myself, so I headed to the Welcome Lounge to see if I could find someone to help me. This didn't work, so I emailed Habbo, and BOOM, only a mere 4 days later they decided to reply and sorted my account out.
    To celebrate this I logged into Habbo and the first game I played for HxSS was of course my frustratingly favourite game called Heaven or Hell, I have a serious knack of going to hell during every single first round, some might call it talent, but I call it an acceptable reason for murder. After a few rounds I decide to call it quits, and stick to earning Points for my team from radio competitions which 90% of the time I wasn't even tuned in, my lovely team mates were giving me the answers whilst I was working earn that dosh we all need to survive in this wacky world. I head over to the trusty forum to see what the Competitions Department has in store for me. "Oooh, a word-search" I say... I rage quit several times during the process, but I managed to complete the word-search at the cost of my sanity and hair which was now grey and all over the floor.

    A few days later, I've now somewhat recovered from the word-search, however there's still a lingering anger I can't shake, I opened up Habbo to try and relax as Cadigyna was hosting, this was working magnificently, I felt the clouds begin to lift a little bit, things were looking up for me, I was starting to feel happiness, happiness that I hadn't felt since before the word-search, I felt a smile brewing, but I stopped myself, it felt wrong to be happy, to just forget about the word-search, something had to be done. I vent my anger to LucyFaye as she was the culprit behind such evil, she only laughed me after I had told her that her word-search was mocking me due to the fact that I was stuck on the last word for about an hour, and it was ironically "Dumbo" - This was not amusing, not at all.

    A few days later and I'm completely carrying my team with my 50 points, assuming of course we ignore Hx.Ben, Oivind and other various peoples points. I go and speak to ,jamiexo to gloat about my team being number 1, then continue insulting her as is the norm; this cheers me up, and obviously and rightfully so I'm still moody about that word-search last week, but in keeping with the upwards and onwards trend, I turn to the forum to see what other wanders the Comps team have for me so I can continue carrying my team. I refresh the Comps forum and "WHAT'S THIS I SEE!?!" I expel at the top of my lungs "ANOTHER GOD DAMN WORD-SEARCH" - I wasn't prepared for this, my heart is racing, I can hardly breath, my chest starts to feel tight, the walls start closing in. I thought this was some sort of sick joke, I immediately run to __tbl asking her what nonsense this is, absolutely outraged, I turned full Karen on poor Lynn, she promised me this was the last one and that it was easier. "I'll be the judge of that" I said, as I painstakingly open up MS-Paint to find the stupid words on the stupid word-search.

    Towards the end of HxSS I had a wonderful conversation with Nic01e, conversing about each of our lives and our jobs etc. I learned a lot about Nic01e that day, for example, she has an adorable doggie called Delsin, she works at Tesco, I showed her my truck and she exclaimed "That's **** massive" which isn't the first time a girl has said that to me. The first time was when I took my shirt off at the beach and exposed my belly. One thing I didn't learn from Nic was whether or not she has a Rainbow Boa, but that's okay because I used HabboxWiki to find out, and it appears she doesn't own one.

    The End
    Last edited by Triz; 02-09-2021 at 07:49 PM.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers
    Like Cadigyna Liked
    Laugh .Nat, LucyFaye, tbl Laughed

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Latest Awards:


    This one time, at habbo band camp..Cadigyna was learning to play the trumpet.
    However, the sounds were dreadful. _tbl could hear the sounds from the Welcome Lounge..
    She had to put an end to the awful noise. But she didnt want to hurt her feelings & tell her she sucks
    So instead she convinced her to join the Competitions Department instead bcuz its way more fun
    Meanwhile, as nic01e is walking into her Tesco, suddenly a rainbow boa leaps out of the tree and bites her in the face.
    In the ambulance they assure she will be ok, but she just saying she doesnt know if she would go to heaven or hell
    She is so worked up, she pass out and has a flashback dream about HxSS..
    She remember how much ,jamiexo & LucyFaye & their crazy HYG HYG were always conspiring against her to take all the points...
    they must have had something to do with the snake!
    She suddenly woke up from her sleep in a rage, "they will pay for this!"
    to be continued.
    Love jamiexo Loved

  7. #7


    On a Saturday afternoon, ,jamiexo, LucyFaye, Nic01e, and __tbl have decided to hang out at Tesco. Nic01e suggested that they meet at the Welcome Lounge before they head to Tesco and so they did.

    When they arrived at Tesco, they saw their friend, Cadigyna selling a unique-looking snake at her shop. "Come get your Rainbow Boa! You know you want to!" Cadigyna shouted. Nic01e fell in love with the Rainbow Boa the moment she laid her eyes on it. "Hey Cadigyna! How much is that Rainbow Boa over there?" Nic01e asked. "Oh hey, Nic01e! It's 250c or 1500 HxSS points for one Rainbow Boa." Cadigyna replied. Nic01e was saddened by the answer given by Cadigyna as she didn't have enough HxSS points and her wallet was only filled with dead moths, her old library card, and a picture of FlyingJesus. LucyFaye suggested that Nic01e should play more games in order to earn some points but Nic01e wasn't that enthusiastic about that idea as she's not exactly the luckiest player when it comes to these sorts of games especially 'Heaven or Hell'. "You should check out the Competitions Department!" said ,jamiexo. "Yeah! You can participate in the competitions that are available to get some points." said __tbl. Nic01e then nodded in agreement.

    After days of earning points, Nic01e went back to Cadigyna's shop and bought the Rainbow Boa. Nic01e and the Rainbow Boa lived happily ever after.

    The end.
    Like Cadigyna Liked
    Love jamiexo Loved
    Laugh LUCPIX Laughed

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