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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Latest Awards:

    Default HabboxLives Lock In Weekender

    HabboxLive will be bringing you an epic weekend full of entertainment and fun, to help you through Lockdown. We have a variety of "new" shows.
    So what are you waiting for? Tune in, log in and get ready to win!

    When: 7pm (GMT) Friday the 15th of January - Midnight Sunday the 16th January

    Our current line up includes:

    Who: The Fabulous DJ Fire
    When: 7pm - 9pm GMT

    You still have until 17:00 on the 14th to cast your votes, so make sure you head over to https://habbox.com/awards to have your say!!

    Are you ready to be a detective? Ready to win a good load of coins? Then I've got just the perfect radio show for you!

    The HabboxLive department would like to welcome you to Murder At The Habbox Awards.

    Who: Cameron446:
    When: Straight after the Hx awards until 11.30PM GMT


    90 Credits and 200 Forum tokens

    (The winner will be drawn randomly through a number generator)

    It was a cold and icy night, many members of the Habbox Community were celebrating after winning their Habbox awards, but what happened next would haunt Habbox forever.

    Want to fine out more, and join in with all of the fun? Then head over to Habbox.com

    Join the NA Radio Team as they host a night full of Music Trivia. They have over 90c to be giving away, so you have to be in it to win it.

    Who: Your host will be *Drum Roll* DJ Logan
    When: Sunday 3am (GMT)

    Top Top: Make sure you brush up on your music knowledge from the last 20 years, so what are you waiting for, get studying!!!

    Can you keep a secret? Can you figure out the secret song? Want to win yourself some more credits? If you think you have what it takes to crack and figure out the secret song then make sure you tune in to the fantastic OC Radio Team, who will have you on the edge of you Habbo seats.

    Who: DJ Pink and DJ Erin
    When: Sunday 17th 10am to 11am (GMT)
    And Finally,

    We have a variety of DJ's on through the weekend, so make sure you tune in and get involved.

    Check out of fantastic DJ Line up by heading on over to https://habbox.com/community/timetable

    And tune in by heading over to:


    HabboxLive Manager

    Last edited by FlyingJesus; 13-01-2021 at 10:28 PM.

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