Hello everyone! Another successful Habbox Summer Spectacular has wrapped up, and we have so many people to thank for things running smoothly & successfully.

This month, we have decided not to select only a few people for a Staff of the Month and Honorable Mention award, because HxSS was a time where we have had so many people show up and show out that we have everyone to thank!

Your involvement and participation in this event are what keeps things running successfully! Whether you hosted an event, went live on air to provide tunes for the events, or even if you just played in the events and participated in the campaigns - a big THANK YOU TO YOU! We couldn't have done it without you.

We would also like to give a HUGE special shoutout to everyone that helped lead and motivate their teams during HxSS. If you were a team leader or admin, thank you for all of the work you put in to help run this event!! You have been the backbone of the planning and running of HxSS, so thank you for all of your dedication to our community.

We hope to see another successful HxSS next year, and we hope to see you out again to win some PINTS

Have a great September, all!