What Do You Think The Best Level To Go Real Pking At.
My Opinion Is 70+
What Do You Think The Best Level To Go Real Pking At.
My Opinion Is 70+
Only go once you know you can whip some peoples bums
60+ i wuld say
i think it depends if they are pure or not
eg im level 40 and i just beat i lv 64 in the arena so he shouldnt go pking but another lv 64 should
True ...
-Please Post people!-
Any level....Along as you know what you're doing.
Lower levels when people are still developing.
i agree with jon jon low level p-king rocks specially against noobs hu bring all there stuff lol
~ lol
im level 63 but dont go PKing that much cos a gang of about 30 noobs can gang up on you then some level 50 comes along and kills u
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(X Moderator)
AKA Cheekykarl
I'm combat level 39. What level Wilderness do you think I shouldn't go further than?
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