That's not true because you can fall deeply in love EVEN if you are in school. It doesn't matter.I find them stupid because obviously you're going to break-up over something stupid and then you'll have a little cry about how much you miss so and so and how much you want to kill yourself and how you can't live without this person BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!
People think it looks good when you hold hands on your way to class, and feed eachother lunch during break but really it looks retarted because because nobody loves somebody that much when they're still in school.
Like, holy **** it's disrespectful to yourself, and to others. Girls, when your holding hands with your boyfriend on your way to class and then you kiss like you're never going to see each other again and walk into class, it makes you look like a ***** and everyone knows you'll cheat on him sooner or later.
As for guys, it dosen't make you look like a pimp to have a girl hang off of you because everyone just talks about you when your not around, and fyi, others aren't jealous.
I guess it's ok to have a school "relationship" but have some respect for yourself and others. I see this everyday at school and it ****** me off so I have strong oppinions on the subject.
Edited by (Super Moderator): Please don't triple post.
Last edited by; 23-05-2007 at 04:22 PM.
Mya Celeste B.
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Well really in this situation I wouldn't be bothered either way, as it soon becomes old news, but what I do find annoying about it its when you don't go out with your ex anymore, you have to face them in corridors, classes etc (worser when your not even friends with your ex) but you could just be/make friends with them to stop this problem.
my first crush and school relation ship was when i was... 9 till 11... sounds young but we really did like each other. it was kinda like a friendship but a bit higher. we played pokemon and made a nidoqueen and nidoking called our namesbut it ended when the girl who bullied me, made him go out with her. at least thats what he says
Yes I think that school relationships can be quite hard..Im going out with someone at the moment and on the day we started going out everybody knew it was weird how the rumour got round so fast but I still get people coming up to me and saying stuff like: "are you going out with (name)?"
"have you kissed (name)?" and stuff like that and its quite annoying. However, school relationships don't have to be hard, if you're just yourselves and don't worry about other people you should be ok although its quite hard at first.
Yeah, tbh people really can be annoying at school when you got a gf there. Or even at anotehr school, lol.
It is annoying. Used to happen to me in elementary school. Now in high school, it's died down but still happens. I still date people but it's tough. Umm... if you really like the person, then you should date them. Ignore people when they ask you stuff like that.
Mya Celeste B.
| 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 |
Never been in a major relationship in school but i have seen it happen and it looks annoying. Lucky enough for me all the girls in my year look a show (Layer after layer of false tan and peircings where they shouldnt be) so am not attracted to any of them!![]()
Last edited by Loqo; 01-08-2007 at 03:18 PM.
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