I need thrones if poss, how many gold bars per?
I need thrones if poss, how many gold bars per?
8 gold bars for my throne?
:BangHead:Been on habbo since 2 months after it opened:BangHead:
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Na, I'll give 7, thats seems fair enough. Based on the fact 34 / 7 = 4.85714286, meaning I'd be selling the gold bars at 4.8 HCs, when they're worth 5HC each.
Okay well to be honest, most people want 400 credits or 8 gold bars for there throne
Thanks anyway
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Last edited by Tristan; 20-05-2007 at 01:07 PM.
:BangHead:Been on habbo since 2 months after it opened:BangHead:
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380 credits for your t then.
bookcase for 100 creds k?
400 creds for my throne
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390 for my throne?
:BangHead:Been on habbo since 2 months after it opened:BangHead:
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370 for my t
100 creds for my lazer?
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