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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Somewhere in Bristol

    Default Halo Universe Online Community


    Some of you will have played Halo3 or atleast Halo2 online using XBOX Live.

    If you're British your experiences on XBOX Live can dramatically change depending upon the people you're playing against and with.

    In my experience on Halo3 and on Halo2 online most of the time it's quite bad.

    I shall explain why:
    The MOMENT I talk some inconsiderate moron on the other end (usually in America) shouts
    ''LEIKE OMG!111 JOR BRIDISH!111''
    then they are all set off by this, apparently, amazing discovery and begin to either blast verbal abuse down my ear or start sucking up so much it is actually insulting.

    Has anyone else had the same problem? I get it EVERY time I play on XBOX Live.
    If ''LEIKE OMG111 U SUK ****'' is about as intelligent as the Bungie Community gets then I am affraid I may just stop playing Halo online.

    I was actually told by some arrogant little git to be quiet.
    All I said was
    ''The Sniper is Camode in the water. I got 'im''.
    For some reason this particular person took offence to my accent and without hesitation started telling my to shut up and blasted my ear with more verbal abuse than SouthPark gives out in a whole series.

    I am not accusing ALL Americans of being like this... just a select few special ones who still seem to think it's the revolutionary times and feel the need to hurl needless abuse at people for no reason.

    We have a name for people like that, Keyboard Warriors.

    Again, anyone else had the same type of problem?
    Ewfr 'Gomulee-

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Cardiff, Wales

    Latest Awards:


    I got betrayed with flipping a mongoose onto it's wheels.
    I know how you feel.

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