I got the implant nearly one and a half years ago and it's still really messing up my periods. My friends told me to go on the pill aswell and it will balance them out is this true??? :S
I got the implant nearly one and a half years ago and it's still really messing up my periods. My friends told me to go on the pill aswell and it will balance them out is this true??? :S
My heart beats like a drum (all night)
Flesh to flesh, one to one (and its alright)
And Ill never let go cause
Theres something I know deep inside
im not sure but i dont think you can take the pill while your on your implant
they both imbalance your hormones and taking both will unbalance them even more. You could try getting the implant out and going on the pill instead
im on the injection and iv had no problems on that but i no some people who have, its about finding the one that suits you
speak to your doctor/ family planning clinic about it and theyl be able to advise you better
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