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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    West midlands, Birmingham.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinasaw View Post
    lol there are some freaks on there
    LOLLLLL i laughed.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    West midlands, Birmingham.

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    Connecting to server...

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    You: Hey\

    Stranger: hi

    Stranger: how are you?

    You: Im fine, yourself?

    You: Hmm, it just warned me you were a pedofile?

    Stranger: Nope, I can't be, for I'm a child myself

    You: ok you sure

    Stranger: Yep, 04-04-'93

    You: So how do you like em'?

    Stranger: like who?

    You: Your kids

    Stranger: What do you mean

    You: How do you like them

    You: Are you male/female?

    Stranger: I'm male

    Stranger: how do I like who?

    You: It all adds up

    Stranger: O'really?

    You: How do you like your kids?

    You: Horny? Destperate?

    You: INNOCENT?

    Stranger: what the hell?

    Stranger: I think I'm innocent, yes

    You: you think..

    Stranger: I think so indeed, why wouldn't I be?

    You: do you like custardcreams?

    Stranger: I don't know

    Stranger: I don't even know what a custarcream is tbh

    You: Je mapelle Jack, jhabbit birmingham, anglais, et toi?

    Stranger: je m'appelle Vincent, j'habite en Haren, en les néerlandais

    You: Custard cream is a biscuit

    You: ok your better, i admit.

    Stranger: hehe

    You: i just mess about ni fench lessons

    You: in*

    You: and english as you can tell

    Stranger: same here

    Stranger: but my french really suck arse though

    You: thats cuz the fench do suck arse

    You: What GCSE's are you taking?

    Stranger: I'm not taking GCSE's

    You: why not?

    Stranger: for I'm a Dutchman, we have a different school system here

    You: Oh cool, explain

    Stranger: Nah

    You: kk

    You: lol

    You: you have msn?

    Stranger: Yes

    Stranger: **********

    Stranger: I'm not on it though, for I'm not at home

    You: klkl ill add you

    You: and okie

    You: So hows the ditch country?

    You: dutch*

    You: typing in the dark is hard

    Stranger: Yeah I agree,, I'm not in the dark here though lamps and stuff

    Stranger: anyways

    You: Lol

    Stranger: back to your question

    You: I just put lamp on

    Stranger: The Dutch country is like cool and stuff and I like it

    Stranger: it

    Stranger: 's

    Stranger: a good place to live

    Stranger: Have you added my msn by dem way?

    You: Sounds good, how long of school do you have to do?

    You: and no, ill add it now

    You: done

    Stranger: I have another 1 week to go ,, like 1 real week, and after that a few semi-schoolweeks

    You: klkl

    You: so how long in total? its like 19 years in England

    Stranger: Oooh op die fiets

    Stranger: I don't know how many years

    Stranger: it depends on what youre doing

    Stranger: If you wanna be like a pro doctor guy, you'll need to study 32 years,, it's ******* sick

    You: bloody hell

    Stranger: What is your asl by the way if youdont mind me asking

    You: 32 years, youll have to retierd the next year

    You: im 14

    You: male, uk

    You: retire*

    Stranger: Very interesting

    You: not really

    You: as in, not really interesting.

    Stranger: But still, it's like.. quite interesting still though

    You: yh

    You: So what occupation you want when your older?

    Stranger: I wanna be a father

    Stranger: and have kids and stuff

    You: dont look at me

    Stranger: ok *looks another way*

    You: lmao

    Stranger: *looks back at you* ... sooo... what?

    You: you sound like a very nice person, Im sure youll find the right girl and have kids one day

    Stranger: I'm not straight, boy

    Stranger: he he he!

    You: so how you expecting you have kids?

    You: LOL

    Stranger: nah, just kidding

    Stranger: I'm sure I'll find the right girl

    Stranger: I mean, prostitution is legal here

    You: ohhh, coming then.

    You: So are you gay or not?

    Stranger: no, Im not gay , my friend

    You: klkl

    You: neither am i

    You: So, any hobbies?

    Stranger: Nah, no hobbies

    You: Boring

    You: lol

    Stranger: you

    You: Football?

    Stranger: Nah, don't like football

    You: Swimming

    You: running?

    You: sleeping

    Stranger: my fave football club is VAKO

    You: you must have somethign

    Stranger: I love sleeping yeah

    You: something*

    You: mine is birmingham city football club

    Stranger: And I like deforestation

    You: lol

    You: sleeping is awesome

    You: best part of the day

    Stranger: agreed

    Stranger: well,

    Stranger: I don't like going to bed, but when I wake up, I always wish I could sleep longer, yo0u know what Im saying

    You: Yeah man, but you gotta get up for school

    You: ;[

    Stranger: Yeah, dat sucks arse

    You: definetly

    Stranger: But oh well,

    You: what time you have school?

    Stranger: 8:25

    You: ohhhh

    You: we have 8:45

    Stranger: yew?

    You: finish at 3

    Stranger: Oh, we finish at 2:55 averagely

    You: nicee

    Stranger: Je sais

    You: sp you do like 15mins extra

    You: and i dont know french, i only knew that sentence and i got it wrong.. lol

    You: so*

    Stranger: ahh, icy.


    Stranger: Anyways, you horny?

    You: Not really, you?

    You: lol

    Stranger: Me either

    Stranger: I'm just f****** bored

    Stranger: No wait Im not, Im at a party

    Stranger: partying wiv ma homies, ya know

    You: Lol

    You: im at Jesus' telling poems to eachother, pretty cool.

    Stranger: What the ?

    You: Jesus

    You: the worlds father

    You: his good at writing poems

    You: Shakespear is also here too, we are making some stories. Im going to be rich

    Stranger: im atheist

    You: What is that

    Stranger: someones who's ;o+

    Stranger: oops

    Stranger: it's someone who does not believe in god

    You: oh

    You: im one of them too

    Stranger: or doesn't have any other belief

    Stranger: Nais

    You: I just mess

    You: lol

    Stranger: Shakespeare's a cool guy

    You: i dont believe stuff till i see it

    Stranger: I met him in the past

    Stranger: f***you

    You: really?
    Long convo .
    Last edited by iDenning; 20-06-2009 at 10:04 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

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    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hey
    You: wats poppin
    Stranger: oh dear...
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    they aint very friendly

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

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    Stranger: hi
    You: YO
    Stranger: asl?
    You: 67 transvestite jamaica
    You: you?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Last Fm | Formspring| Twitter | Spotify | Tumblr
    I'll never be rich and I'll never look perfect, I don't care it's who I am.
    You'll never be happy, chasing all the wrong things and you'll never understand.

  5. #25


    These are real people by the way

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    West midlands, Birmingham.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMagicTramp View Post
    These are real people by the way
    omg really

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

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    Connecting to server...

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

    Stranger: I'm looking for a girl who wants to show off her breasts anonymously

    You have disconnected.
    God, most of the people on this are creeps

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by iDenning View Post
    omg really

    yes i asked one of the strangers if they where real or a bot they said real so yeah

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMagicTramp View Post
    yes i asked one of the strangers if they where real or a bot they said real so yeah
    I was joking
    And yeah, people on there are messed in the head. The ammount of people ive came across trying to take the micky so they can post on forums.. lol

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

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    Omegle is a website used to communicate with random anonymous people across the internet via chat. The site was created by 18-year old Leif K-Brooks of Brattleboro, Vermont, United States and was launched on March 25th, 2009.

    Clever boy. A very good site indeed.

    and lol at how this ended

    Stranger: m or f?
    You: m
    You: u?
    Stranger: f
    You: age
    Stranger: 20
    Stranger: u?
    You: 18
    You: l?
    Stranger: ohio
    You: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhh-hi-yo
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    Last edited by Tintinnabulate; 20-06-2009 at 11:44 PM.

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