Habbo Name: Hur!ey
Yes, you are wondering why in the world my hero is myself. Well, my hero is not myself.
You see, when I started Habbo Hotel, I started as xxaznxgrlxx (I have no idea what happened to this account). I had a friend, who was using this account, Hur!ey. After a while, she deciced to quit. She was my very best friend, and had always been very gernerous and kind to me. I was very depressed, so we decided to stay in contact over MSN.
When she left, she decided to give her account away. I'm not sure if this is was a very good choice, but she felt she should. She didn't have the heart to leave her little dog (now mine), Roxy. So, she gave her account to me.
Now, Hur!ey is my very own account. I miss her very much, and she's been very dear to me. We haven't been talking for a long time, but she'll always be there in her heart. Not only did she leave me an HC account, a dog, and bunches of furniture, but she was also always there for me.
If she hadn't given anything at all, she would still be my hero.