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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexxxxx View Post
    in italy when there's bad pollution only cars with odd or even numbers at the end are allowed to drive in the cities!
    LOL classic

  2. #12
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    How come the officials are allowed to use cars yet the general public is banned from using cars to attend the games. To make the games more "green" they are not building any parking facilities at all at the games to ensure everyone attends by public transport. This has meant massive investment in public transport in East London which I'm not actually against, I just think if we're all expected to be "Green", why can't the officials and athletes be too?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jordy View Post
    How come the officials are allowed to use cars yet the general public is banned from using cars to attend the games. To make the games more "green" they are not building any parking facilities at all at the games to ensure everyone attends by public transport. This has meant massive investment in public transport in East London which I'm not actually against, I just think if we're all expected to be "Green", why can't the officials and athletes be too?
    they probably are, the atletes will all travel by bus depending on where they are in the country. My towns hosting team GB, so theyll all probs have cars, but foreigners won't.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Technologic View Post
    As long as essential NHS/Police/Fire staff can use them too i don't care, people need to learn to walk
    I agree with this.

  5. #15
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Are the athletes not staying most of the time in the Olympic village which is usually built alongside? which to me suggests this will be for the likes of Tony Blair, Herman Van Rompuy and countless other politicians who don't want to use our roads because they are overcrowded and sub-standed. In which case we should ask ourselves, why doesnt the government spend this money on widening and improving the roads rather than a week or twos worth of sporting events?

    Yet again its do as I say, not as I do.

    If it were only atheletes using it then you may have a case (although i'd still ask why can they not use the 'sufficent' and 'great' sporting links being built by the taxpayer for these games? what annoys me is the fact that this will include politicians, the super rich friends of the politicians when it was the British taxpayer who paid for these roads - not a select few, most of who are foreign and have never paid anything to this country.

    Why should people be treated different on the roads because of their status?
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 13-08-2010 at 02:20 PM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Are the athletes not staying most of the time in the Olympic village which is usually built alongside? which to me suggests this will be for the likes of Tony Blair, Herman Van Rompuy and countless other politicians who don't want to use our roads because they are overcrowded and sub-standed. In which case we should ask ourselves, why doesnt the government spend this money on widening and improving the roads rather than a week or twos worth of sporting events?

    Yet again its do as I say, not as I do.

    If it were only atheletes using it then you may have a case (although i'd still ask why can they not use the 'sufficent' and 'great' sporting links being built by the taxpayer for these games? what annoys me is the fact that this will include politicians, the super rich friends of the politicians when it was the British taxpayer who paid for these roads - not a select few, most of who are foreign and have never paid anything to this country.

    Why should people be treated different on the roads because of their status?
    athletes do stay in the village, but not all the time. They have to travel from their camps across the country. Im not sure exactly how it works, but im assuming they travel a few days before theyre due to compete. but also, they dont hve the facilities in east london for them to train, so they go elsewhere, or stay where they picked as their host towns

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Are the athletes not staying most of the time in the Olympic village which is usually built alongside? which to me suggests this will be for the likes of Tony Blair, Herman Van Rompuy and countless other politicians who don't want to use our roads because they are overcrowded and sub-standed. In which case we should ask ourselves, why doesnt the government spend this money on widening and improving the roads rather than a week or twos worth of sporting events?

    Yet again its do as I say, not as I do.

    If it were only atheletes using it then you may have a case (although i'd still ask why can they not use the 'sufficent' and 'great' sporting links being built by the taxpayer for these games? what annoys me is the fact that this will include politicians, the super rich friends of the politicians when it was the British taxpayer who paid for these roads - not a select few, most of who are foreign and have never paid anything to this country.

    Why should people be treated different on the roads because of their status?
    we've invited the world for dinner to advertise our country and therefore people who need to be places including the hundreds of athletes, TV vans, journalists, foreign heads of state and politicians, charities, sponsors and their guests. it's common practice at olympic games. TV cameras and mixing trucks don't travel well on public transport.

    if we're having an olympic games we might as well make it good. get a grip and complain about something much less trivial. this is such a joke - almost as bad as complaining about wheelie bins.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Thanks to Jordy for bringing this to my attention;

    This is disgusting, yet another case of 'do as we say not as we do' by the ruling elite in this country - this is on the same par as the disgusting road charge brought in for inner-London by former Mayor 'red Ken'. We pay for the roads, we have a right to use the roads - not government officals and foreign officals who mostly don't pay tax and milk the system dry. A fine of £5,000 - how out of proportion and what a complete and utter devious scheme to make yet more money out of the people who not only pay for the roads in the first place, but are also the people paying for this ridiculous Olympic Games of which most of us will not even see/have no interest in it.

    This calls for people to ignore the damn government for once and to hell with them all - I hope this Olympics is a big **** up to show up what a gang of utterly useless, self-serving morons we had & have incharge.

    When are the British people going to stand up and stop being treated like second class citizens in our own country?

    Seriously? Because you're pissed, you want the olympics to be a huge failure? It's a ******* road/lane

  9. #19
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    Why are you even trying to turn this political? And why the hell do you care?! You live in Liverpool...
    Conductor of the Runaway Train of Militant Homosexuality

  10. #20
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    I think that's fair enough. Especially seeing as how public transport will be free if you have a ticket to any one of the Olympic events and they're opening up new cycle lanes and such. Traveling around London in 2012 is going to be quite the spectacle.

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