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  1. #11
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    Agree with every word...but here's a suggestion...

    AGM (Community) - I essentially think this role should stay, as it is very important. This role however will remain embodied in the position of Deputy General Manager or if you'd prefer. The Deputy General Manager will primarily focus on Community issues. This isn't limited to the community departments however, it is his or her responsibility to ensure that all departments are working together to ensure the community are well catered. This will involve changing from the predominant one event an hour mindset to the Deputy GM coordinating department managers into working together for larger scale events and competitions that operate as a singular entity. Naturally the Deputy GM will be there to step in on other roles if the General Manager goes away or becomes otherwise indisposed.
    How about we call this the "Community Manager" OMG NO WAY.

    DJ Robbie
    Former Jobs: Events Organiser, News Reporter, HxHD

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inseriousity. View Post
    If you're going to seperate them when you merge them, it's rather pointless. The two can still work together and have real exposure and achievement, communication and co-operation, you don't really need a merger to achieve that. It's not old fashioned to leave something as it is if it's successful and figures would suggest to me that the competitions department is currently on a high. So yes, it does look like a case of agree to disagree.

    edit: oh forgot to mention that there's a lot of admin work that goes into comps (giving out prizes etc).
    I'm not suggesting separating them in merging them, all staff would be expected to offer different aspects and some could specialise in forum based events if they chose to do so. The two can still work together and achieve all of that, yes, but what better way to break down the barriers and create a unified team that works together than merging the two?

    I think I may have explained it poorly. Essentially what I am saying is bring the two together to create almost a publicity department, or even if you like, a 'community' department. The role of said department would be providing entertainment for our followers on both the forum and Habbo and also, importantly, creating event campaigns that attract new users from the client incorporating both competitions and events. It's role is publicity and community satisfaction, I see no reason why this could not come from a singular department that creates both competitions and events as part of the job role. In fact, event campaigns that spread across the site, the forum, the radio and Habbo are always hugely successful and attract and entertain more people than sole competitions or events. It also increases activity across all Habbox projects.

    I won't deny that the competitions department is doing well, and I have always commended you and Alex for your work which I think is excellent, however I think that this work could become even better if a more combined focus of events and competitions was used. Something that has been discussed over and over and on the whole failed without very tight supervision, so improving cooperation between departments may have to take a more drastic approach.

    Quote Originally Posted by Robbie View Post
    Love you too.
    I did miss you out but you would be another perfect candidate for the role of Site Manager if it were to be introduced.

    Quote Originally Posted by R0BB13G View Post
    Agree with every word...but here's a suggestion...

    How about we call this the "Community Manager" OMG NO WAY.
    Yes I did think that, it wouldn't be a problem. But that's essentially creating another layer of management I'd want to avoid. The idea of the Deputy GM is that he or she would share the role of the GM but his or her primary focus would be the community. It's a title that could be used though.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post

    Department Managers - Have site access to edit pages relevant to their departments. For example the HxHD Manager can help maintain the guides. It makes sense to extend their responsibility to ensuring the SITE is updated and maintained because they work for and therefore should be working to make sure it is a success.
    I always found it a bit weird why don't the people who are meant to be giving advice on the hotel never wrote the advice on the website - surely they would be best qualified? That saying I know (at least one: Skizzling) is an ex-HxHD staff member and is qualified to write advice on Habbo Issues. (by advice I mean write the content e.g Tips and tricks and history of Habbo etc).

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    General Manager - In all honesty, have a look at what the General Manager actually does (this isn't specifically aimed at Matt, btw, it is the role I am talking about). Okay the General Manager does a lot, that is true, so I guess the question is what does the role of General Manager actually do that the other layers of Management don't do already? It's essentially another layer of pointless bureaucracy and approval, and it has become a role that essentially restricts what Matt can really do. Therefore...

    Jin needs to relinquish all or most of his power to the GM, allowing them to make decisions on the ground as and when necessary.
    I think Jin explained the reasons for not giving people full access to things (the whole >Max< issue who was a trusted member of staff (i think?) and then well did what he did). When Jin is here I don't see there being a problem and he's back now and I know its easy to contact him if there is problems. Maybe when he goes away the GM should get more power but I dunno.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    Assistant General Manager (Staff) - The role that I loved irl, no denying that, but I will happily admit I exceeded my mandate here and I think it's impossible not to. Whether you think I was treading on toes or doing good for Habbox the fact is that anyone being promoted to "Assistant General Manager" isn't going to take the role on the sole basis of editing staff permissions. Ultimately the role is obsolete then as apparently this is all they should be doing, other than dealing with staff complaints which will now be covered by the GM at Dept Manager level and by Department Managers in regard to other things (below). Adding or removing staff permissions becomes the role of the (Assistant) Forum Manager. So what happens to staff discipline, omg!?!?! Well simple really, in regard to the forum, the Moderators are able to infract Staff. Where a member of staff reaches x fixed amount of infractions they lose their job. It seems to make sense that this should be at the caution level, because the initiation of a caution would then remove their access to the staff forums and prevent any problems associated with delayed communication (if it was below the individual would know they were going to be fired before they were). If not a system could easily be implemented to properly manage it.
    As much as I feel that the Moderators, Jamesy and myself could deal with issues regarding with staff - I still don't like the idea. The idea that a normal member over staff (but is a moderator) has power over another one seems well crazy to me. It would make them seem superior and higher than other member's of staff and it's something I don't like. I don't think me or Jamesy have the mandate to have authority over members of staff who don't belong to our department. I think the current system is much more fairer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    Events and Comps - The dreaded merge. But yes, looking at it now it makes sense. You want to start looking at events on a grander scale, creating campaigns and projects that include everybody and everything. These two departments are closely linked so the two are brought together and can then create Forum Events (competitions) and Habbo events. It does actually make sense.
    Not that keen to be honest, Member's of staff (E.G Yupt) can not access the hotel and during the week but can access the forum meaning he is able to his competitions but doesn't have to be seen on the hotel. I think there should maybe be some involvement between them and Events but then again I think there should be with all departments.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    HxHD - Reduce the HxHD Staff Team to around five dedicated individuals who are community minded - i.e. they chat and integrate with the community and don't just offer help to random Habbos(and one manager), all with rights. Allow Department Managers access to the desk via the staff entrance (no rights). This encourages Managers to spend time on Habbo, increases the use of HxHD and forces HxHD Staff to be increasingly dedicated and HxHD Management to choose only the most dedicated and hard working individuals.
    YES!! If people were to ever stumble into HxHD and ask a question about the forum (not that the HxHD staff aren't qualified enough) they will sometimes direct them to me to answer the question - I don't see any harm in allow us behind the bar to answer questions. Yes we do have the takeover (and i'm sure other departments could do this too) but I think its more likely for users to stumble in than on a specific date.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    Events - Events are planned by the team of Managers. The Event Organisers then execute this. The Event Manager coordinates the planning but all managers must get involved and explain how they will contribute somehow, or just generally help with planning. The Deputy GM will chair and mediate these discussions and planning.
    This already happens doesn't it? I mean regarding the forum and halloween we discussed them with Roxy on what we should do etc - I presume she does the same with other departments? I think the events team should focus on providing top quality events on the hotel daily.
    Last edited by Sarah; 23-10-2010 at 07:08 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    I'm not suggesting separating them in merging them, all staff would be expected to offer different aspects and some could specialise in forum based events if they chose to do so. The two can still work together and achieve all of that, yes, but what better way to break down the barriers and create a unified team that works together than merging the two?

    I think I may have explained it poorly. Essentially what I am saying is bring the two together to create almost a publicity department, or even if you like, a 'community' department. The role of said department would be providing entertainment for our followers on both the forum and Habbo and also, importantly, creating event campaigns that attract new users from the client incorporating both competitions and events. It's role is publicity and community satisfaction, I see no reason why this could not come from a singular department that creates both competitions and events as part of the job role. In fact, event campaigns that spread across the site, the forum, the radio and Habbo are always hugely successful and attract and entertain more people than sole competitions or events. It also increases activity across all Habbox projects.
    Sure big event campaigns spread across the site etc are successful without the merging of the departments. You can easily achieve that without merging the two. HxSS is probably the easiest example, the time when managers really come together to make it the best it can be and for the past 4 (or is it 5?), the events manager, the competitions manager and the HabboxLive manager in particular all work together to provide that. Merging them together won't change that. There was, however, the idea once that competitions department could be disbanded and all departments do some to make up, which would of course dilute that workload down that would be unceremoniously placed on the 'community manager' (with the admin; prize giving, Habbox today, updating events calendar, updating competitions page, PMing all the winners etc). So if general management ever wanted to do that then I'd probably be more supportive of that than a merge of events + comps, where the workload would be too high and disproportionate to what a voluntary job should be.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
    I always found it a bit weird why don't the people who are meant to be giving advice on the hotel never wrote the advice on the website - surely they would be best qualified? That saying I know (at least one: Skizzling) is an ex-HxHD staff member and is qualified to write advice on Habbo Issues.
    It's not really to say the people on there are under qualified, because I am sure they all have relevant knowledge, but it doesn't make sense to have a team of individuals occasionally making minor edits (such as SPAG) to what are essentially fixed articles when this could be maintained by department managers with the relevant knowledge. The key reasons for the changes suggested are to cut down unnecessary levels of staff and management - the content designers are imo largely unneeded when their roles could be easily fulfilled by other people who are equally capable.

    I think Jin explained the reasons for not giving people full access to things (the whole >Max< issue who was a trusted member of staff (i think?) and then well did what he did). When Jin is here I don't see there being a problem and he's back now and I know its easy to contact him if there is problems. Maybe when he goes away the GM should get more power but I dunno.
    a) If Jin can't trust Matt - of all people - with access, then there are issues. However it's not so much administrative access I am talking about;
    b) I am talking about giving him the power to make decisions, such as the ones I have suggested, without having to wait around. Giving him the power to really get going with V6, for example, without having to worry that Jin will say no, no and no. Naturally Jin will have input and be involved in decision making, I just think the relationship is currently, Jin says something - it happens. It should be Jin suggests something, it might happen. People shouldn't be afraid to contest him. It should also be, Matt / Management suggest something, Jin doesn't point blank refuse unless he immerses himself in the community more and understands Habbox more as it is today. Just my opinion, but I know a lot of other people share it from members to management, up until maybe recently, Jin isn't fully aware of what Habbox truly needs because of his absence.
    c) It's more about the changing role than anything else. Whether or not Jin does relinquish decision making power, the role could still change for the better.

    As much as I feel that the Moderators, Jamesy and myself could deal with issues regarding with staff - I still don't like the idea. The idea that a normal member over staff (but is a moderator) has power over another one seems well crazy to me. It would make them seem superior and higher than other member's of staff and it's something I don't like. I don't think me or Jamesy have the mandate to have authority over members of staff who don't belong to our department. I think the current system is much more fairer.
    Key issue here - why are staff treated differently to members? Why segregate staff even more than they already are? It's not about giving a member of staff more authority or more power, it's about making everyone equal and everything fair. Having staff treated differently by a different person is actual more unfair. It's not an authority thing, if Moderators are perfectly capable of doing it I see no reason why they shouldn't.

    Not that keen to be honest, Member's of staff (E.G Yupt) can not access the hotel and during the week but can access the forum meaning he is able to his competitions but doesn't have to be seen on the hotel. I think there should maybe be some involvement between them and Events but then again I think there should be with all departments.
    No offence but your point is essentially moot, there are plenty of arguments against it, but staff not being able to access the client isn't one of them:
    a) He could still immerse himself in the planning of events and execution of the forum side of events and campaigns.
    b) Plenty of staff who have their jobs based on Habbo take a week off where they cannot access the hotel. It's only a week.
    c) If any member of Habbox Staff, apart from maybe those in Moderation / Graphics / Site, are unable to access the hotel for extended period of time (i.e. more than three weeks), I would question why they are staff in the first place. After all this is a Habbo fansite, and focus should be on Habbo. This is something else that needs to improve on a separate note - staff presence on the client.

    YES!! If people were to ever stumble into HxHD and ask a question about the forum (not that the HxHD staff aren't qualified enough) they will sometimes direct them to me to answer the question - I don't see any harm in allow us behind the bar to answer questions. Yes we do have the takeover (and i'm sure other departments could do this too) but I think its more likely for users to stumble in than on a specific date.
    Woo I am glad we agree on something ;D!

    This already happens doesn't it? I mean regarding the forum and halloween we discussed them with Roxy on what we should do etc - I presume she does the same with other departments? I think the events team should focus on providing top quality events on the hotel daily.
    To an extent, yes, although nowhere near enough. This suggestion is more in line with the other changes suggested - they would have to happen first: i.e. the focus on campaigns rather than just individualistic competitions or events. Basically what Habbo do - all of their individuals competitions and events tend to be shaped around an overall campaign.

  6. #16
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    I remember you being a fan of big campaigns but I think they're successful because they're big. That may sound weird but if you were doing 12 big campaigns a year (one every month) then after a while, they're no longer big, the novelty wears off and they become repetitive whereas if they come 4-6 times a year, they're a lot more interesting.

    PS. Yupt is still staff even though his client time is more limited than most because he's good.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inseriousity. View Post
    I remember you being a fan of big campaigns but I think they're successful because they're big. That may sound weird but if you were doing 12 big campaigns a year (one every month) then after a while, they're no longer big, the novelty wears off and they become repetitive whereas if they come 4-6 times a year, they're a lot more interesting.

    PS. Yupt is still staff even though his client time is more limited than most because he's good.
    I still think that they tend to have more success and exposure than small, individualistic competitions. I can see what you're saying but it doesn't seem to affect Habbo and I am not necessarily talking huge things like HxSS every couple of weeks, I am talking about having an overall theme or story arc as it were so as to link in events and competitions and to an extent other departments, thus breaking down the barriers that are currently present, and giving users and new visitors something a little more exciting they can follow.

    Of course I see that you might think overall big campaigns may lack novelty once they become often but if they are kept original and varied I can't see the harm.

    P.S. I wasn't for one second saying that Yupt shouldn't be staff and my comments about limited client access were not aimed at him, as I see him on the client an adequate amount. My main point was explaining why I didn't think Sarah's argument was that relevant to the point I was trying to make!

  8. #18
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    Yes Garion! I actually agree with everything you're saying there. I think as well that if these things were put into place practically they'd become a lot clearer. I think it would be so much easier if the forum team gave out forum permissions. In response to what Sarah said it wouldn't really involve the moderators So it would just be something else for you and James to do as Forum Management.

    I also feel that Roxy's role of AGM (Community) would be great as Deputy GM. In my opinion it would make more sense to have the two of them running things (GM & DGM) - Roxy is amazing in all that she does now and would be excellent for that position.

    Site Manager would be good as well and I agree that more access needs to be given to the technicians and content team as well if we wait on Jin all the time then nothing will be done.

    I can see you've thought it all through Garion and I really do think if these changes were made things would improve. A lot. x

    Previous Habbox Roles: News Manager, Assistant News Manager, Senior News Reporter, News Reporter, Help Desk Staff, Forum Moderator, Events Organiser & Content Designer

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nixt View Post
    I still think that they tend to have more success and exposure than small, individualistic competitions. I can see what you're saying but it doesn't seem to affect Habbo and I am not necessarily talking huge things like HxSS every couple of weeks, I am talking about having an overall theme or story arc as it were so as to link in events and competitions and to an extent other departments, thus breaking down the barriers that are currently present, and giving users and new visitors something a little more exciting they can follow.

    Of course I see that you might think overall big campaigns may lack novelty once they become often but if they are kept original and varied I can't see the harm.

    P.S. I wasn't for one second saying that Yupt shouldn't be staff and my comments about limited client access were not aimed at him, as I see him on the client an adequate amount. My main point was explaining why I didn't think Sarah's argument was that relevant to the point I was trying to make!
    And you can do them without merging them. HxSS being the perfect example at how comps + events departments can use a theme (summer) and turn it into a success but you don't need to merge them to do that. We could easily do that more often and keep the departments seperate. Maybe it'd be an idea to have smaller management meetings. If using the current system, for example, you could have 'community' manager meetings led by roxy to organise things like this then use the every-manager meetings to do the rest or just the simple thing of more threads in the management forum which I personally think are more effective than meetings.

    However, I think you're underestimating the value of individual competitions. Halfway through HxSS, new members come and hooray that's brill but chances of them winning are slim because bigger picture is that they've arrived too late whereas with individual competitions, it doesn't matter when you arrive, you can enter them at your leisure.

  10. #20
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    Some good points brought up here.

    First, I understand and agree with most of your points on AGM Content, and I'm basically saying what you said but with slight modifications, additions, whatever. In my opinion, keep the position, but possibly make it AGM (Site). This person must have the ability to code, and to actually fix things on the site. It should be a job requirement. AGM (Site)s must must must be able to fix things when Habbox breaks.

    We could possible keep the content jobs with AGM (Site), but regardless, the above should apply. Whether or not we should keep content stuff with site will be discussed later.

    AGM community needs to be on Habbo a lot. They are one of two big point-people on Habbo, the other being the GM. It's actually possible that the AGM has to be even more visible, because the GM gets a little automatic visibility without even going on the site.

    AGM Staff is honestly, by default, second in command. The staff job is time consuming, but it's not an entire mandate. For that reason, an AGM staff takes care of all the little things, and the big things. For example, as AGM staff I spearheaded a lot of special events, and at times worked with my other two AGMs to solve problems in specific departments when they related to staffing issues. Now, there is the option here that the AGM (Staff) could absorb the role of managing the content departments (apart from the actual Content Department which would fall under AGM (Site)), especially since there are fewer.

    Also, as far as the GM, I think the AGMs need to become MUCH more involved in the running of departments, which allows the GM to be much LESS involved. This isn't a mistake, just a change, and I speak from personal experience. The two options are to be hands-off but then the GM and AGM have to both be a *little* involved, and step in when things go off-track. If the AGM is *really* involved, the GM can use them as point person and have a lot more time to do other things BUT this requires a VERY cohesive General Management team.

    Just some thoughts
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