I recently started 6form and started receiving EMA and to me it is an incentive for staying on to be further educated. Not a money farm whereby every week i can spend it on whatever i like. I do spend it on Travel to the cinema but thats £10 on the cinema, the other £20 goes on the odd t-shirt or jeans which permits me to look respectful at sixth form as well as in house things such as learning related gear (trips to colleges) as well as to keep myself fed through the hours im there.
You may say "why depend on EMA in the first place" - Because when the 2010-2011 term started no news about EMA being abolished was being circulated. The very sentence "why depend on EMA in the first place" is applicable to everybody for example. A Man loses his £380 ,8 hour a day, job with little to no warning. He depends on this job to keep his family of 2 children and a housewife housed and fed. and the odds and ends go into the children's car/university fund. Without this £380 a week he is going to have to declare bankruptcy and be forced to live on the streets as he barely scrapes by on his current earnings. Would you then criticize him on "depending on his weekly income to live"? Think long and hard about what you are thinking.
Feel free to pick fault. This was just a educational example i quickly thought up
Still shouldnt have depeneded on EMA in first place, What happens if he was ill one day and didnt get EMA for that week?
That guy working for his family is a stupid example.
If you are ill and have sufficient proof you still get EMA regardless.
Explain why it was any different to what you are stating?
lol wtf not sure if serious thread..
I wipe my ass with £30.00
Edited by Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make posts that are not constructive to the topic of the thread
Last edited by Catzsy; 14-12-2010 at 11:45 AM.
That's unsanitary do you know how many people are likely to have touched those notes before
Edited by Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator):
Please stay on-topic
Last edited by Catzsy; 14-12-2010 at 12:12 PM.
The fact is, you cannot depend on EMA.
Also, that example. Your meant to save atleast 3 months work of wages in your bank plus any reduncances payments prior to this. The guy would be getting JSA as well as possibly getting other types of benefits. As I worked out he be getting less than 19 grand a year, the uni/college will be able to provide free travel for low income families. Just becasue you drive doesnt mean you need to drive.
If you ever need help with money, I serouisly reccemend visting http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/ and check out the forums.
Good advice and you can save bucket loads of money. Also check out the benefits forum, you can see what benefits you can get.
You won't receive your Christmas bonus this year however the Government will receive a Christmas bonus worth millions.
It's not been cancelled in Scotland yet, which tbh, I find pretty ridiculous.
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