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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by GommeInc View Post
    Oh yeah, I noticed this too. No-one cared about Dennis Richie, which is shocking... Isn't it disputed that iOS is a modified version of Unix, or at least loosely based on it? It's an interesting discussion, people who work for free or allow their products to be widely accessible for as little cost get forgotten while those who do very little i.e. only good at marketing and making lots of money are remembered.
    iOS/MacOS has it's roots in UNIX, yes.
    Last edited by Recursion; 20-10-2011 at 03:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chippiewill View Post
    e-rebel forum moderator

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
    iOS/MacOS has it's roots in UNIX, yes.
    Yay, I did learn something in ICT all those years ago

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by GommeInc View Post
    This is quite a naive thing to say. The media do not write about what people want to read, they primarily write for the pure benefit of having their articles written and in many cases will over-do it to over-publicate even when the world doesn't care or shouldn't care. Do people really want to believe Jobs created the internet and brought PCs to the masses, all of which are not absolutely true? It's sensationalist rubbish piggy-backing a man who died, it's so disrespectful. If people really want to be fed lies, then natural selection should of got these people sooner rather than later as it's not news, it's pure lies and over-reporting where the original intension of respecting a good marketeer has turned into a media circus created purely by the media and not by what people wanting to read and to learn. If the media went by what people wanted to read, then you'd get good news articles or something based on truths or actual "news". As it stands now, they're writing to benefit themselves by posting benine statements like Jobs working until he died, which anyone with brains would know is incredibly likely as he didn't leave Apple, he stepped down as CEO and remained on the Board of Directors. If the media are writing for the people, then they're writing for an ignorant majority which I hope is not true.

    So a man who created the foundations of modern day technology deserves no respect? It's double standards, a man who actually brought computing to the masses by creating computing language versus a man who is only known as a good marketer and product designer. Also, your comment isn't based on anything, where are the obvious "jealousy" comments in that image? It's quite accurate. One man created the foundations of modern day technology (Dennis Richie) while the other based his empire on those foundations (Jobs). Importantly, one didn't profiteer from it while the other made a lot of money. You could even talk business ethics and suggest Jobs' business empire has cost more lives and poverty than Richie's creation, which hasn't cost the lives of Chinese workers or product obsession. Using the "jealous" route to sum up your argument isn't a good basis for a counter-argument.
    If we are going to talk about the crap over Chinese lives, lets point out if it wasn't for those like Jobs they wouldn't have the jobs in the first place :rolleyes:

    And of course they do. The media wouldn't write something if no one wanted to read it. They want to make money, which they won't do if people don't want to read it..

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marketing View Post
    If we are going to talk about the crap over Chinese lives, lets point out if it wasn't for those like Jobs they wouldn't have the jobs in the first place :rolleyes:

    And of course they do. The media wouldn't write something if no one wanted to read it. They want to make money, which they won't do if people don't want to read it..
    Hmmm, I don't think you understand economics and the media too well The media do not ask a council of public members about what articles to write. They write what they want the public to read, not write what the public want to read. As for economics, Apple (not Jobs) may have got those people employed, but there's huge discussions about Westernisation and the pressure of globalisation on weak, cheap labour like China. Then there's the arguments that perhaps unemployment is not necessarily as bad thing, or shouldn't be for the Chinese if it wasn't for western powers and capitalist values. It's a huge, unnecessary discussion about corporate social responsibility

    But we are deferring away from the original point. Dennis Richie deserves respect too, not just Jobs. Jobs built his empire on the foundations Richie laid. It's not jealousy, it's about respecting someone who actually made a difference, not someone who profitted and gets the credit. Jobs obviously deserves some respect, but we shouldn't turn a blind eye to a truely innovative individual who didn't have dollar signs in his eyes.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by GommeInc View Post
    Hmmm, I don't think you understand economics and the media too well The media do not ask a council of public members about what articles to write. They write what they want the public to read, not write what the public want to read. As for economics, Apple (not Jobs) may have got those people employed, but there's huge discussions about Westernisation and the pressure of globalisation on weak, cheap labour like China. Then there's the arguments that perhaps unemployment is not necessarily as bad thing, or shouldn't be for the Chinese if it wasn't for western powers and capitalist values. It's a huge, unnecessary discussion about corporate social responsibility

    But we are deferring away from the original point. Dennis Richie deserves respect too, not just Jobs. Jobs built his empire on the foundations Richie laid. It's not jealousy, it's about respecting someone who actually made a difference, not someone who profitted and gets the credit. Jobs obviously deserves some respect, but we shouldn't turn a blind eye to a truely innovative individual who didn't have dollar signs in his eyes.
    I have a feeling we are misunderstood each other.

    I know they write on a bias to whatever side they want to write about, but the actual article will be something that interests people.

    For example, the sun will NEVER have "A little white rabbit has died of old age. The rabbit belonged to a family in West Sussex."

  6. #86
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    I just heard about this Steve Jobs biography. Sounds very interesting, I think I'll pick up a copy on my iPad
    I'm not crazy, ask my toaster.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by HotelUser View Post

    I just heard about this Steve Jobs biography. Sounds very interesting, I think I'll pick up a copy on my iPad
    Sounds good.

    Posted from my custom built Windows 7 PC.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROT View Post
    lol sucks to be him

    moderator alert Edited by Oleh (Forum Moderator): Please do not post pointlessly, thanks
    Last edited by Jordan; 19-11-2011 at 06:18 PM.
    please please please let me get what i want this time

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