Don't worry Subo I'll save your thread
(explicit lol)
Edited by Nick (Forum Super Moderator): Please remember to use badspoilers on videos that contain swearing.
Don't worry Subo I'll save your thread
(explicit lol)
Edited by Nick (Forum Super Moderator): Please remember to use badspoilers on videos that contain swearing.
Last edited by Nick; 29-10-2013 at 09:39 AM.
He has the right to post in this thread if he wishes to; his opinions of Bieber are fine.
Having listened to his latestmoney-grabmusic Monday song, I worked out you can skip back and forth to almost any stage in the song and it seems to fit.
last weeks song oops. will post this weeks song with the child pisser when the audio is up
the all that matters teaser fr te music vid. the music vid be out later today
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