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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

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    Default Privacy from Parents

    My friend and I were swapping numbers the other day and she warned me that anything I send her will be checked by her mother, so I should keep it all appropriate. Obviously I wouldn't be sending nudes or something anyway, but it did get me thinking:

    How much privacy do you think children and teenagers should be allowed? Should you be given more/less as you get older? Should parents be allowed to 'snoop' through your Facebook account and belongings to see what's going on?

    The worst case I've heard of is being out in town with a friend and him receiving a text from his mother asking him to send a photo of him (in a specific position that she'd randomly chosen so he couldn't have taken a picture beforehand) and his friends to prove his whereabouts. I know of some parents who have the details of their child's accounts (Facebook, Tumblr, Habbo, etc.) so they can log on and check what's going on too. Do you think this is acceptable?

  2. #2
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    Tbhh my Mum gave me a fair bit of privacy as a teen and still does. The worst she's done is found one of my tumblr accounts (changed the URL after LOL) and went through that then came and had a go at me for stupid reasons lol.

    Don't think anyone really should be allowed to snoop through any of their child's things unless they have a very strong and imperative reason that there is something to gain from doing so. So like... cyber bullying.. idk can't think of example.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Intersocial View Post
    Tbhh my Mum gave me a fair bit of privacy as a teen and still does. The worst she's done is found one of my tumblr accounts (changed the URL after LOL) and went through that then came and had a go at me for stupid reasons lol.

    Don't think anyone really should be allowed to snoop through any of their child's things unless they have a very strong and imperative reason that there is something to gain from doing so. So like... cyber bullying.. idk can't think of example.
    Like if you think your child has stolen something you go to look for it? Both my cousins are adopted and a lot of adopted children steal because they're not used to not having to hoard. My older cousin is really awful for it and once stole £130 from his aunt (not an aunt on my side of the family)'s purse. He was already known to steal money so she went ballistic and went through all this belongings tearing everything apart looking for the money!

    My mum gives off the impression that I'm allowed a lot of privacy but I know not to leave my laptop or phone around the house if I'm not with them because she checks through my texts and calls and things. I know she went through my phone once a few months ago because my history showed someone had been through my texts, contacts and open internet pages and she was the only one in the house that night It was annoying though because she completely denied it and still does to this day.

  4. #4
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    I think will just foster distrust. My friends who had the strict parents, they ended up doing whatever it was anyway only behind their parents back. My mum give me a lot of freedom and I respected her. There is no way I would want someone reading my private conversations nor would I want to do that to my kids.

  5. #5
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    my mum gives me quite a lot of privacy and so doesnt check my phone facebook social media etc
    she knows my passwords to things etc but wont go on them unless anythings happened
    my phone hasnt got anything oni t anyway so even if she did look like uno nothing to hide so no phone password lol
    my mum says though that its our messages and obv she shouldnt be looking through them but at same time if i got into online argument or anything of a sort she'd obv scroll through and see what im doing
    she doesnt monitor any skype or internet activity watev tho
    when i was younger she used to watch me n charlotte to see what we're doing when we were like 9/10 so even with our lil nokia phones would check on those but uno i understand that cos i was young but as i got older she released it lol
    she still knows my computer password though fb twitter etc but knows not to go through them
    i think thts good though like theres trust that she doesnt go on it and if she did it'd tell me tht a diff computer tried to log on (she doesnt know that tho) so then trust element is built up then just she doesnt actually snoop and look through my stuff but knows the info if she needed to

    i think its acceptable to have the passwords to things and if u needed to log on then to do it say ur child went missing and u wanted to see if there was any convos suggesting online like anythingl ike that but i dont think its acceptable to just snoop wheneve you feel like snooping
    there should be good reason or if u want to

    idk if that made sense

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Privacy from Parents

    It's very easy to be on the receiving end of snooping and say that privacy from parents is super important but as parents I think we will all be slightly wary of goings on and want to be sure that our children are safe. I have a younger sister so am naturally protective and have to make sure that she's secure insofar as ensuring that she's only interacting with friends, not reading actual messages when she uses the internet and things like skype... They start so young these days bloody hell.

    My parents are nosy and would always look at my phone if I left it in a room and be like oh who is this who is that but that's probably my own fault for not telling them anything. A few years ago somebody from the internet called my house and told my dad that I had nude pics of a girl and was harassing her (not true lmao) so from then I decided the best bet is just to be more open with them. Absolutely hate eavesdropping on conversations or people lookin at my phone when I'm texting it's just rude.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Kyle; 10-01-2015 at 12:04 PM.

  7. #7
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    Always had privacy. My mum found cigs when going through my pockets and that was it lol. Depends how old you are but I think from 16 you shouldn't be watched particularly. Learn from your own mistakes!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    my parents are freaking control freaks lol the amount of stuff they go thru to know what im doing and try to stop it ie twitter is just ridiculous lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I've always had privacy too, they've never snooped in my room, about my computer etc for stuff..

    I've always been allowed to have my own space and do whatever within that.

  10. #10
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    i never really get the greatest privacy, questions are always asked and such but i never give straight answers or nothing... and my phones and such are always password's on them which they both get pissed about like why do you put stupid passwords and such on your things... because it's damn ******* mine not yours and private..

    But yeah snooping... i can understand it more and more as we progress.. because there's the whole thing of what kids are getting up to younger and younger and such, it's not the greatest of thing's but.. like it sometimes can't be helped especially in this ever changing and developing time.

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