Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. This is just an acknowledgement so that you know we're not ignoring it and will be discussing it very soon!
Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. This is just an acknowledgement so that you know we're not ignoring it and will be discussing it very soon!
Former General Manager
Former Forum Manager
Former Site Manager
I've left, but I still visit sometimes!
OH RULE CHANGES, I've been drafting up a bunch on the subreddit I moderate because it's been drama llama for the past 2 weeks...... plus somebody died. anyway old rules in red, new rules/changes in blue:
I would add to say that if you are to disagree with their opinions, attempt to do in a constructive manner. I would also say that this needs to be a rule:A1. Respect other forum members ~ Always respect other forum members, this means do not be rude towards them and respect their opinions. You should not bully or victimise other members for any reason and you should not behave in a negative manner excessively or attempt to cause arguments.
That's a reddit special that a lot of the subreddits use, and I think it covers a lot of stuff as well as showing it's a zero tolerance environment. (Yes I know it's ironic me even proposing that change if you've seen the DNHL, but surprisingly people grow up. I wish I was one :3)A69. Do not post offensive content - Posts and comments, whether in jest or with malice, that contain racist, sexist, homophobic content, or threats will be removed, regardless of popularity or relevance to the subject or the status of the user.
change toA2. Do not post inappropriately ~ Habbox Forum has an audience that includes younger members, and as such all content must be suitable for those members. You must not:
- Talk about adult subjects in an explicit manner.
- Post images, videos or links that with inappropriate content like gore, nudity, obscenity or annoyance.
- Post links which may cause a nuisance to other forum members, such as "Rick Rolling" etc.
Mildly inappropriate content (never anything rated 18+) is allowed where sufficient warning is added into the post and the image or link is placed within a spoiler. The final decision on what is or is not inappropriate is at the Moderator's discretion
Next...A2. Do not post inappropriately ~ Habbox Forum has an audience that includes younger members, and as such all content must be suitable for those members. You must not:
- Talk about adult subjects in an explicit manner in public.
- Post images, videos or links that with inappropriate content like gore, nudity or any topic deemed offensive.
- Post links which may cause a nuisance to other forum members
Mildly inappropriate content (never anything rated 18+) is allowed where sufficient warning is added into the post and the image or link is placed within a spoiler. The final decision on what is or is not inappropriate is at the Moderator's discretion
You shouldn't need to explain what's acceptable and what's not, it's a very grey rule. To clean that up:A3. Do not avoid the forum filter ~ In most cases the filter must not be avoided, however, there are exceptions to this rule. Click here to see what is and isn't acceptable
Cleans it all up in a simple rule. Acronyms aren't a big deal, and offending other users is a rule in itself so this doesn't come under that rule.A3. Do not avoid the forum filter ~ Please do not attempt avoid the forum filter. If images are posted, please check if words are filtered. If videos are posted with excessive swearing, do not post. Videos with little swearing should be hidden in badspoiler tags.
to.A4. Do not accuse others of scamming or hacking, or any other illegal activity ~ making baseless accusations only leads to arguments and often members are targeted wrongly or unfairly. We do not allow you to accuse anyone of hacking, scamming or illegal activities with or without evidence so as to maintain a positive atmosphere about the forum.
ORIGINALA4. Super Moderators must approve any accusations of scamming or hacking, or any other illegal activity ~ making baseless accusations only leads to arguments and often members are targeted wrongly or unfairly. Provide evidence to a Super Moderator before posting, this is at Moderators discretion
CHANGED TOA5. Do not post private details or information ~ We do not allow you to post private information about yourself due to security concerns. Disclosing any information about another forum user without their consent is also not allowed. This includes:
- Private messages
- Forum ban reasons/dismissal reasons
- Private conversations (Skype, Habbo, etc.)
- Images / videos of the user or links to a page where an image/video of another user is located (this includes social networking sites, facebook, myspace etc)
- Trying to organize real life meet-ups
- It is also not allowed to give out the personal details (specific address, phone number etc) of anyone, forum user or otherwise.
You are, however, allowed to post pictures of yourself and use them as your profile picture, avatar and as a signature image. You may also share your email address and social networking profiles on the forum.
Reason I say under 18 is because ultimately a lot of players do meet up around that age, but by that point you're classed an adult but before that HxF is pretty much due a legal responsibility in protecting its users. If that can be enforced correctly, that'd be cool. Reason I say opposite user is like if it's a guy asking a girl under 18 out, or girl asking guy. I just don't think that's a rule that should be removed.A5. Do not post private details or information ~ We do not allow you to post private information about yourself due to security concerns. Disclosing any information about another forum user without their consent is also not allowed. This includes:
- Private messages
- Private conversations (Skype, Habbo, etc.)
- Images / videos of the user or links to a page where an image/video of another user is located (this includes social networking sites, facebook, myspace etc)
- Trying to organize real life meet-ups (if the opposite user is under 18)
- It is also not allowed to give out the personal details (specific address, phone number etc) of anyone, forum user or otherwise.
You are, however, allowed to post pictures of yourself and use them as your profile picture, avatar and as a signature image. You may also share your email address and social networking profiles on the forum.
EDITED TOA6. Do not use this forum for any illegal practices, including but not limited to:
- Being involved in hacking or encouraging hacking
- Breaking of the Habbo Way or encouraging T&C violation.
- Posting warez or other illegal downloads.
A6. Do not use this forum for any illegal practices, including but not limited to:
- Being involved in hacking or encouraging hacking
- Breaking of the Habbo Way or encouraging T&C violation.
- Posting warez, illegal torrents, illegal streams or other illegal downloads.
EDITED TOA7. Do not post pointlessly ~
~ Do not post off-topic. An off-topic post has no relevance to the topic or any previous post that is relevant, or does little to positively contribute to the discussion.
~ Do not spam/make pointless posts. It is not allowed to post random, meaningless, posts or threads on the forum. Examples of this are (ROFLCOPTER!!!!!!); (BYRDSB +HKK; ) (I am a plane)
~ Do not posts threads which only allow for short, one or two word answers and do not promote active discussion. Repeatably posting short replies such as "Yes" or "Nope" is also forbidden. What is classed as pointless or abuse is entirely down to the discretion of the Forum Department.
~ You may not make posts that contain plain images only. Images that includes text are allowed so long as they are relevant to the threads discussion. This rule does not apply to the forum games or spam forums.
A7. Do not post pointlessly (explained below). Rule does not apply to Spam Forums:
~ Do not post off-topic. An off-topic post has no relevance to the topic or any previous post that is relevant, or does little to positively contribute to the discussion.
~ Do not spam/make pointless posts. It is not allowed to post random, meaningless, posts or threads on the forum. Examples of this are ("LOLOLOLOLOL"); ("2342sdfsfd34fxzcv") ("IM BORED ~ Tara 2k15, 2k14, 2k13 etc.").
~ Do not posts threads which only allow for short, one or two word answers and do not promote active discussion. Repeatably posting short replies such as "Yes" or "Nope" is also forbidden. What is classed as pointless or abuse is entirely down to the discretion of the Forum Department.
~ You may not make posts that contain plain images only. Images that includes text are allowed so long as they are relevant to the threads discussion
Increase the timer to:A8. Please observe the correct posting protocol:
- Do not multiple post within the 15 minute edit time of your original threads
- Do not multiple post after the the 15 minute edit time without posting valid additional information.
- Do not pointlessly bump old threads. You may only bump threads if your post is relevant and something that can generate more discussion. What is and isn't pointless is up to the moderators discretion and is final.
No issue with A9.A8. Please observe the correct posting protocol:
- Do not multiple post within the 30 minute edit time of your original threads
- Do not multiple post after the the 30 minute edit time without posting valid additional information.
- Do not pointlessly bump old threads. You may only bump threads if your post is relevant and something that can generate more discussion. What is and isn't pointless is up to the moderators discretion and is final.
EDITED TO:A10. Do not give or ask for pointless reputation ~ Give reputation points because the post helped you or you found it funny or insightful – not because the person is your friend. It is not allowed to ask for reputation either, whether directly or indirectly.
A11 & A12 no issues either.A10. Do not give or ask for pointless reputation ~ Give reputation points because the post helped you or you found it funny or insightful – not because the person is your friend. It is not allowed to ask for reputation either, whether directly or indirectly. During Christmas periods, it is acceptable to give user reps as this is not considered a pointless act. It is also okay to ask for rep when a user offers this, but only if they offered first.
Last edited by RyRy; 05-07-2015 at 12:41 AM.
chill out pyroka
rip to freedom of speech on the forum
I'm in serious moderator mode and have been for a while. A girl on a subreddit I moderate killed herself, and I've been dealing with people who think its funny to troll that... so I'm in serious rules mode too.
To be fair though if you read through the adjustments I've only eased up on things, haven't really tightened up on anything... except maybe the actual meaning of the rules, making them a little more concise without having to put that in 200 words and an external link on what you can and cant say.
plus im bored n tired.