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Thread: Habbox is dying

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

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    I've read the majority of the thread and I'll reply on an events side of things. Without seeming big headed, events has improved majorly since I have become manager and it is still getting stronger. I won't take responsibility for everything because a lot of it does fall down to the Events Organisers who generally do a great job. As has been mentioned already in the thread, getting both members and staff to stick around is a major problem. A number of people have applied, been given a job, done one or two events and then disappear off the face of the earth. At the moment the Events Team is pretty solid and everyone is performing well, having sociable staff helps to keep the trialists around and if they have Skype, they are included in the active staff chats. Last week we had a total of 44 events which is amazing compared to what it was when I took over in March, it was barely scraping 10 at that time. Obviously there is always room for improvement but I think in terms of quantities, it is better to have more staff hosting less events than less staff hosting more events. As examples to reach 40 events a week, it would be better to have 10 staff hosting 4 events each rather than 4 staff hosting 10 events each as in the latter scenerio the morale would be incredibly low. I have tried to target this by reducing the minimums that staff meet down to two events each both to relieve the pressure on staff but also attract more users to apply and already it has had an effect. Off the top of my head, 1 user has stepped up from a guest role, another is pondering stepping up, 2 users who had shown an interest joined because of the new minimums and two new staff joined the day after the new minimums were announced. Some other fansites have no minimums at all and have large staff volumes, but I would question how well those teams actually funtion. At the end of the day, everyone who does stuff for Habbox does it on a voluntary basis so I don't think they should be forced in to doing anything other than what they are able to.

    I'm not sure how it works in other departments, but with events the caution and warnings system was quite strict when I came along and it had been left untouched until recently. Why should you be punished in your role for going out and having a meal, spending time with family or doing homework and not being able to meet the minimums. If I recall correctly, failing to meet the minimums would result in a warning, 3 of which would lead to dismissal which is something I never really agreed with. These rules are completely relaxed now which I think should perhaps be taken on board in other departments to boost morale. If a minimum is not met, I will instead go to the user and question why their minimum was not met, if it is something that I deem as a valid reason, then no action will be taken. If it is something which is not a valid reason, a caution will be issued and if it is repeated the following week, then another caution will be issued leading to a warning. However, if their performance is fine for the second week then the slate will be wiped clean.

    Advertising is essetially what events are for, to put the Habbox name out there and draw users to the site. All hosts make some form of advertising through their events, whether it be the main site, radio, forum or wiki. It might not be perfect from everyone and that is something I intend to focus on and make sure that all sites are being advertised interactively, not just in a robotic copy and paste format (which I'm guilty of myself). It does take getting involved with the users to make them want to sign up and the perfect opportunity is whilst waiting for a game to start and enough players to come along. One thing I did try to get the community more involved was the Community Hosting scheme which turned out to be a bit of a let down and out of 3 events hosted as part of it, only 1 person took part and hosted. I will try it again in the future but it does rely on the existing community for it to be a success, which I know might be a bit too much to ask!

    In terms of where to head in the future, my main goal at the moment is to have at least one weekly event for each day of the week. At the moment we have 3 which are the Habbox Carnival (replaced Avoid Management), Don't Blink and Horse Racing. These weekly events won't be the events we see every day like Danger Pod and Bank Game but those that are a little bit more interesting and could draw more users in. My next personal weekly will be Snake which always proves popular when hosted but doesn't seem to pop up on the hotel very often. I know a few people have ideas in mind and I will be pursuing all staff members to see if they are interested in taking up a weekly event. I am currently questioning the raffle because it is mainly Habbox users that go for that option, but I would really like more new users to go for it. I'm not sure if it's an advertising issue or people just want a prize there and then rather than waiting until the end of the month to get it, perhaps if it were to be done weekly or fortnightly instead but that would mean a greater value being given out which funds won't allow forever. I still have an idea in mind that I had when I joined the department which will be a regular, long running event but that is a little further down the line still, an event that takes place every second week and will run for a week at a time. In terms of what can be done on the forum, I am planning to revamp the awards on offer from the events department (not sure if anyone really cares about awards?) and hopefully generate a bit more interest from current users. Another feature we have available to us that is not made use of enough is the VIP we are able to offer and this also is something I plan on changing in the near future.

    I think I had a few more things I meant to bring up but can't remember them, that's my take on things!

    wow sorry for the essay


  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    East Midlands

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    habbox died along time ago

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