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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default A News Reporter Is Needed (Paid)


    Hello I am currently heading a new company called BZnews, we are currently on the hunt for news reporters from around the world.
    Our website will be posting news about whats trending online and also the news that people actually want to read.

    As we still haven't opened we are not sharing our link to everyone, however the site is ready for our news reporters as we only needed a site full of posts.
    Once we have articles published we will be opening.

    This is a PAID job however your pay is based on how many times your post is read plus shared.
    The reason why we want to pay users like this is so that news reporter will want to write articles about important things and what our viewers want.
    We believe you would be able to make more money this way as we don't pay per post.
    Example: You post 1 post get paid £5
    With our system of per view + shared is that you could earn more than £5 and not just for that day but for as long as you work for us.

    We also allow you to place 1 advertisement slot in your own posts. (Adsense, Affiliates, etc)
    This means you can make even more with it.

    Job Requirements.
    - You Have good English and grammar skills.
    - You are able to follow simple rules and guidelines. (Stated when applying.)

    Please Apply Here

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Allowing adsense, affiliates etc within a news article seems very tacky.

    How does payment work, is it gonna be like £0.001 per view, £0.01 per share or something then I assume you'll have a monthly breakdown for every article to pay the proper amount per month (as obviously in 5 years time you'll still have to be paying that person for every view on their article). I assume you have some sort of system to monitor this and give you a sum of the views and shares for all that persons articles for that month?

    Also, when you say heading a new company, do you mean website? From what I can see there's no company in the UK registered with the name 'BZNews' or 'BZ News'

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