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  1. #91
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    Firstly, I will say I call it a foetus because that is what it is in that same way a child is not an adult. But I'm glad you mention emotive language, because you just described what you do. A perfect example of you doing this is just below, where you use "evil" and "vile" as if that actually means anything. So perhaps agreeing emotion shouldn't get in the way of practical debate is a good start, then.
    I believe the practice to be evil and vile, absolutely. I make no apology for being emotional over that just as I make no apology for being emotional when calling for the death penalty for mass murderers or terrorists.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    Also funny you talk about dehumanising, which is exactly what you do with certain groups of people which covers what you are *actually* doing
    What groups are you talking about and examples of me doing this please.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    As opposed to a woman giving birth in secret and leaving it in a bin to die then, which has happened. I don't actually believe a foetus is just taken out and then left in a bin to die, unless you have a source on that.
    If a woman gives birth and leaves a baby in a bin to die then she should be prosecuted for murder/manslaughter. I'm not exactly sure how that evil crime then leads you to believe the child would be better off dead via a Doctor.

    There's another option you know, like keeping the baby alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    I actually tried to look for an example of that happening and all I found was this: http://www.theglobaldispatch.com/pol...yndrome-67268/ where the abortion was incorrectly carried out, and it wasn't even in this country.

    But either way, you didn't really counter the point of it actually being quite a natural thing, since it seems to almost be instinct as it has been documented to quite a while back.
    Abortion is natural you're claiming to me?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    Lunatic terrorist, back at it again with the dehumanising From what I recall, he was unarmed and could have been captured, but was instead shot. How you do not see this as an unlawful killing is pretty ridiculous. At this point, I'm not even arguing against him being sentenced to death, but the lack of any trial. But that's getting off topic a bit.
    A man who ordered thousands of deaths dehumanises himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    My whole point was there's no such thing as a universal right and wrong, only what you think is a universal right and wrong.
    Killing the innocent is wrong, we can agree?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    Also a quick hypothetical, if you execute someone who is later proven innocent, is that murder?
    Manslaughter that would come under I assume. Execution isn't classed as murder.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    I've never done Philosophy, I do maths. I just want you to actually answer the question directly rather than avoid answering it.
    If I need to tell you why a human being isn't the same or equal to an animal then is there much point continuing?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    Fair enough. I hope you're very much in favour of state spending on these children then.
    Absolutely 100% or the Church.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    If I need to tell you why a human being isn't the same or equal to an animal then is there much point continuing?
    The two of you are probably using two different concepts to describe this.

    dbgtz is taking the literal approach as in we are animals based on what it actually means to be an animal while Dan is taking the mental approach in a sense that humans do not equate ourselves to animals as we most certainly have our dominance over (most of) them and pretty much reside over them.

    Perhaps that is what you mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz
    But either way, you didn't really counter the point of it actually being quite a natural thing, since it seems to almost be instinct as it has been documented to quite a while back.
    Are you saying that we as humans are programmed to have the ability to abort offspring by instinct?

  3. #93
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    Technically abortionis is natural as a miscarriage is in strict medical terms a natural abortion, the practise of making it happen on purpose is known as medically induced abortion
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  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I believe the practice to be evil and vile, absolutely. I make no apology for being emotional over that just as I make no apology for being emotional when calling for the death penalty for mass murderers or terrorists.
    OK then I make no apology for calling a foetus a bunch of cells.

    What groups are you talking about and examples of me doing this please.
    Well, in another thread you referred to a certain group as "drugged up losers". I'd say that's pretty dehumanising. If you want I'll find more examples later but I always end up spending too much time replying to these at the moment lmao

    If a woman gives birth and leaves a baby in a bin to die then she should be prosecuted for murder/manslaughter. I'm not exactly sure how that evil crime then leads you to believe the child would be better off dead via a Doctor.

    There's another option you know, like keeping the baby alive.
    Better off because a lot of people will either dump the baby after to die or get a shitty back street abortion which puts the woman at risk?

    Abortion is natural you're claiming to me?
    The desire for abortions, yes. See the bit I replied to Landon.

    A man who ordered thousands of deaths dehumanises himself.
    No, you're doing it.

    Killing the innocent is wrong, we can agree?
    Is it? If it came down to me or another person dying in a situation, I'd almost always choose them.

    Manslaughter that would come under I assume. Execution isn't classed as murder.
    To be honest, I should have asked if it's an unlawful killing since it's probably undefined in this country.

    If I need to tell you why a human being isn't the same or equal to an animal then is there much point continuing?
    Not sure why you can't just answer the question rather than taking jabs or asking questions back.

    Absolutely 100% or the Church.
    Alrighty then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Landon View Post
    Are you saying that we as humans are programmed to have the ability to abort offspring by instinct?
    If you mean that in a more literal sense, no women obviously can't choose to abort as a simple action like clapping your hands. But a simple look up on the subject shows ways in which miscarriages were induced (so, abortion) such as through labour and battery.

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