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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Unhappy Why does it feel like Habbox is dying out?

    Not to be rude, but Habbox doesn't seem much the same anymore. There isn't many events anymore, and the community doesn't seem to be involved anymore. Habbox is slowly separating from Habbo in my opinion and even @Bikini; agrees with me. The GM hasn't been on in two weeks I know there was an event yesterday, but doesn't seem there's much effort anymore like there was before and wanted to speak my mind. This isn't me trying to roast Habbox because I love it, but I think there needs to be change done or else Habbox will slowly die out.
    Last edited by Cody; 23-04-2017 at 03:43 PM.

    If I t
    alked to my friends the way I talk to my body I'd have no friends."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

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    It's been dying for years, the GM has just bought a house and has been on away to get the house prepared then move into it.
    Like Cody Liked

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

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    Habbo's pretty dead itself, a fansite's numbers and engagement levels are only going to reflect that same shift.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I mean Habbo itself isn't as dead while the casino's madness is going on, but HabboQuests always has events with their rooms filled with 50+ people so that can't be used as an excuse.

    If I t
    alked to my friends the way I talk to my body I'd have no friends."

    Like Brad Liked

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    South East London

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    I think we used to be able to use the Habbo not supporting fansites excuse but now I don't think we can. I think it's really about how much effort you put into a fansite and perhaps we could be aiming higher than what we are now, I don't know. I guess people are just doing the best with what they can without realising how much we are actually falling behind in regards to other fansites. We can aim higher, it's about whether people are actually willing to put in the effort.

    Like, it's not really just about general management because we do actually do events and we do seasonal events but then people can't be bothered to actually take part in them.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

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    The newer fansites have a membership where nearly 100% of them still play, whereas being so much older an enormous number of people here (including a lot of staff even) simply don't use the hotel at all, or don't turn up to events when they do. It's less an issue of people not doing their jobs - although that is a problem too I don't deny - and more an issue of not particularly having the support to make it always feel worthwhile. We've just had HxEE during which every manager spent a lot of time and money creating themed tasks and giving out prizes for it all, advertised on the forum and twitter, and only a handful of people bothered to enter
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Like others have mentioned Laura is moving and (I'm sure tommy won't mind me saying) we've also had some stuff going on ourselves so we may not be the most active right now. I know it always seems like there is excuses, but that is true Sadly, life generally has to come first and as much as I'd love to be at home working on habbox all day it isn't a possibility for me

    Personally, I've been trying new things like our weekly events with a big prize at the end of the year and advertise as much as possible. So far it has been lovely seeing the managers putting the effort in, but overall turnout hasn't been great. I'm not really sure how you can improve that when we've been advertising it quite a lot through the forum, twitter and habbo.

    We've also our Habbox Funfair which is being launched soon (has fallen on the back burner whilst I've been moving) but it's something that I hope will improve activity in some ways.

    We brought on @Gina; as a recruitment leader to help with recruiting team members, but I know she has been busy with exams. Hopefully, when they're over we will see an improvement in staff as Gina is quite good with recruitment.

    Like others have said, we had HxEE and advertised it as much as possible and only having one event a day to try gain more interest but once again entries have dwindled there.

    I can only speak for myself as it's definitely my job to try and help the community, but I have been trying to give us a boost. I'm all for people giving ideas on where they think I'm going wrong or what I can do to try make Habbox that bit better. If anyone has any ideas then feel free to throw them my way!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

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    TBH I don't think management is to blame, Habbox just hasn't kept up with the times overall and everyone is too old

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

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    @FlyingJesus; @Absently;

    One of your points is why I didn't bother joining in with HxEE as much - I stopped after the first day because I don't like the way you only have 24 hours to enter a certain event. It's been done so many times by Habbox now (for a couple of years) and I don't believe it's fair on everyone. A tournament should be fair and should give everyone a fighting chance, and give everyone the same chance. If someone wanted to enter (for example) the Articles competition, they shouldn't have to plan around that event if that makes sense, it should be open throughout the tournament! I understand that it's easier for prizes to be given and points to be allocated that way, and showcases a certain department for that day, but I just don't find it 100% fair. This isn't just about HxEE, it was the same a couple of years ago when we only had 24 hours to enter HabboxStarz and that day I was actually visiting my sister at university so couldn't enter - I know I wouldn't have won or even come close, but that could have been crucial to me winning or losing.

    Instead of having it run for 24 hours, you could even do it where players enter every day, keep it interesting and showcases the specific department for longer - just make it so the same player can't win twice for the same event or something.

    Something I have been saying for years is that people aren't motivated enough, and aren't community-driven or go above and beyond to get that community back or get new members here. People who are in community departments (or high community roles) should want to get new members, and want to keep the old ones as well, but sometimes it's months before a community manager+ even posts a thread or a post that isn't related to Habbox, when really they should be posting more to keep that community! This was a while back when I noticed it, and I still notice it to a point today, but I've also noticed it on Habbo too. I don't play too much anymore, but when I'm on Habbox doesn't really have a presence on client, even with an event on - granted it may depend on the event, but I don't know it just doesn't feel as powerful as it did a few years ago. For the record now I don't think posting excessively will get tonnes of new members, but it could get a couple at least, and like I said this was my opinion a while back (I haven't really noticed or cared to notice since then).

    Habbox needs something unique again, and at the moment the only 'unique' thing they really have is the Wiki (even though there is another one that used to be/is more updated.
    Last edited by Samantha; 23-04-2017 at 09:23 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005

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    Quote Originally Posted by Samantha View Post
    @FlyingJesus; @Absently;

    One of your points is why I didn't bother joining in with HxEE as much - I stopped after the first day because I don't like the way you only have 24 hours to enter a certain event. It's been done so many times by Habbox now (for a couple of years) and I don't believe it's fair on everyone. A tournament should be fair and should give everyone a fighting chance, and give everyone the same chance. If someone wanted to enter (for example) the Articles competition, they shouldn't have to plan around that event if that makes sense, it should be open throughout the tournament! I understand that it's easier for prizes to be given and points to be allocated that way, and showcases a certain department for that day, but I just don't find it 100% fair. This isn't just about HxEE, it was the same a couple of years ago when we only had 24 hours to enter HabboxStarz and that day I was actually visiting my sister at university so couldn't enter - I know I wouldn't have won or even come close, but that could have been crucial to me winning or losing.

    Instead of having it run for 24 hours, you could even do it where players enter every day, keep it interesting and showcases the specific department for longer - just make it so the same player can't win twice for the same event or something.

    Something I have been saying for years is that people aren't motivated enough, and aren't community-driven or go above and beyond to get that community back or get new members here. People who are in community departments (or high community roles) should want to get new members, and want to keep the old ones as well, but sometimes it's months before a community manager+ even posts a thread or a post that isn't related to Habbox, when really they should be posting more to keep that community! This was a while back when I noticed it, and I still notice it to a point today, but I've also noticed it on Habbo too. I don't play too much anymore, but when I'm on Habbox doesn't really have a presence on client, even with an event on - granted it may depend on the event, but I don't know it just doesn't feel as powerful as it did a few years ago. For the record now I don't think posting excessively will get tonnes of new members, but it could get a couple at least, and like I said this was my opinion a while back (I haven't really noticed or cared to notice since then).

    Habbox needs something unique again, and at the moment the only 'unique' thing they really have is the Wiki (even though there is another one that used to be/is more updated.
    The reason the events are done 24 hours is many people feel overwhelmed when there is so many events going on throughout the week and it's easier to miss them

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