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  1. #1
    _spirit's Avatar
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    Default What's the worst job you have done?

    What is one of the worst jobs you have done or had to do?

  2. #2
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    Probably Rare Values Furni Editor, I was only it for 5 days, but it was too long !

    Really though I've only had 1 job and I still have it so it's the best and worst .
    Last edited by Samantha; 18-07-2017 at 10:03 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samantha View Post
    Probably Rare Values Furni Editor, I was only it for 5 days, but it was too long !

    Really though I've only had 1 job and I still have it so it's the best and worst .
    I really liked the FE job???? I'm so weird...

    worst job was probably just like the crappy salary and huge stress in my last job but I did actually enjoy it I guess. Out of the 5 places I've worked (including Habbox and Student Media), Habbox prob has to be the most stressful but I also get the most out of it personally so idk the answer really! so hard to sayyy

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    I really liked the FE job???? I'm so weird...

    worst job was probably just like the crappy salary and huge stress in my last job but I did actually enjoy it I guess. Out of the 5 places I've worked (including Habbox and Student Media), Habbox prob has to be the most stressful but I also get the most out of it personally so idk the answer really! so hard to sayyy
    To be honest, I liked adding tags and that, I think it was when I hated Paint.NET and couldn't make sprites to save my life!

  5. #5
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    The job I had in high school, it was 1.5 hours three times a week after school at the local medical centre doing admin stuff. It seems like it would be a cushy job but there was literally like 20 minutes of work to spread over the 1.5 hours so it was more hard work to fake working than it was to do the work.

    Plus it was such little hours the money wasn't really worth it but as it was my only job (until I got the one I'm currently at, designing full time) it was good to get something on the CV and I was there for 2 years so showed my commitment.

  6. #6
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    my only proper proper job was being math tutor n was horrible so i quite a couple weeks ago
    only did a few hours a week but it was honestly painful
    i got paid 5.60 an hour so literally minimum wage to tutor 4 kids simultaneously per hour and each kid paid £26 an hour lol ! rip off
    none of the kids wanted to be there and most were rude and annoying
    maybe 1 in every 10 kids would be actually decent

    in exams the tutors i work with did AS whilst i did A2 so their exams were earlier than mine, i covered for all of the AS tutors and booked work off after the AS exams so i could sit my A2 exams without working andm y boss was fine with it
    on the day before an exam my boss texted me saying they were short staffed and needed me in lol **** off i booked it off months ago

    also my ex worked there and hes now seeing the daughter of the boss so in general i feel awkward seeing them

  7. #7
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    I worked at Morrisons for two years, it was terrible. I worked on the Fresh to Go department so salad bar, sandwiches, pizzas, etc. The people I worked with were the laziest, they'd always give me jobs they didn't want to do because they'd know I'd just do them and I ended up getting stuck on close shifts and it took me half the time of anyone else so I always finished an hour earlier. They were ****, the supervisor bullied me for no reason, one of the girls told me outside of work that no-one else liked me because I was gay (it was completely rubbish) and she'd share all her sexual adventures with me and finally my manager had ago at me cause I had two weeks off with depression saying that I was just being lazy and didn't wanna work. I quit the next day.

    I also worked at Greggs, which wasn't as bad but it had it's negatives. It'd be so hot in the summer, freezing in the winter, they changed the opening times to an hour later so we'd catch people leaving work but it didn't work because they'd want dinner, not Greggs. Again, people were lazy especially the manager who turned on me in the last few months before I quit, I had another girl who I didn't get on with even tell me she thought she was being harsh, the area manager rang the store asking me to stay and that they'd try and make things better. No-one communicated well enough so during lunch time rush if I was on the ovens, no-one would tell me when we were low on products. Customers complaining the food was cold and wanting new ones constantly, like it'll take 20+ minutes for me to cook a new one, do you really want to wait? Ugh. Sundays also sucked cause they were so dead and you'd have to clean the greasy trays which wasn't fun. Plus the one time a mouse came into the store and the manager that was in was scared, I was scared. I had to ask customers to leave, someone walked past and gave me a dirty look cause of it and I cried because it was scary.

    That turned out to be longer than I thought..

  8. #8
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    only had two jobs - admin at a foreign school and primark!

    the administrator job at the foreign school was definitely the worst! I worked for 4 hours each week and got paid £4 per hour and did 2pm-6pm and it was awful because it was bad pay, she paid my bus fares but the buses were really busy and packed which I hated, it was dark when I was going home and I was getting so little for doing so much! I updated her website/emailed people/updated social medias/created brochures etc etc SUPER BORING! sat on my own all the time in silence was so bad

    now my wage is still pretty bad but better (4.80) and it has its cons but I prefer being more public faced! nice to jut go home and not have to worry about creating a brochure or getting a reply from a person lol my other employer was also really dodgy and didn't pay me properly so
    thank god shes gone!

  9. #9
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    i've only had one job so my current one lol
    used to fix usertitles n stuff

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