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Thread: Organ Donation

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinyFroggy View Post
    What happens after your death, doesn't really concern much tbh. You can try your best to make sure all those organs will be donated and that's all you need to care about. Beyond that, it doesn't matter.

    I do not in any slight way think that this is a game. And for that reason, I seek to put an alternative, for more people to donate organs because obviously we are lacking of them. And this is one of the way with benefits outweighing the harm.
    But if you donate oranges after your death it's not up to you and you. we shouldn't be rewarding people for this what if you can't donate your oranges? do you get less priority? What about people who don't like the idea of their family being kept alive while they remove the organs?

  2. #22
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    Let's say if we have a case of a man who wants to give all his possessions to charity after his death. Do we say he do the deeds or not? As long as he handled all the papers, well, we'll consider he did his part. He has all the intentions and did what needed to be done. Does he not deserve to be considered as a kind and a generous person? What happens to the money after that, is no longer under his control. Maybe some of his family will try to go to court and claim their rights from this kind dead man. Maybe no one actually do anything but the money is stolen by the one who supposed to handle out to charity. Maybe when the money go to this charities, the manager of this charities embezzled the money. So what? What happens after his death, is no longer beyond his control and we should consider the act of someone based on what he did during his life and the fact is, at the moment of his last few days, he decided to donate money to charities. And that's it.

    Same goes with the situation of organ donating.

    And just because your family doesn't like your decision, it doesn't mean they are right. It's a common sense to all globally that organ donating is something pure and nice to do.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinyFroggy View Post
    Let's say if we have a case of a man who wants to give all his possessions to charity after his death. Do we say he do the deeds or not? As long as he handled all the papers, well, we'll consider he did his part. He has all the intentions and did what needed to be done. Does he not deserve to be considered as a kind and a generous person? What happens to the money after that, is no longer under his control. Maybe some of his family will try to go to court and claim their rights from this kind dead man. Maybe no one actually do anything but the money is stolen by the one who supposed to handle out to charity. Maybe when the money go to this charities, the manager of this charities embezzled the money. So what? What happens after his death, is no longer beyond his control and we should consider the act of someone based on what he did during his life and the fact is, at the moment of his last few days, he decided to donate money to charities. And that's it.

    Same goes with the situation of organ donating.

    And just because your family doesn't like your decision, it doesn't mean they are right. It's a common sense to all globally that organ donating is something pure and nice to do.
    The rules are that it's up the next of kin to decide if they donate their families oranges. I've know idea what your on about? ever heard of a will? if they don't say in their will that they wanted to money to go to a charity or didn't even write a will then all their belongings will then go to the next of kin.

    I get you think that organ donate is not a big deal to you but for some people it is. this isn't donating money this is donating a part of you.

  4. #24
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    An organ donor registration has a legal document that can't be reversed after death even by family members. However, since you said that the decision after the death lies upon the family, I assume family fighting with the court and somehow win (even though most likely they will not). Same goes to someone having a will? It's a legal document and can't be reversed (but family members can go to court and fight). That's the similarity.

    Or do you not know that the organ donation decision is bind by the law, legally?

  5. #25
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    Heated Topic! ahahhaha

    as soon as i saw this thread i had to jump in!
    i few years back just before Christmas (i always wait until last minute for these kind of things)
    i had to go get a new passport, after washing mine in the washing machine -.-...
    the only issue was, the passport was the only form of ID i had at the time. Considering i lost my wallet a few months prior to that as well as everything in it as well as almost $1000 cash... but im getting off topic.

    before i go get my passport i need a new health card and age of majority card, healthcare in Canada being free and all there was a small registration fee but that's it,
    i filled out the paper handed to me, and brought it up to the desk, the lady there tells me she has a few more questions to ask before posing for the wretched ID photos.
    one being "would you consider being a organ donor?"
    i obviously wasn't expecting a question like that, and i was kinda caught off guard... a little shook if you will.
    i contemplated it for a long time. she told me to take all the time i need. it felt like i was standing there thinking about it for hours, when really it was prob 5-10 mins. still... a long time to stand there waiting for a answer right?
    i thought about how it would benefit someone else, if something were to ever happen to me and someone needed something, a heart, kidney, liver, lung (prob not, im a smoker ) whatever it may be.
    im obviously not using them anymore and id rather someone else live, and be happy and healthy, then just let those vital, in demand necessities die with me. seems almost inconsiderate no?
    but i also know there are organs which can be donated to science, things like "Bodies: The Exhibition" or "Body worlds" where real people donated their bodies and organs to science and its a exhibit you walk through.. that alone kinda scared me away.
    to be propped up on display for all to see years after you pass away.
    but the positive being the ability and chance to save someone, ultimately out weighed the negative of wondering what they will do this these "donations" i wont see it, i wont hear it.
    so Out Of Sight Out Of Mind. i guess.

  6. #26
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    Well, that's not an argument but I really love your story on how you are torn in between donating and not. I'm glad you make a good choice

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