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Thread: Brexit Deal

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    Default Brexit Deal

    It looks like this might be it folks, the Brexit Deal is about to be agreed.

    Emergency Summit called in Brussels this evening

    Sources suggest Britain and the European Union are about to agree and sign a Brexit Deal

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    Andddddd back again.

    I said at the time of the last election, it was a good thing they needed the DUP.

    Arlene and Company are there to prevent any tricks being pulled.

    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 14-10-2018 at 04:24 PM.

  4. #4
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    The wrangling is continuing and intensifying today, with the PM continuing to dither. The EU has raised possibility of extending transition for an extra year, with Downing Street slow to deny. Extending would cost us an extra 10bn. Her dithering is costing us a fortune.

    The EU and the Irish Republic should be given the choice - either sign a Free Trade Deal with us on Canadian terms, and work out technological solutions to the border, or we go to No Deal - in which case the EU/the Republic will have to erect barriers with Ulster. Put the ball in THEIR court.

    How dare they demand that Northern Ireland be partitioned from the rest of our kingdom, like an annexation.

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    I don't quite get the Ireland border problem - surely if we want to not put up a wall we simply don't, and if the EU wants there to be one they can pay for it on their land. Should be down to whoever wants it to be enforced

    Anyway yeah this delay for an extra year plan is ridiculous and won't do anyone any good on either side of any of the current arguments. If May ends up pushing for that then it's time to push her out and risk whatever kerfuffles ensue from that
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    The wrangling is continuing and intensifying today, with the PM continuing to dither. The EU has raised possibility of extending transition for an extra year, with Downing Street slow to deny. Extending would cost us an extra 10bn. Her dithering is costing us a fortune.
    Are you even paying UK tax right now?
    You literally criticise me for "making it all about money" (or whatever you said) but can't seem to fathom why more time may be needed so we don't crash out, which even the biggest of brexit supporters say will impact the economy negatively. I believe it was Rees Mogg who said it would take 50 years or something to get to where we are now.
    Also let's not forget the cost of having to implement new customs procedures. And the cost of productivity (and any other potential losses) for the lorries queuing in Dover. Etc.

    The EU and the Irish Republic should be given the choice - either sign a Free Trade Deal with us on Canadian terms, and work out technological solutions to the border, or we go to No Deal - in which case the EU/the Republic will have to erect barriers with Ulster. Put the ball in THEIR court.

    How dare they demand that Northern Ireland be partitioned from the rest of our kingdom, like an annexation.
    You, and others who want a Brexit NOW!!!, seem really happy to demand without making any actual suggestion to a solution of the border issue. I think the key thing you're willfully ignoring is that our government agreed to the GFA, and to pull out of that not only weakens international opinion as you can't keep to your own deals, it also just makes you a bit of a dick.

    Also just jumping up to the costs, how much do you think is going to get spent sorting out any troubles? And that's ignoring the bigger issue of people being hurt or killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    I don't quite get the Ireland border problem - surely if we want to not put up a wall we simply don't, and if the EU wants there to be one they can pay for it on their land. Should be down to whoever wants it to be enforced

    Anyway yeah this delay for an extra year plan is ridiculous and won't do anyone any good on either side of any of the current arguments. If May ends up pushing for that then it's time to push her out and risk whatever kerfuffles ensue from that
    I don't really get you're reasoning here, you admit you don't quite get it but think instead of looking it up a bit more, you'll just state your opinion anyway?

    The problem is that the EU has to put up a border between the SM and other countries, otherwise it fundamentally undermines the point of the single market. We'd effectively be able to trade with the EU freely through a back door but wouldn't have to follow EU regulations.

    The big issue with all of this is that our government will blame the EU for this and people will eat it up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    I don't really get you're reasoning here, you admit you don't quite get it but think instead of looking it up a bit more, you'll just state your opinion anyway?
    Yes because turns out I'm right

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    The problem is that the EU has to put up a border between the SM and other countries, otherwise it fundamentally undermines the point of the single market. We'd effectively be able to trade with the EU freely through a back door but wouldn't have to follow EU regulations
    Exactly so it's their issue to pay for, not ours unless we want it to be
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Yes because turns out I'm right

    Exactly so it's their issue to pay for, not ours unless we want it to be
    Hang on do you think this argument has been about money? The primary reason this is an issue is because of the GFA, not about making Ireland/EU pay for some wall. If the GFA just gets ignored then troubles could quite easily start again.

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    Again, we are not trying to undermine the agreement - the UK already said we're honouring the GFA. If the EU wants to border things off in a different way, it's not down to us to do anything about that once we're out. Their rules, their problem
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    Again, we are not trying to undermine the agreement - the UK already said we're honouring the GFA. If the EU wants to border things off in a different way, it's not down to us to do anything about that once we're out. Their rules, their problem
    I kind of understand what you're saying but don't we have an obligation to make right?

    If you were having an arugment with a flatmate for example and you had signed a contract, and one person decided to leave - that leaver doesn't get to say "your issue" and not pay out the rest of the contract?

    or maybe a better non legal example that i was reading recently about retaining walls - there's no contract to keep that wall there but if the wall's owner decides to get rid of it they do have an obligation (there's a legal term for this) to provide an alternative or pay for any damages

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