How does Tyrion know that's where they died
krr krr krr smash beetles
What the **** is happening with the Dothraki they seem to be multiplying like rabbits even though they all got killed by the zombies
Sort your life out Jon and Greyworm, could at least have a wash before the big Hitler speech
Oh shut up Jon ya nonce
Why would a dragon have a nap under a snowdrift
"I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb" yeah that's what it was meant to be before the showrunners changed it to the Armchair Of Hate
Did anyone not know that was going to happen
Go on Drogon, eat her. Go on ya **** lizard have her chargrilled
Meeting of the heads of the houses ps: Davos Arya and Bran are there too because errr errr yeah PLOT DEVICE
Oh shut up Sam ya nonce
Literally the worst choice for king, he openly says he doesn't give a shit about the present or future all the time
What are the Night's Watch gonna do any more and how does the king of the ---six--- kingdoms have the authority to send people there when it's in The North
RIP Greyworm, if the writers had read the books they'd know that anyone who isn't from Naath dies of horrible fevers if they go to the island
Is Arya planning to sail out alone does she think she's Reepicheep or something
Go on Brienne, write that Jaime was a **** who took your virginity then ran off to his sister straight after
Who rebuilt the city isn't everyone dead
This council is surely amusing but also utterly terrible, good thing everyone's dead so they don't actually have to rule over anyone
That gate is well flimsy
Oh. It's finished. Ok.