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  1. #1
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    Default this last week p.s a super personal post x

    honestly I could really use a massive vent and I this probably one of the best places for me to do it lol I've genuinely had one of the most hectic weeks of my life and I'm still reeling from it
    starting from Monday, I had such a nice day for my 20th. I had a bunch of my pals over and it was just super super sweet, we cooked Mexican food and drank a lot of tequila during the day
    my mum and sister both went away, my sister was at a festival and my mum went to France for a week which left just me and my stepdad in the house (which was fine he just stayed in his room out of my way and it was great)
    that night after all my friends went things got quite creepy and I rang my ex boyfriend who came over instantly. my stepdad basically lost the absolute plot that night and it was such a **** weird night lol received soooo many text messages and it was just pretty crazy (a few people know the situation with my stepdad and things in the past). I couldn't get hold of my mum all night and my ex boyfriend stayed with me the entire night. the next day we found out my stepdad actually swallowed an entire box of pills, I ended up having to call an ambulance after being advised by a doctor. I refused to go in the ambulance with him but my mum finally contacted me and said I had to be there for his psych evaluation
    long story short I spent over 8 hours in a+e majors that night sitting outside of the room where my stepdad was, figured out that the whole mental health system is so crazy and underbudgeted, my stepdad had an absolute breakdown in a+e and had to be sedated against his will because he was trying to literally hurt people because he was so mad that I made him go to a+e, then after 2 psych evaulations he finally got sectioned which should've happened a loooong time ago
    and now I think its finally pushed enough to the point my mum and him are finally getting a divorce but now that leaves complications with our house and my mums business
    however during this week I finally got my full confirmation of my new job which I start in September !
    me and my ex boyfriend are now back together after he spent the entire week being the only person there for me whilst I had to go through all this with my mum and sister away
    I had a stressful Wednesday daytime then had a super fun Wednesday night where I went and played pub golf (and won because im 10/10 at downing drinks)
    and yes ! so that has been my hectic week
    emotionally im all over the place but im also so much happier than I have been the past few weeks so
    despite being such a horrible situation its something that's needed to happen for suchhhhh a long time

    anyway this has been my super personal post and insight into my life
    for anyone who does have to go through the mental health system tho I feel genuinely so bad, I don't think ive ever realised just how stressful and underbudgeted it is, and also how easy it is to slip through it as after the 2nd psych assessment they almost sent my stepdad home until I showed the texts he sent me and explained the night as for whatever reason they didn't think it was an important question to ask my stepdad, which is now the reason he is sectioned lol

    I think life is looking up (well I hope lol) and hopefully positive things come from all this
    I hope u are all well and sorry for such a personal rant lmfao !

    moderator alert Thread moved by Sectional (Forum Moderator) from "Spam" as I feel it's more suited here
    Last edited by Triz; 22-06-2019 at 09:49 AM.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom

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    Damn Gina.

    Firstly, NO, you are not 20, this is impossible. You are still 12 kfnx, so happy 13th birthday for Monday! Secondly, I'm really sorry you had to go through all of that, especially without your sister or you mum, so kudos to you for dealing with it and staying strong throughout.
    I don't know a lot about mental health, but I do know that although the NHS is well funded, it's near impossible to get enough money to each subsection of it, but I think we as a country do a good job at balancing what we do have; better than the american healthcare where you go into hospital and come out with a $100,000 bill if you're lucky and pay for health insurance lol.

    Great to know that your ex stepped up and showed up and supported you through this time, shows he really cares about you, despite whatever may have happened previously, it's great to have people like that around, people who will drop whatever they're doing and come be with you in a time of need no matter how long you haven't spoken for or what has happened between you in the past. Keep hold of that egg Gina, I feel he's a good egg

    Sounds like your feeling are a bit mixed and confused? On one hand you're happy this has happened because I feel you thought this breakdown was inevitable and is now behind you and you don't have to walk around like there is a ticking time bomb in the house, yet at the same time I assume you're upset that it happened at such a time where it was just you in the house, and sad that it's caused a divorced which I'm sure means your mum is more than likely going through a hard time at the moment, especially as she's just got back from France to all of this.

    Congratulations on your new job placement though Gina!
    I truly do hope things are on the up for you after this ordeal, and you can continue this happy streak you're currently riding.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

  3. #3
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    yes the mental health system is seriously stretched
    i had a client who was picked up several times from the sea after trying to kill herself, she self harms, self medicates, set her house on fire etc but she's not deemed at risk enough for social work involvement...
    another guy who's tried to hang himself several times, alcoholic, gets abused by his neighbours... "doesn't meet the criteria"...
    another one who was in a mental health ward after attempting suicide... got discharged without a bank account or any money because they needed the beds......
    its absolutely crazy and not at all the fault of the mental health ward

    it's difficult having a partner with mental health issues
    having them myself i've always said i don't want a partner who struggles with it because there's no help for them out there and it's very difficult
    so i can only imagine what your mum, and the rest of you, had to go through
    i really hope your mum is able to get out of this though and i do thing she's doing the right thing divorcing him
    you feel an immense amount of guilt but sometimes you need out of that situation for your own mental health
    hopefully he gets the help he needs but sometimes there really is no helping someone though we try to take responsibility for other people's health

    pigged 25/08/2019

  4. #4
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    a life update part 2 x

    after all of this, my stepdad was sectioned for a month. we had to attend "family therapy sessions" to resolve all our issues. went to about 2 and concluded it was a whole lot of bullshit lol received a lot of text messages from my stepdad how he hates me, how ive "locked him up", wrecked his life, etc
    my mum decided itd cause too much hassle to get the divorce and move the business over, etc so my stepdad moved back in with us. we were under the terms that none of us would speak to him (besides my mum) and myself, charlotte and our boyfriends will ignore him
    went okay for a month and then it all kicked off about 6 weeks ago just before i started my new job
    it was about 1am and i was in bed, my stepdads room is above mine&my sisters and we both heard a lot of banging. my texts to my mum wouldn't go through so i went downstairs and asked my mum to go check what hes doing because i still refused to go anywhere near him
    my stepdad was basically tearing his whole bedroom apart "looking for a compass" he was mad that I never apologised for getting him section (and still never will because its the best thing ive ever done) but regardless, it wasnt me who got him sectioned lol i wasnt the one who decided he needed to be sectioned - it was the mental health team who decided it but obv it was all my fault according to him. he kicked off and said hes leaving, gonna go kill himself, blahblah so my mum was literally just like alright off you go lol then he started saying how he hopes we all drop dead, he wants to kill us all so my mum said how she was gonna call the police but her phone was downstairs on the bottom floor .. as she started walking down the stairs to get her phone, my stepdad decided to say "i'llgive you a reason to call the police" and literalyl chased her down the stairs. my mum and him were then literally tackling eachother whilst I was screaming at him to get off her, so then he went to get a knife by which point my mum said for me to call the police. by which point he'd aready tried to get past my mum with the knife so tried to stab her to get past (then didn't do it successfully so dropped the knife on the hallway floor)
    so I was stood on the stairs and next thing i know my mums telling me to go to my room and lock my door? im walking up the stairs on the phone to the police and realise my stepdad was actually coming up the stairs, so i tried to lock my door but couldnt as he was already pushing on mydoor. he tried to strangle me then my sister & mum and to pull him off whilst i was ltierally screaming on the phone to the police, after trying to kill
    in the end he ran out thedoor realising police were gonna come looking for him, our neighbours heard it all going on and came and checked we were okay (scary times as we thought itwas him banging on the door) when the police then turned up and looked for him
    SO that night the police ended up finding him and took him in holding in a police cell where he spent the night and we spent all night writing statements at home with the police. my stepdad was then sectioned again ad we were told he'd be charged with gbh and they'd have to do his statement when his section was over in 28 days
    my mum then told me what she told the police but turns out he only got the knife to try and stab me, and the only reason he didn't and only reason he tried to stab my mum was because she was stood in his way lol crazy

    so anyway everything is a bit **** up with how everything came out here, my mum went to the court to request a court suit thing (i cant remember what it's called) to say that he isn'[t allowed back in our house. the court denied and said because of his mental health they cant do it - best they could do is do one where he isn't allowed in any of our bedrooms so that was a bit of a flop
    didn't hear ANYTHING from the police until about a week ago... they said that it is too complicated because mental health is involved so he isn't getting charged or even a warning. the most they could do is give him a fine (which my mum would have to pay as he has no money?)
    mum filed for a divorce, took his name off the business, got a mortgage approved (yesterday!!!) to pay off his half of the house and he has put a bid on a house in bristol

    an absolute crazy time, systems are so ****, he still wants to murder me but hes currently staying voluntarily sectioned until he moves out, as soon as he gets a house he'[ll be gone!!

    so thats my super personal post part 2 enjoy the story , crazy times

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    what the ****, should be locked up

    can you not file restraining order if he's strangled you, tried to stab you etc?

    hope you're alright!!
    Last edited by scottish; 19-10-2019 at 11:20 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Flipping heck gina, hope you can get away from that guy. Obviously he's a danger to you and your fam but tbh sounds like him being able to continue to be around you is bad for him as well... might put him in a better place if you guys move elsewhere.

    It's unlikely that now is the time cause you're all up in the middle of it atm but I hope you can consider therapy someday!! Not cause there's anything wrong with you (not what therapy is anyway tbh) but it's just a really useful place to organise your thoughts in a supportive environment which is really helpful in stressful, crazy confusing situations like this 1 here. Just hope you think of it in the future anyway x

    We love you girl x

  7. #7
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    jesus didnt expect all of this to take that turn, what is up with that bloke
    ridiculous that the police (or is it cps?) are doing absolutely bugger all about it as well

    whats happening when he gets out before he gets a new house??
    hope all is ok on your end
    get a big dog

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottish View Post
    what the ****, should be locked up

    can you not file restraining order if he's strangled you, tried to stab you etc?

    hope you're alright!!
    yeah i can! so i told my mum if he stayed in the area i would but if hes moving to bristol or somewhere further i cant be bothered for the agro but im all good thanks!!! still living!

    Quote Originally Posted by Empired View Post
    Flipping heck gina, hope you can get away from that guy. Obviously he's a danger to you and your fam but tbh sounds like him being able to continue to be around you is bad for him as well... might put him in a better place if you guys move elsewhere.

    It's unlikely that now is the time cause you're all up in the middle of it atm but I hope you can consider therapy someday!! Not cause there's anything wrong with you (not what therapy is anyway tbh) but it's just a really useful place to organise your thoughts in a supportive environment which is really helpful in stressful, crazy confusing situations like this 1 here. Just hope you think of it in the future anyway x

    We love you girl x
    yes deffo hes lived an easy life beign here with not having to do another, he needs to learn to actually liveas its doing him no good and is becoming a complete conspiracist in regards to everywhere ! and to be honest ive never actually considered but is a good point! maybe one day who knows but thank u though

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    jesus didnt expect all of this to take that turn, what is up with that bloke
    ridiculous that the police (or is it cps?) are doing absolutely bugger all about it as well

    whats happening when he gets out before he gets a new house??
    hope all is ok on your end
    get a big dog
    lool yes things got slightly crazy, so his section is actually over but hes currently staying voluntarily, my mum says hes stay there and itll be fine but me and charlotte keep saying that she also didn't think hed ever try to hurts us and here we are ! completely unpredictable
    so the hope is that he stays sectioned until the house is sorted then we'll move him out asap
    now the mortgage has been approved, paperwork just needs to be signed then he'll have his half of the money and can move which should all be happening very very soon
    ya am all okay thanks ! things are a lot calmer for all of us now and a lot less for us to worry about which is nice lool 3 little dogs are enough thanks! hope alls good on your end too and the driving life
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  9. #9
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    get a cat then

    cats are better!

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