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Thread: Changes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

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    Default Changes

    You can laugh about this all you want aha

    but I do think in the future we should make HxSS longer and maybe even have a week break in between for people who need sleep etc the points and all will stay as it was prior to the week.

    I think it would be a good idea for this to happen cause one of the site's most active activites comes from the HxSS after that's finished and before that its been mostly dead so perhaps extending in the future.

    Also adding other competitions maybe bringing more people into the site getting them excited and interested in other new massive competitions that could be introduced.

    Ok you may all laugh now.
    Like Chipmunks Liked

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The problem is that it's an absolutely astronomical task to plan, organise, and carry out these things. It's required a good number of people to take a chunk of time off from their real life jobs so it's not really viable to add an extra week even setting aside the enormous effort already put in. There are months of planning before the tournament and then it requires near-constant monitoring for things like timetables and scoreboards - it's not simply a case of telling people to all host on the same day

    It's great that people enjoyed it and wanted it to continue, and sure it would be great to have year-round tournaments and events but we do also need to earn money and do other things with our lives like eat and sleep and maybe even go outside
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Flyingjesus is being a party pooper, don't listen to him!
    I vote we turn it into a full month long event.
    Haha maybe I'm kidding... maybe not.
    Last edited by GetAClue; 19-08-2019 at 10:54 PM.
    Like Cadigyna Liked

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    thanks for not laughing guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    It's not laughable don't worry, and trust me we are all massively heartened that people enjoyed it so much that they want it to carry on!
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    Like Cadigyna Liked

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    It has been longer in the past, but that was when Habbo and Habbox were more active. Back then the points system was also different (200 points per hour) and there were less events on, so it was more of a case of trying to be available for the certain hours they were on. It would be nice to make it that little bit longer if people aren't available 100% of the time that it's on, but I think the other events that run alongside it help those who may not be as active on client during it. It's anyone's game in HxSS and it can all change in a matter of hours. It isn't a laughable idea at all, maybe in future so it doesn't go 'dead' would be to try and still have that steady flow of events (if it isn't happening already of course) to ensure people keep playing and joining in at Habbox as it is our busiest time.

    Every few years my holiday drops on when HxSS is (like this year) and normally if that happens, I still have a few days to play when I'm back (and usually come high in my team even though I've had less than half the time of the others). However, this year it unfortunately didn't happen that way! Maybe next year . It's also a shame I won't win Best Cheerleader for the 3rd year running .
    Last edited by Samantha; 21-08-2019 at 01:14 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

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    Hey! Sorry for not responding sooner - I've honestly not had a chance to get on here too much!

    I just wanted to respond and say @FlyingJesus; has totally put my feelings into words. While I'm soooo happy that so many people wanted it to be extended and everything, it is totally exhausting to be an adminstrator/captain during HxSS, trying to make sure events are on as much as possible, make sure events are added to calendar and panel, posting department themes... scores... chasing up hosts who haven't posted scores, dealing with complaints, fixing things on the site, dealing with spammers, and I don't even think that's a full list?? It's a lot of work!!

    A lot of us also take annual leave from work for the week so I'd never want to make people think they have to take 2 weeks annual leave, and I don't want to give up 2 weeks of annual leave for it either, girl needs a break!!

    We have several more tournaments and competitions coming up befor the end of the year though!! Plus our normal events and everything... always lots going on around here lately If you join as staff there's a great community on Discord too which matches the HxSS vibe for sure

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