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  1. #1
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    Default 21 Conservative MPs are expelled from the party as Government loses its majority

    21 Conservative MPs are expelled from the party tonight

    High-profile former Cabinet Ministers such as Philip Hammond, Ken Clarke, Justine Greening and Dominic Grieve are expelled

    A quick run-down of tonight's events...

    Firstly tonight, the Speaker and Remainer MPs conspired to have an emergency Section 24 Debate which breaks parliamentary rules and hands control of the House of Commons to the opposition. The Speaker was advised by Commons clerks this was unconstitutional as it was last March, yet he proceeded anyway in defiance.

    The government then lost the vote, with 1 Conservative MP (Philip Lee) defecting to the Liberal Democrats and 21 others including former Chancellors Ken Clarke and Philip Hammond also rebelling and voting against the government.

    Then, the Prime Minister announced his intention to forward a motion for a General Election.

    At the same time, 21 Conservative MPs were being told they are being expelled from the party.

    Utterly historic moments. The only similarity in history is the split of the Liberal Party, or the Corn Laws?

    I am glad at the size of the rebellion though, my worry was that only a handful would actually rebel but that they would still seize control of the House of Commons timetable anyway, leaving us with the same problem of an internal fifth column.

    Meanwhile, the man who Boris Johnson needs to talk to pretty soon cast a warning...

    Think it ends here? Tomorrow MPs will vote on the EU extension bill, with Labour rebellions highly likely.


  2. #2
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    Tonight the Benn EU Extension Bill passed the House of Commons as it was rushed through against parliamentary convention, and now it has gone to the House of Lords. Remainers want to (AGAIN) trash constitutional conventions by limiting the time Lords have to debate the bill and its amendments, however there is a snag to that - any change in procedures itself must be debated and can be dragged out.

    Mainly Brexiteer Lords have now lodged 80+ amendments, bringing the total to 117 amendments that must each be voted on twice and debated. Peers have been arriving to the Palace tonight with sleeping bags, toiletries and pillows as a parliamentary session lasting over 100 hours begins.

    Lord Howard, Lord Forsyth and others are leading the pro-democracy (Brexit) faction in the Lords.

    Meanwhile, the Government which the Opposition the other day were accusing of a 'coup' and acting like a 'regime' are putting a General Election motion to the House of Commons tonight, and surprise surprise Remain MPs are terrified of going to the public in a General Election and are likely to vote it down.

    Finally, a nuclear option being mooted is this...

    Rapidly as avenues are being closed off by Remainers in Parliament, we're hurtling towards a constitutional crisis.

    Our last constitutional crisis in 1910-1911, King-Emperor Edward VII had to step in. And he stepped in on the side of popular democracy.

  3. #3
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    Remain MPs, who've been calling for a People's Vote for 3 years, have just voted *against* one.

    Another constitutional convention trashed. The PM will eventually be forced to trash conventions as a way out of this.

    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 04-09-2019 at 08:51 PM.

  4. #4
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    I will be honest Undertaker. I have only come on here to see if you can explain to me wtf is happening because I don't understand haha. Is there now no chance of an election? What happens next? I've been watching it all intrigued but I my thick mind finds it hard to follow ha.

    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Remain MPs, who've been calling for a People's Vote for 3 years, have just voted *against* one.

    Another constitutional convention trashed. The PM will eventually be forced to trash conventions as a way out of this.

    Last edited by Barkseh; 04-09-2019 at 09:43 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barkseh View Post
    I will be honest Undertaker. I have only come on here to see if you can explain to me wtf is happening because I don't understand haha. Is there now no chance of an election? What happens next? I've been watching it all intrigued but I my thick mind finds it hard to follow ha.
    The government could try again in a few days for a General Election motion, or call a Vote of No Confidence (VoNC) in itself which requires a simple majority. If it calls a VoNC in itself and it passes just before prorogation, there would then be minimal time for Remain MPs to replace the government.

    But then we don't know if a majority is possible to pass a VoNC.

    I still do not see how they can compel a Prime Minister and Government to enact something he does not want to do. This is completely unconstitutional, where the House of Commons has essentially usurped the government and is acting as a government - without no confidencing the government. At the end of the day, they cannot make the PM get on a plane and request an extension. If he refuses, they'll have to remove him and his government.

    Constitutional arguments aside though, the optics out there in the country - who Parliament will have to face at some point - is of a Parliament delaying this chaos and more importantly delaying the referendum on top of running away from a General Election. There's going to be a populist blowback to all of this.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 04-09-2019 at 10:04 PM.

  6. #6
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    a ge, particularly under fptp, is not a peoples vote

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    a ge, particularly under fptp, is not a peoples vote
    What is, then?
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 05-09-2019 at 06:29 PM.

  8. #8
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    its a general election where a party can get a majority of seats with a plurality of votes

    that poster reminds me of a certain famous tweet
    Last edited by dbgtz; 05-09-2019 at 06:53 PM.

  9. #9
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    Like other tweets said earlier, not sure Parliament and HM Opposition have thought this out as to what the public are thinking.

    And here's the PM today sticking to his guns that he will not, as PM, request a Brexit extension.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbgtz View Post
    its a general election where a party can get a majority of seats with a plurality of votesthat poster reminds me of a certain famous tweet
    I don't know how you can post that tweet though, and then at the same time argue for proportional representation. Yes there is chaos at the moment with one party having a minority government, but your system of PR would mean a Lab-Lab-SNP-Green-SDLP-Independents government or some other variation forever - meaning constant government collapse. Like Italy.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 05-09-2019 at 07:06 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I don't know how you can post that tweet though, and then at the same time argue for proportional representation. Yes there is chaos at the moment with one party having a minority government, but your system of PR would mean a Lab-Lab-SNP-Green-SDLP-Independents government or some other variation forever - meaning constant government collapse. Like Italy.
    the point youve raised is unrelated to my statement
    it was not a post suggesting we should adopt pr

    equally nothing in your reply actually explains how a ge is at all a peoples vote because you know it isnt and its disingenuous to suggest it is

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