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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

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    This is such a cute thread, I have really enjoyed reading all your answers!

    In 2015 I was probably in one of the lowest places I have ever been. I'd graduated uni the year before, and was working in my first job. I hadn't quite been promoted so was BORED at the job. I was trying to fight for more, but just wasn't trusted at this point.

    Plus, I was being emotionally and psychologically abused by someone I had been kinda flirting with the year before, who I worked with as well. I can't even begin to describe some of the things he said to me, and how he made me feel. I genuinely can't remember feeling worse about myself (that's fun I don't think I've ever spoken about that on here).

    Since then, I've been through 2 other jobs and a major promotion at the job I was speaking about, I've moved back home, I bought my own house (3 years yesterday!!!), I've been... through a lot mentally, and I think I've come a long way in recovering from what happened then, although I'm nowhere near where I want to be. Work in progress!!!

    Also 5 years ago in July I was promoted to General Manager of some little site..... and soooo much has changed here since then, that I can't even go into!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

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    5 years ago at this time I was an unemployed fat agoraphobic double dropout who didn't imagine making it to 30 and got by on a mix of legal and not so legal chemicals, all while pretending things were fabulous so no-one would know what was going on. I've always had my troubles but I think 2015 was probably the absolute bottom of the barrel for me. Later that year I started talking to someone who completely changed my life and who I wouldn't be here without. I won't suggest that everything is magically wonderful now but I'm alive, I'm (mostly) looking after myself, I've got a job I like and a place to live, and my self loathing is generally at a manageable level. I'll never get back the years I lost which makes me angry at myself a lot, but I also know that I have a great deal to be grateful for, and in my better moments I even look forward to the future
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    Blessed be
    + * + * + * +

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

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    Quote Originally Posted by wixard View Post
    5 yrs ago i was 22, doing a masters course, in a relationship, living in the uk, not really doing much but still happy

    now i'm working a job i really enjoy, moved in with my incredible bf and my best friend, a lot more outgoing. my bf pushes me to do things out of my comfort zone and go socialise when i don't want to haha, but in the end i'm glad i do it
    pretty sure 5 years ago you were 23
    now im questioning how old i am
    i stopped counting after 25
    am i 27?

    pigged 25/08/2019

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yorkshire, United Kingdom

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    5 yrs ago I had just finished college and was working as a carer. I'm now 24, met a lovely man last year and we live with our 2 kids lol. My son Freddie is now 4 yr old and my partners son is 2. 5 yrs ago never would have imagined I'd live in a house with 2 kids and here I am. I'm a 2nd year student nurse, relocated to be with my partner and closer to uni and job prospects, moved out of social housing and have just been offered a job as an auxillary nurse within the nhs alongside my nursing degree too so life has never been better. My partner isn't my sons dad but my sons dad cheated on me whilst my son was being tube fed at days old in hospital and he treats him as his own, as do I with his son so I had a lot of growing up to do when I had my son but everything has changed in my life for the better!

  5. #15
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    So five years ago would place me somewhere in my second year of University, I would have just about been finding my feet and learning what I wanted to do. The summer after that I got my first relevant job and had a few more since then so I guess my career has really started in these last 5. I finished my degree and went to live in Australia for what turned into 2 years, didn't do much in the way of relevant work out there but did travel extensively around the country and just had the best experience. Came back in October and am trying to save quick money now so I can move to London with my best mate and start working properly again. Covid-19 has kinda screwed me over with that one so might have to wait a bit longer...
    Former Competitions Manager

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

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    Five years ago I was a very moody 17 year old in Year 13 with an unconditional offer to do a foundation year (excellent gcses but shit a-levels) at a uni in the Midlands I hadn't even heard of or visited until I moved in. I was at my absolute lowest during sixth form so I was more excited to leave there than go to uni to be honest but I was pressured to go to uni by family and the school.

    Ended up going to uni to do my foundation year September 2015 which was the best thing I ever did! Even though the foundation year itself was a complete doss and not worth £9,000, I made so many friends for life in halls and on my course and made so many memories over the four years I did Human Geography at uni and became a lot more outgoing and generally enjoyed being at uni (and stopped playing Habbo for the most part!). Fast forward to graduation in summer 2019 and I achieved a First Class degree and the cohort award for best dissertation, all while working part-time (practically full-time at some points) in Tesco!

    I applied to two different universities to do an accredited master's in urban planning and received offers from both, but I didn't think much of it because it was so expensive compared to undergrad I didn't think I'd be able to it unless I lived at home. At some point in June 2019 I was on the bus to Nando's with my friends and I received an email from one uni saying my scholarship application was rejected and I was pretty upset but the other uni sent me an email 20 mins later offering me a very large grant!!

    So with the help of the grant and my own savings from slaving away at Tesco in second and third year, at 22 I moved from London to Manchester to begin my master's which I am absolutely looooving. Not as fun socially as undergrad because I still have to work part-time for living costs and I just have so many assignments but I am still really enjoying it here (maybe not so much at the moment lol...). Still meet up with my old uni friends a lot which is nice!

    Securing a graduate job wouldn't have been very hard after this degree but now with Miss Rona making an impact we'll see what the future holds...
    Like Gina, thms Liked

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

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    Five years ago I would have nearly been turning 21 (bar 5 days). I was working at Home Bargains and had been for nearly 3 years by this point, I was in a relationship that I now can see was awful because of how controlling and manipulative the person was, also my boyfriend had been fired from the place we both worked at, and since I still worked there it wasn't the best situation to be in. I wasn't getting anywhere in my life or in work and I didn't really know what to do.

    Fast forward 5 years, I'm no longer in that relationship and I've been with my current boyfriend for 4 years and 3 months. I now have a better job which I've been in for nearly 18 months and I still love it to this day (and my old place of work still ask about me and still want me to come back). Overall, I feel so much happier and I can look back now and see how bad some things were back then. We also moved house in 2016 (moved out of the house I had lived in my whole life) but it was such a good decision, felt so much safer and I love the neighbourhood I'm in now.

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