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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    United Kingdom

    Latest Awards:

    Lightbulb Updates & Features!

    As you may all know, the UK is now in lockdown, as a result I'm no longer working, so I've suddenly had loads of free time; as a result I decided to get stuck in with HabboxForum to make improvements (or just tweak things because I was bored) whatever way you wish to look at it

    Some of you eagle eyes viewers may have already noticed some of these changes, but if not you can see below what we've managed to change over the last few weeks

    We have added to the "Like" feature on a TRIAL BASIS!
    As such it has now been re-branded as "Reactions" as opposed to Thanks/Like

    Users are now able to 'React" to other members post using the buttons below.
    You can choose from:


    Once you have clicked your chosen reaction, the other options will disappear leaving only your chosen emoji at 50% opacity, if you wish to Undo your reaction for any reason (For example, to change your reaction from Like to Love) simply click on the emoji again and it will bring back the other 3 options for you to select from

    As always, any feedback on this is extremely helpful!

    As asked in this thread here, we asked you what emojis would you like to see on the forum and was asked to vote between Apple's iOS or Google's Android.

    Apple won by quite a margin, so we then asked which emojis would you like to see on the forum. You asked, we delivered.
    Myself and the General Management team sat down together in separate rooms across the globe to discuss, and here is a full list of the emojis that we've added.

    To simplify user choice, the Lego Emojis have been removed. Normal Rares are still active and shall remain.

    You'll also notice there is a seperate section titled "User Purchased" (Upon clicking "[More]")
    These are emojis which have been purchased by users from the shop, if you'd like an emoji added to the forum, you can do so by purchasing "Upload New Emote" from the shop here under the "Misc" tab.

    For those of you that don't know, WYSIWYG stands for "What you see is what you get" and refers to the text editor when you're posting on the forum, only minor changes have been made to this, but we feel it really makes a difference.

    We've removed some of the buttons that don't get used anymore, such as Vimeo and Vine, however we have added the twitter button
    What's even better is that I've edited it so you can simply post in the whole URL of the tweet instead of having to post the individual ID of the tweet

    Normally you'd have to take that long number in BOLD and paste it in the twitter bbcode, however now you can simply press the twitter button and paste the whole URL in as shown below.

    HTML Code:
    More button changes!
    Our wonderful @lawrawrrr; has re-designed almost every single button on our newer skins to be more modern, which makes the editor truly stand out!

    The "Insert Video" button has been replaced with a YouTube Play button - We feel that everyone only really uses YouTube to share videos so it's more fitting, however it's functionality has not changed, you can still add videos from places such as Hulu, Google, Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion & Metacafe.

    We've also updated the Instagram, Spotify and Soundcloud buttons as the previous ones were super out-dated and looked very bland.
    Alongside this, we've updated the Mention button, which now looks like this:

    However for those of you that are unaware, you can simply type @ followed by a username and then end it with a semi-colon ; to automatically mention someone in a post.

    Many of the other icons have just been updated to be simpler and more modern.

    The Web Markets and it's subsection Web Hosts have been retired from the forum due to inactivity
    You can still show off your website here, however creating threads to advertise website hosting is now no longer.

    We've introduced #hashtags , much like #twitter , you can now hashtag within posts which will create a clickable link that will take you to every post which also has that hashtag. You can also choose to subscribe to certain hashtags, which you can do either from your UserCP here or directly from the page when you've clicked on a hashtag.


    Remember that if you have any suggestions or feedback, please don't hesitate to create a thread and let us know here

    Last edited by Triz; 30-04-2020 at 10:05 AM.

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

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