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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

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    Default Site updates - new homepage, guides, widgets, goodies and LOADS MORE!

    Hello all my beautiful Habbos!

    During last night's birthday bonanza bash, we officially launched our new website homepage!

    Previously, our homepage has only displayed latest articles - but now we're highlighting all areas of the website - from rares to goodies, the wiki and our fantastic guides!

    .... but that's not all we've been working on recently, and I thought it was time to finally put together a list of all of the updates and changes that have been made to the site - some of which you will have noticed, and some you may not. These changes are all the things that have been changed since March-ish time... when lockdown started. Habbox lockdown updates!

    This probably isn't a totally exhaustive list, but I've been trying to keep a track of *most* things that have been edited. We have more updates coming soon as well, so keep your eyes peeled.

    Thank yous!

    Before I get on with the actual update list I would like to take a moment to thank @scottish; for his amazing work in getting the difficult stuff fixed and for teaching me a LOT which has enabled most of the updates below.

    Also, a massive thank you to the following people: @FlyingJesus; and @Ozad; of course for helping with early drafts and tests of the edits, to FJ and @Ekelektra; for their work updating the guides into our new templates so quickly, to @tbl; for quickly sorting out the new question of the month with about 20 minutes before we launched, to all of the department managers (I won't tag you all!!) for testing the new homepage and suggesting edits and changes.

    Onto the list then...

    On the main site...

    General updates

    • Moved to a new server
    • New radio server and the radio now plays on the main site again without a popup!
    • Cleaned out lots of unused files and folders
    • New tab icon (hi habBOX!)



    • New widgets on the right-hand side: Upcoming DJs, latest furni & clothing
    • New clean design for Twitter widget


    • One featured article and then smaller articles underneath
    • New 'likes' button and read more
    • Latest updated Rare Values - so you can see what's being edited!
    • Spotlights for our 'goodies' - the wiki and pixel art showcase currently!
    • Guides - four random guides will appear here


    • New Staff of the Month boxes in the footer
    • Question of the Month in footer

    New footer


    For staff...

    • New menu structure for the HabboxLive panel
    • New Jingles & Downloads page for HxL staff
    • Staff menus are finally fixed
    • New uploader
    • Finally actually fixed the Admin panel so we can actually use it now!
    • Helpful links on staff homepage
    • Many strange styling bits and pieces have been fixed around the staff panel
    • New log for Rare Values updates
    • New section for guides with easy layout and user group

    On the wiki...

    • Improved login security and spam protection
    • Improved SEO and featured images
    • New homepage banner
    • New tab icon (hi Frank!)

    On the forum...
    • Don't think we've ignored the forum - but Sectional has already announced them, here, here, here and here!
    Last edited by Triz; 04-07-2020 at 10:38 AM.

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