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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Leeds, England UK

    Latest Awards:


    I don't really like to "rank" my friends, so I wouldn't say i've got a best friend, but here are a fair few of my main ones.

    I have an irl friend called Sasher who is Justin's (my partner's) sister and i've known her since we were infants. We don't talk as much anymore but when we do it's as if we've never been apart.
    I also have an irl friend called Janneane whom I met through Sasher. She, Janneane and I used to play games a lot and now neither of them talk to each other but Janneane and I are still close.
    I am obviously close with @lucyecc; as we are Habbo married, live close together, have the same name AND the same birthday. I love her a whole lot and can't wait to meet in person.
    I am also pretty close to @jamiexo;. She and our mutual friends tend to talk every day so the lot of us are like a family now. I feel like somewhat of an older sister to her.

    There's loads more from our friends group but I could be here for a while, so i'll just leave it at that.
    I love you all my Beenos! (You know who you are!)

    Actually y'know what, if we're talking most supportive friend, then I think i'd have to say @Jarkie;
    He's always been here for me and helped me out a significant deal when i've been in a bind.
    He's the most supportive friend i've ever had, and the most generous person i've ever known
    Last edited by tbl; 07-06-2021 at 11:52 AM.


    Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
    Be kind, always!

    Love jamiexo Loved

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    United Kingdom

    Latest Awards:


    my best friend is my best friend by default.. as is my only friend

    There's another shooting today, and this one was bad
    I'm glad that we all hope and pray, but it takes more than that
    We've been trying, we've been crying
    Hoping that they will do more than keep lying
    I need to believe that people can change
    Or else this life has all been in vain
    What's the point of fighting if we're fighting for a lie?

    I'm not senDing sublimInal messagEs to rule breakers

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