Sad to see you go @Samantha; thank you for putting up with my relentless asking for icons and VIP to be sorted!! Good luck for the future
Sad to see you go @Samantha; thank you for putting up with my relentless asking for icons and VIP to be sorted!! Good luck for the future
Guest HabboxLive DJ & Guest Event Host & HabboxWiki Staff & Competitions Staff
Previously one of the longest running HabboxLive Senior DJ, Ex Event Host, Ex Competition Staff, Ex Article Writer, Ex Help Desk Staff
See something on the Wiki that needs updating? Feel free to PM me info and I'll get it sorted.
Thank you .
I thought the title was "baby" in a Birmingham/black country accent (pronounced bab-ee) lool.
Good luck in the future!
"If you don't put me in here now, I'm offended" - Connor (Ozad) 16:34 10/05/2020
Supporting the best club in the Midlands, Aston Villa
Conor Laughed