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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    You can never stick to the actual topic and instead just say the other person cannot debate. That's not a debate Tom.
    You're right (it had to happen some time!) that isn't debate. You cannot debate with someone like you who constantly moves the goalposts and invents straw men

    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Why don't you try replying to what I asked (without parroting meaningless phrases from Stonewall) which is what exactly are you proposing to teach our children in school when it comes to LGBTXYZ+.
    Several reasons. I am not a curriculum planner, I am not a professor in these subjects, I am not a government minister, and most importantly I never actually said I had such a plan - I just pointed out one inaccuracy in your ramblings which you entirely ignored in favour of making up things I hadn't said. Again, moving the goalposts and inventing straw men.

    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I want teachers to teach their actual subject
    Good then let the humanities and social studies tutors do their job like they want to
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  2. #22
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    Still not been able to outline what it is you'd actually like to teach the nation's children.

    It's a really simple thing I asked you to do given you've spent 2 pages arguing for it, so why can't you do it?

  3. #23
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    No Dan, I have not spent 2 pages arguing anything of the sort. Stop lying, stop misrepresenting me, stop making up things that have not been said at all, stop being an all round terrible and frustrating person to have around here. What I have said, as I literally explained to you before (because you can't seem to read what's put in front of you), is that you'd be wrong to suggest that it's a scientific inaccuracy to say that gender and sex are the same thing. But sure, "still not able" to do something I never attempted and never said I would AND EVEN EXPLAINED WHY IN THE LAST POST. Interesting that you as a supposed educator think that creating an entire syllabus is "really simple" and should be a requirement for anyone who thinks that a rounded education is useful.

    Have you even read the last 2 pages? It's just me making the statement above and then you completely failing to respond to those words in favour of inventing things that were never said and trying to make demands of me that aren't even based on my responses.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    You can never stick to the actual topic and instead just say the other person cannot debate. That's not a debate Tom. Why don't you try replying to what I asked (without parroting meaningless phrases from Stonewall) which is what exactly are you proposing to teach our children in school when it comes to LGBTXYZ+.

    I want teachers to teach their actual subject and not indoctrinate children with lunatic fringe ideas.

    You know, in my classes we actually discussed this subject from time to time and because the students knew I wasn't politically correct and wouldn't go running off to the Headmistress if they dared say something politically incorrect, they actually told me what they thought because they had my trust and confidence to the extent they would be pretty open about what they really thought. And all of them laughed at and mocked the idea of 100+ pronouns.

    Let me ask you a question back. If a student said to you that the concept of pronouns was complete garbage, would you report/punish them?
    As a teacher I have a responsibility to not only teach my subject, but to also teach relationship and sex education, so these topics are inevitably going to come up and I have a duty to not ignore these topics.

    At no point have I said I agree with 100+ pronouns either - but I certainly believe that there are not just 2 gender identities.

    No - I wouldn't report or punish the student if they said they didn't agree with the concept of pronouns - however if a student was purposefully misgendering somebody - I would correct them and would give them an explanation of why if necessary. Although in my experience students are happy to use preferred pronouns - it's other adults that have more of a problem with it.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    No Dan, I have not spent 2 pages arguing anything of the sort. Stop lying, stop misrepresenting me, stop making up things that have not been said at all, stop being an all round terrible and frustrating person to have around here. What I have said, as I literally explained to you before (because you can't seem to read what's put in front of you), is that you'd be wrong to suggest that it's a scientific inaccuracy to say that gender and sex are the same thing. But sure, "still not able" to do something I never attempted and never said I would AND EVEN EXPLAINED WHY IN THE LAST POST. Interesting that you as a supposed educator think that creating an entire syllabus is "really simple" and should be a requirement for anyone who thinks that a rounded education is useful.

    Have you even read the last 2 pages? It's just me making the statement above and then you completely failing to respond to those words in favour of inventing things that were never said and trying to make demands of me that aren't even based on my responses.
    You're always so predictable in that you just reply that you don't like how I debate when it's you refusing to debate. I'm not interested whether you like how I debate or not, what I am interested in is your views on this topic in what *exactly* it is that you want to teach Britain's children when it comes to gender ideology.

    If you can't answer that basic question then don't bother replying again because I really don't care whether you think I'm terrible or not. It's pretty low that you're now making character judgements about me on the basis that you don't want/cannot answer a simple question. Going personal is a reflection on you, not me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kardan View Post
    As a teacher I have a responsibility to not only teach my subject, but to also teach relationship and sex education, so these topics are inevitably going to come up and I have a duty to not ignore these topics.

    At no point have I said I agree with 100+ pronouns either - but I certainly believe that there are not just 2 gender identities.

    No - I wouldn't report or punish the student if they said they didn't agree with the concept of pronouns - however if a student was purposefully misgendering somebody - I would correct them and would give them an explanation of why if necessary. Although in my experience students are happy to use preferred pronouns - it's other adults that have more of a problem with it.
    But it isn't your job to police what gender pronouns people choose to use. Most people believe there are only two genders as do I - by you trying to force students to use invented genders, you are violating the free speech and normal widely-held beliefs of a student. If a student decides to call another boy a boy (he/him), it is not your place or I to tell that student to use words which his own eyes and basic biology tell him are the case. A student is free to call themselves what they want, but they are *not* free to order everybody else to use these ridiculous words and ideology.

    What's your explanation, "feelings"? I preferred my teachers to teach facts related to their subject - not whether Johnny was they/them or he/him. I can tell Johnny is he/him by the fact he's a boy with a boys name, a boys face and a boy's voice - teach me how the Kaiser lost World War I at the Somme, not the bleeding obvious.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 26-07-2021 at 12:56 AM.

  6. #26
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    Thing is Dan it doesn't matter what YOU want me to say, you're again ignoring everything I've actually said anyway. I haven't answered your question for a multitude of reasons that I've already laid out twice now, but again you ignore everything that HAS been said in favour of moving the goalposts and demanding something else - something I'd not only never raised, but never even come close to discussing. So sadly yes it is predictable, because every single time you completely fail to address the posts you quote.

    Kindly don't tell me when I can post on my own site, you've already tried dictating what I'm allowed to say or not say and it's really not cute.
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