+repped and thanks for letting me use mine
They nice dont like your avatar though joe
Woot I found out how to make them in photoshop
I am thinking about continuing that habbox runescape banner that me and joe didn't complete with my new mini guys.
Last edited by Ekalb; 27-11-2006 at 10:51 AM.
Yea i got it :] still idk i should be happy.. But after i signed papers.... It was parked in enterence way and i didnt know if he cared if i went out it or went out the exit... So i reveresed it a little bit and "BUMPED" the front of a mustang... Neither car had damage it was accident :rolleyes: but idk i still just feel really odd about hitting it idk i like it but idk omg idk.....
Pm me if you can do alts
It ends in a place, with no love, only hate.
And a mirror reflecting the truth.
Sure you can use the userbar in your sig.
Its 352 wide and the limit is 700 and its merely 21 pixels high.
And to noobfighter:
I can do alts and I would have preffered if you aske dbefore you used my ancients emote.
Yea i got it :] still idk i should be happy.. But after i signed papers.... It was parked in enterence way and i didnt know if he cared if i went out it or went out the exit... So i reveresed it a little bit and "BUMPED" the front of a mustang... Neither car had damage it was accident :rolleyes: but idk i still just feel really odd about hitting it idk i like it but idk omg idk.....
I like the userbar.
Tha ancients emote thing is cool you made!
Well i'll send you some later if thats ok? and i was this on my friends picture so i took it :S im sorry i didn't know it was yours im really sorry
It ends in a place, with no love, only hate.
And a mirror reflecting the truth.
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