spurs jersey + shorts
spurs jersey + shorts
Last edited by Richie; 11-03-2015 at 02:42 AM.
penguin pj top
robin pj bottoms
Always have courage and be kind
Black t-shirt & black jeans
Sweater and leggings
I'm not perfect but I'll keep trying.
Again pjs but snowflake ones lol
Last edited by Kellie; 12-03-2015 at 12:49 AM.
Ducks Jersey and shorts
We part, only to meet again. 12/11/04
Pjs hehe
I'm not perfect but I'll keep trying.
A top with a collar, unsure what else to call it and skinny jeans
plaid shirt and skinny jeans
We part, only to meet again. 12/11/04
my favourite skinny jeans and a lilo and stitch t-shirt
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